"It makes sense. It's really rare to see a simulacrum that can fit together."


Ardi's new form amazed many people, and they all exclaimed that the scientists who made him behind the scenes were the top existences in the world.

"see that?!"

Ainista excitedly opened her teeth and danced her claws, raised her head proudly, raised her chest, and shouted with a small fist: "Aldi, give me a good beating..."

"Boom boom boom!"

Before Aenesta's voice could fall, a black shadow was forcibly kicked and flew out.


His body slammed heavily on the barrier, and a large number of cracks appeared, disorganized like a spider web.

Perhaps with a little more strength, those enchantments can be broken in seconds.

"Damn, is it too strong?!"

Many viewers took a deep breath and looked at the figure underground with a look of surprise.

Isn't that the big guy who lay down is Ardi?How come he who just evolved was killed again with one kick? !

"It's boring."

Seeing this, Wuchen lost his mind, and walked towards Aldi step by step, "If it's only this level, then this farce will end here."

"Aldi, use that, I allow it!" Anesda's eager voice came from the outside world, which seemed to be the best trump card.


Hearing this, Wuchen became interested, and when he looked at Aldi, the kid miraculously stood up again and raised the jet-black hammer.

"Clap 1 crack 1 crack..."

Suddenly, a burst of silver light swept across the dark hammer, and the crackling resounded non-stop.

"What a powerful force..."

Wuchen frowned, looking at the giant hammer on top of his head, which had turned silver-white, and his body was flooded with terrifying lightning, filled with a suffocating sense of oppression.

"Bang bang bang..."

The raging thunder was obviously not easy to control. It continued to spread, piercing the surrounding ground, and black smoke rose from Aldi's body. It was not caused by the dust-free attack, but this move exceeded Aldi's ability. The limit of the load, under forced use, his body malfunctioned.

"Boy, do you want to die together?" Wuchen asked indifferently.

Aldi itself is a pure star-like weapon driven by the all-response crystal, but after combining with Limshi, she also obtained her all-response crystal, and an extra all-response crystal led to a great increase in Aldi's strength. , but this explosive boost has huge side effects.

Looking closely, Aldi was smoking all over his body at the moment, and piercing alarms sounded in some parts, which was close to the limit, but he ignored them all.

"You're dying, so I'll take a little more seriously, it's a respect for you." Looking at the giant thunder hammer suspended above his head, Wuchen pursed his lips indifferently, and then said: "The Ninety Black Coffins of Breaking the Way. !"


At the same time, the giant hammer in Ardi's hand slammed down suddenly, and everyone who saw the domineering thunderbolt hammer was terrified.


At the moment of hitting Wuchen, the entire arena trembled slightly, especially the ground that Wuchen stepped on, and it all shattered immediately. & #160;

"Camilla, hurry up and slap me, I must be dreaming!"

Ainiesta stood up in a panic, the rare flowers turned pale, and looked at the center of the arena, under the terrifying thunder hammer, was a thin white index finger.

"A single finger caught Aldi's full blow?!"

Seeing this bizarre scene, many people have grown their mouths.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 59 Hot Hands Destroying Flowers [Chapter Three]

"How can that powerful force resist, or with one finger, do we all live in the world of talking?"

All the audience were filled with doubts, looking at Wuchen's immature body, not tall, nor strong, but under such a seemingly ordinary body, there was an absolute hiddenness. strength.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

There were several demonic neighs from the sky, and Aldi looked up, and suddenly there were several black curved blades.


The black edge penetrated through Ardi's body, tearing it into eight pieces effortlessly. The limbs of the body, as well as the metal wings behind it, were all chopped neatly and neatly.


The fragments of Aldi's body fell to the ground, and his giant arm weighed as heavy as a thousand catties, smashing the ground out of a deep pit.

"How did the heavy armor get shredded, is that guy human!?"

The audience was stunned. Looking at the debris that fell to the ground, Aldi's heavy armor was as thick as an arm, but it was still shredded by the "black coffin". Many people were shocked and doubted their lives.

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