And Claudia, like a cat, was lying quietly in Wuchen's arms, with a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth.

Claudia is different from Julis. To put it bluntly, the latter only needs the power of dust-free, so Julis is willing to drink dust-free blood. Claudia does this just to deepen her relationship with herself. Bonds are fundamentally different.

"Strange, it's so hot..."

The dust-free blood is rich in powerful power, and Claudia soon realized that something was wrong and tore her clothes unconsciously. It didn't take long before a perfect carcass appeared in front of her.


Seeing this, Wuchen's throat suddenly choked up, and his eyes were red. Anyway, they were old couples. He was not polite, and immediately threw Claudia on the sofa. .


In the early morning of the next day, the Xingwu Festival competition was about to come to an end, and there were only three groups of players left.

Wuchen and Julis, as well as the simulacrums of the Alcant Research Institute - Aldi and Limshi, and finally the "Lone Poison Witch" Ophelia and her teammates from the Black College of Leiwolf.

At this moment on the field of competition, many people are looking forward to it, because this will be one of the most high-profile decisive battles of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival".

"Yo, my original version!"

On the field of play, the simulacrum Aldi looked at Wuchen and greeted him. Although he was just a mere machine, his voice was full of human joy. Just like what Camilla said, Aldi already possessed the ability to learn as a human being. , such as the most basic emotions of joy, anger and sorrow.

This is no longer a simple robot. No wonder that Camilla is worried that Aldi will run wild and be out of control. As far as a machine is concerned, Aldi is very perfect.

Wuchen also stared at Aldi, looking at his huge body, covered with jet-black metallic luster. After a series of battles, Aldi accumulated a lot of scars all over his body, but this did not affect his performance.

On the contrary, with the gradual increase in the number of battles, the combat experience accumulated by Aldi also increased sharply, and his strength increased at an almost explosive speed.

"It's a pity, your journey will end here." Wuchen looked at Aldi with cold eyes, he couldn't allow his impostor to appear.

What's more, in the previous game, Aldi and Limsi made Kato Kirin and Sasha Gong Saya suffer a lot, and with their clean personality, they naturally asked each other to return it a hundredfold.

Therefore, there is only one fate waiting for Ardi and Limshi, and they are ruthlessly destroyed!

Chapter 56 Brutally Beaten [Fifth More]

"The game starts, smash the opponent's school badge, or make the opponent lose consciousness to win!" As the commentator's voice fell, everyone was as excited as chicken blood.

"Come on, come on!"

"Why are you in a daze, this uncle is watching you fight, not your face-to-face chat!"

"That's right, hurry up and start the fight!"


Before Wuchen and the others fought, the audience under the stage couldn't help it and urged them loudly.

"So, I hate this kind of situation the most."

Seeing this, Wuchen sighed in annoyance, and was too lazy to have the same knowledge as this group of idiots. He provoked Aldi, "Let's go."

"No no no no……"

Unexpectedly, Ardi shook his head like a rattle, he twitched his fingers at Wuchen, and provocatively said with the same gunpowder flavor: "You are the original version of our generation, I have to let you do it, from now on, I will not for a minute. Move, you can just let the horse attack."


Hearing this, Julis couldn't help laughing out loud. She glanced at Wuchen next to her, and her face turned black, not very good-looking.

If the dignified and genuine card is despised by a fake, everyone will be angry.

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

A cold light flashed in Wuchen's eyes, and a large number of photons floated from his body, and then burst out like a ray of light.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In the blink of an eye, Wuchen disappeared from everyone's sight, and his speed was too fast.

The speed of light simply cannot be captured by the human eye.

"Boom boom boom."

The violent tremor came from the left side, and Aldi looked up subconsciously. The defensive barrier opened on the left side was full of cracks, and a big flashing foot landed on it, smashing it all to pieces.

"Don't get too complacent!" Wuchen looked down at Aldi coldly, and sneered: "It's just a fake."

"Stinky boy, underestimate my masterpiece, Aldi, quickly blow him up for me." Ainiesta ordered gloomily, and she was also horrified by the power of Wuchen's kick.

Aldi's defensive barrier is as fragile as paper.

Aldi looked at the timing instrument, his huge body trembled suddenly, and his sharp voice was incredible, "0.05 seconds!?"

Seeing this bizarre statistic, Aldi felt that his head was going to be short-circuited. He had already blown it out before, giving Wuchen a minute, but now he broke his defense in 0.05 seconds...

"You know, don't brag in the future, especially if you're still a robot!" Wuchen sneered, then his right foot flashed again and kicked out, "Light speed kick!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Ardi was kicked out immediately, smashing the ground into a deep pit, Wuchen's right foot seemed to have a temperature of tens of millions of degrees, and a huge footprint was branded on his metal body.

"No wonder you're so arrogant, it's really tricky for other people." Wuchen couldn't help but sighed in admiration. This foot fell on other people, and his head might explode on the spot.

As for Aldi, his head was just melted, but it didn't have much effect on him as a machine, as long as the data was not destroyed.

"As expected of my original version."

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