When Wuchen was considering whether to help or not, Julis suddenly closed her eyes.

"Hehe... Are you desperate? Don't think it's over, I'll make you look good now!" Li Chenhua was getting closer and closer to Julis, and others might not be able to find it, but Wuchen saw the girl's cold-blooded smile.

Not only did she want to defeat Julis, but she also wanted to completely destroy her, and her heart was extremely vicious.


Li Chenhua's two small hands took out a lot of explosive charms at the same time. Just when she was about to go out, Julis turned her head suddenly, and a trace of contempt swept across her mouth, "I've been waiting for this time."

"Boom boom boom!"

A fireball bloomed behind Julis and rolled towards Li Chenhua. Paper was originally flammable, and it was too close to the fireball, causing a series of explosions on the spot.

"Bang bang bang..."

All the explosive talismans held by Li Chenhua exploded. She was like a kite with a broken string, and was blown away by her own explosive talisman. With the smoke, even the hair was burnt clean.

"This stinky woman."

Li Chenhua clenched his fists angrily, his internal organs were trembling slightly, and said angrily: "Could this stinky woman have found me long ago, just waiting for me to approach?"

"Could it be... No, it shouldn't be that ability." Wuchen couldn't help looking at Julis in surprise, and suddenly remembered a special ability.

"I want to die with you!"

Li Chenhua's eyes were replaced by madness, and countless sheets of paper flew out of her body, as exaggerated as a paper factory, and a large number of explosive symbols with the words "hurried as a law" flew up constantly.

"Fucking Taoist priest, how can there be a Taoist priest who puts a detonating talisman? It's clearly a ninja!" Wuchen rolled his eyes, so many detonating talismans landed, I'm afraid Julis won't get the slightest benefit.

However, the girl's next change made Wuchen stunned, only to see Julis's skin turned black, beating with a metallic luster like steel.

"Fuck, what a joke, how could she get this ability?!" Wuchen's rare eyes widened, looking like he was going to hell.

Isn't this armed arrogance?And the way Julis searched for Li Chenhua just now seemed to be domineering.

"It's incredible. Domineering is something that can only be cultivated through self-training. This little girl drank my blood and got this ability... It seems that I don't need to do it, the outcome is already divided." Wuchen simply He stood still, choosing to watch from the sidelines.

Armed domineering can enhance one's own defense, and his strength will also be improved in dimension. Even if Julis has just acquired this ability, since she can use it, she can definitely defend against the explosion of these detonating charms.

"Boom boom boom!"

Thousands of detonating talismans exploded at the same time, especially around Julis, and the density of detonating talismans was even more astonishing.

"Tick tock..."

At the same time, a large amount of water stains suddenly appeared on the ground, and gradually spread to the surroundings. Looking closely, the surrounding floors had been burned into liquid, which was enough to see how terrifying the flames were.

"Hahaha...you should be finished now, right?"

Li Chenhua laughed wildly like a madman, grinned at Wuchen, and hummed proudly: "Anyway, I have brought a burial person, this kind of attack will definitely kill her, even if it is Ophelia, that woman, who suffers several times at the same time. Thousands of detonating talismans cannot be attacked unscathed, just wait and collect her corpse."

"You take yourself too seriously."

Wuchen glanced at Li Chenhua expressionlessly, and then said lightly: "Also, even if she really dies, I will use your brother and sister's heads to pay homage to Julis."

Chapter 45 Addicted [fourth more]

"Just to this extent?"

In the raging sea of ​​fire, the girl's crisp and tender drink was heard, like rolling thunder, and Li Chenhua's mind was dizzy after hearing the words.

"Are you all human?"

Li Chenhua's body was shivering. Following her line of sight, the pink-haired girl slowly walked out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

Julis swept out slowly, her steps were elegant and noble, and her demeanor was full of calmness. The flame was burning beside her feet. The girl stepped on it with one foot. Even though the flame was burning on her ankle, Julis didn't even blink her brows.

"Sure enough, it's armed and domineering."

Wuchen sighed and looked intently, the girl's skin was pitch black, ignoring the flames at all, exuding a luster like steel.

For Julis at the moment, there is no feeling of any attack.

"I, I admit defeat!"

Li Chenhua had an idea and glanced at the miserable Li Chenyun, who was still lying still, if he continued to fight, he would probably end up in that miserable end.

"Hmph, do you think it's okay to admit defeat?"

Wuchen sneered in his heart, these vicious brothers and sisters have murderous intentions, can one admit defeat to save everything?

There is nothing so cheap in the world.

"Just lie down on the hospital bed for the rest of your life." The dust-free and deep black eyes have disappeared, replaced by the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye in the state of a five-pointed star.

His eyes locked on Li Chenhua's eyes, and the corner of Wuchen's mouth said softly, "Yue Du!"


Li Chenhua only felt a majestic spiritual force invade his mind, his face was as pale as snow for a moment, then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then he fell to the ground with a "bang".

"Seventh Dragon Academy player Li Chenhua lost the elimination!" The commentator's voice resounded in everyone's ears.


The other schools are silently watching Wuchen and Julis, a Wuchen is strong enough to defy the sky, and now there is an unfathomable Julis, who seems to be immune to physical attacks, which is very tricky.


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