With a hint of admiration in Aldi's tone, he stood up a little, only to fall down with a "bang".

"It was..."

Seeing this, Ainista and Camila's expressions became serious. Looking at the computer screen in front of them, they had already checked that Ardi's body had been seriously injured.

"What kind of monster is this guy, he almost ruined Aldi with one kick." Aenesta had a black line on her face, looked at Wuchen, and cursed a dead monster.

"It's really weird."

Camilla nodded in agreement. Before, the other players couldn't even break through the barrier of Aldi, but now Wuchen almost ruined him with one kick... This difference is too big.

"Hurry up and take it out. It's really good."

Wuchen looked up at Ardi, and said in a meaningful way: "Those two women have collected a lot of battle data about me. I guess all of them are integrated into your body, right?"

"Don't forget me."

Limshi's muzzle on the side was aimed at Wuchen, and he pressed the trigger decisively, and a high-density energy ball suddenly came over.

"Don't look at me either!"

With a flick of Julis's brilliant weapon, the space behind her cracked open, and several hot and hot fireballs emerged.

"Boom boom boom..."

The moment the two came into contact, the tricks of both sides were blown to dust, and strong fluctuations swept the audience, and Limushi and Julis both went backwards.

"Damn, when did this Julis become so strong?"

Limushi's face was gloomy and uncertain, she backed several meters, and Julis only took a small step back.

Looking at Aldi, it was also brutally suppressed.

"You can also see the gap between each other, not only you, but even your teammates are vulnerable." Wuchen said indifferently: "If you don't show some real skills, I will send you out."

"Hey... My generation is as you wish." Aldi stood up again, and his big mechanical mouth opened suddenly.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

The fierce sea of ​​fire rolled over the sky and covered the earth. The temperature of the flame was amazing, and it even showed a golden luster, and the ground was instantly melted into a liquid.

Seeing this, a ripple flashed in Wuchen's eyes, except that there was no need for a seal, this was too similar to another of his tricks - Huo Dunhao and Huo Extinguishing.

"I remember using this trick before, I guess it was imitated by that woman."

Looking at the oncoming sea of ​​fire, Wuchen felt that the profession of a scientist was abominable for the first time, and used his own tricks to deal with him.

The only difference is that the arrogant fire was extinguished, Wuchen was activated by Chakra, and the flame used by Aldi should be activated by the power of stars.

"But it's still not enough."

The sneer in Wuchen's eyes disappeared in a flash, and under everyone's attention, it moved for the first time.

Chapter 57 Adds Earth Life [First Update]

"Boom boom boom..."

The golden high-density flame spewed out, exaggerated like a tsunami. Under the gaze of countless people, dustless annihilation and the sea of ​​fire.

"Won't you get killed?"

Shasha Palace Saye and the others in the stands showed nervousness, and their eyes hardly ever took their eyes off of Wuchen.

"No, that guy is definitely stronger than you think." Claudia gently rubbed Katoto Kirin's head with a calm expression.

After absorbing the dust-free blood, Claudia also had a one-sided understanding of his strength.

"Damn referee, why hasn't the decision been announced yet?!" Aniesta looked at the commentator dissatisfied, simply thinking that Wuchen had been killed.

Looking around, wherever the golden flames go, everything melts, and the carefully crafted floor melts into liquid, not to mention the mere human body.

"Don't worry, Ainesta, that guy may be a lot more tricky than we thought."

Camilla's eyes were filled with caution, and she didn't dare to be careless. "The referee didn't announce the victory or defeat. There are only two possibilities. That guy hasn't lost consciousness, or his badge hasn't been broken."

"Boom boom boom..."

The scene that happened next seemed to verify what Camilla had said. In the golden sea of ​​fire, an ominous black flame suddenly swept across.

This black fire is as exaggerated as it comes from the depths of the underworld. It devours everything, even flames. I saw those black fires spread rapidly and spread wildly around, and the range of golden flames suddenly compressed rapidly.

The raging flames that ravaged the audience before disappeared in a blink of an eye, and were replaced by a more evil black fire.

"What kind of flame is that?!"

"It's so strong, it's the first time I can see the black fire that devours other flames."

"This dust-free, really strong."


The audience was chatting and talking, and some people were even more excited than Wuchen himself.

"Boom boom boom..."

Amaterasu was still spreading unrestrictedly, and in the blink of an eye, the golden flames disappeared without a trace.

The whole place was occupied by the strange black fire, including the black fire raging around Aldi.

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