"Drink my blood." Wuchen said lightly: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Julis. Of course, the side effects are quite big. You will forever become a vampire and become my servant."

"Will be a vampire!?"

Sylvia thought of the legend about vampires, immediately distanced herself from Wuchen, and asked with full of alertness: "Are you a vampire?"

"Yes, I am indeed a vampire of the true ancestor level, but the suppression is very good, and I don't need to suck blood." Wuchen admitted frankly, and continued: "You have seen the strength of Julis, right? It's because The reason she drank my blood, of course she also became a vampire."

"No wonder... If I tell those guys that I have learned all the secrets about you, it is estimated that they will rush over, and no one can resist the desire to become stronger."

Sylvia's eyes lit up, and she seemed to be really tempted, but at this time, Julis ran over and suddenly said something in her ear, Sylvia's face immediately turned red, and she looked at Wuchen with great sorrow, It obviously means that you almost got scammed.

"What are you fooling around?!" With a wide eyed, Wuchen looked at Julis with extreme dissatisfaction, doing her best to harm her.

"I'm just telling the truth. By the way, I told Sylvia the secret that your blood is equal to aphrodisiac." Julis said calmly.

"I'm cleaning you up when I go to bed tonight." He glanced at Julis viciously, and when Wuchen looked at Sylvia, the little girl's film was already far away from her.

"What are you thinking?" Knowing that the plan fell through, Wuchen sighed and said flatly: "Don't worry, I won't force you if you don't want to, just tell you that we have a common enemy."

"Let's go."

After speaking, Wuchen stood up and left, followed by Claudia and others.

Staring at the dust-free back, Sylvia was also a little overwhelmed, full of daze about the future, and it seemed impossible to expect her to help her master. Her strength was limited by herself, but the other party was an organization.


Back at the venue of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival", Wuchen immediately went back to sleep, and he also fulfilled his promise, tossing Julis hard at night, this chick trembled when she walked the next day ...

In today's game, Wuchen got a very exciting news, by Tian Wuyao and her temporary teammates VS Aldi and Limshi.

Because Wuchen slept until the afternoon, naturally he also missed the game. After learning the result of the game, Wuchen couldn't help but be surprised.

"That Tianwu Yaoyao defeated!?"

Wuchen looked at Claudia in surprise, but did not expect that Ardi and Limshi would win.

"That Aldi did a good job, as expected of imitating me to build it." Immediately afterwards, Wuchen laughed proudly.

"You're still laughing, at this rate, he might be able to win the final championship." Claudia glared at Wuchen.

"Impossible, I will personally crush him in the next game, but Tian Wuyao is a pity, he said before that he wanted to fight with me, but he has already lost, and it's still like [Phoenix Star Martial Festival]. The place, the fame of my life is ruined."

Wuchen couldn't stop sighing, Tian Wuyao was an extremely powerful being, but who would have thought of losing on such a small stage as the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival".

"By the way, where did that woman go?" Wuchen then asked.

"I don't know. After the defeat, Tian Wuyao disappeared, and I don't know where it went." Claudia shook her head, she didn't know either.

"It doesn't matter, because of Tianwu Lingdou's mess, that woman will come to the door sooner or later, so you don't need to worry... Instead, it's that Ainista and Camilla that make people look up to each other, my copy is not amazing. Like words." Wuchen couldn't help giving a thumbs up, the two of them did a good job.

However, Claudia always felt that Wuchen was indirectly complimenting himself.

Chapter 55 The Battle Begins [Fourth More]

"But it's also a good thing to lose a strong opponent at last." Claudia smiled brightly, because of Tianwu Lingdou, Tianwuyao hated them very much.

"Speaking of what happened to the [Lonely Poison Witch] recently." Wuchen suddenly thought of Ophelia who had a relationship.


The smile on Claudia's face faded in an instant, enough to see her deterrent power, she said solemnly: "Strong, very strong, outrageously strong... Ophelia Randoluffen is almost invincible, and the contestant she encountered I didn't even have the courage to compete, so I just abstained."

"It's really a bunch of useless waste, even if it's not as good as others, you can't lose your ambition." Wuchen opened his mouth and complained, full of contempt.

However, there is one thing that cannot be denied. Ophelia's strength is indeed the pinnacle of existence in this world, and it is normal for others to be afraid.

"I don't know who I will meet in tomorrow's game, those two simulants or Ophelia..." Wuchen's face showed a faint smile, looking forward to it.

Whether it is that Ardi or Ophelia, they are all opponents worth looking forward to. Their strength is dozens of times stronger than ordinary powerhouses, and they are more interesting opponents.

"Speaking of which, have you thought about it, do you really want to give your blood to Sylvia?" Claudia's beautiful eyes showed a hint of caution, and said solemnly: "I never imagined that your blood is so magical... If that woman betrays us, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Speaking of which, Claudia's eyes were extremely resentful. She was the first to have a relationship with Wuchen, but Julis knew the role of Wuchen's blood before her.

"Cough cough..."

Wuchen hurriedly coughed awkwardly, stroked Claudia's golden hair, and said slowly: "Juris's strength is not enough, if you want to defeat Ophelia, it's still too far, so She took the shortcut, drank my blood and turned into a vampire."

"That's right... If I had an enemy like Ophelia, I might have chosen the same path as Julis." Claudia nodded lightly, then changed the conversation and said, "But don't think so, just Can you make up for your fault? How are you going to make up for me?"

"Let me think..."

Wuchen lowered his head and his eyes slowly turned. If he didn't give this little girl a little compensation, he might really be turned upside down.

"It's better than this, I..."

Wuchen's voice stopped abruptly, and suddenly felt a pain in his neck, Claudia was lying on his neck, a pair of white teeth pierced into Wuchen's skin, greedily swallowing his blood.


Wuchen couldn't help being stunned, and in order to stop it, his lips twitched, "You know what this means, right?"

"Of course, I'm no worse than Julis, and I can do what she can do!" Claudia wiped the corners of her mouth, there were still blood stains on her gums, and her angelic face had a beautiful smile. .

"It's up to you..."

Seeing this, Wuchen gently rubbed Claudia's back, like stroking a baby, with gentle movements.

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