"Boom boom boom..."

But this didn't work at all. The momentum of this sea of ​​fire was too great, and it was continuous. Even though the first wave was blown up in pieces, the second wave of even more extensive sea of ​​fire rolled towards Li Chenyun.

"Damn it!"

Those avatars were pushed to a desperate situation, their eye sockets were splitting. Although the scope of the competition field was not small, the key problem was that the sea of ​​​​fire was too large, which forced them all to a dead end.

"Boom boom boom..."

The flames swept out, unstoppable, the ground was scorched black, and the clones vanished into nothingness.

"You're the only one left, kid." Wuchen Yuguang turned to Li Chenyun, who was the only one left behind, "No matter how many avatars you have or how many explosive charms you have, it's all one. Fire thing."


Immediately afterwards, Wuchen raised his right foot, the light beam wrapped around it, and aimed at Li Chenyun's location and blasted out, "Kick at the speed of light!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The light beam landed on Li Chenyun's place, and it exploded like a time bomb. The tumbling flame mushroom cloud was burning, and the kid's bones were gone.

"It seems to be over." Wuchen put his hands in his pockets and said lightly: "This boring game is finally..."

"it is finally over?"

There was a gloomy voice like a poisonous snake from behind, and Li Chenyun appeared like a ghost again. He stuck out a disgusting tongue, and said with a gloomy smile: "I'm so sorry, you killed it, but it's actually a clone."

"go to hell!"

At the same time, Li Chenyun threw out countless detonating talismans, sticking Wuchen all over his body tightly.

"Really? Then you are really smart." Wuchen praised with a smile, even though his whole body was wrapped in dense explosions, his face remained unchanged, his eyes were smooth and turbulent.

"Till you lose consciousness this time!" Li Chenyun roared wildly, and then shouted in a low voice, "Blast!"

"Boom boom boom..."

Thousands of detonating talismans exploded at the same time, with an amazing momentum. Wuchen's body immediately burned, and he instantly turned into a startled fireman. The power released by the explosion was also extremely powerful. In an instant, a deep hole was blown up.

With such a terrifying high temperature, anyone would die without a doubt.

"Hahahaha... Now you should be finished. Not only will you be eliminated, but you will also be roasted!"

Li Chenyun laughed madly, his eyes were full of madness, and his eyes turned blood red.

"Commentator, are you an idiot? You haven't given me a verdict yet." Li Chenyun roared at the commentator after smugly laughing for more than ten seconds.

"I'm so sorry, the school emblem was not broken, and I didn't lose consciousness, so there will definitely be no victory or defeat."

The deathly suppressed voice resounded from behind, and Li Chenyun suddenly shuddered, looking back quickly, it was a smile of Wuchen.

"Oh shit!"

Li Chenyun wiped his eyes and scolded after confirming that it was Wuchen, "You should have been burnt into a crippled by me!"

"Do you think it's only you who can clone? Stupid! It's my clone that was smashed by you just now."

Wuchen grinned and sneered, his eyes turned cold, and the light flashed in his hand, slashing towards Li Chenyun.


A bloodstain appeared on Li Chenyun's chest immediately, blood spurted out, and he lost consciousness.

"Li Chenyun lost consciousness! Wuchen wins!"

A few seconds after Li Chenyun fell, the voice of the commentator echoed in everyone's ears.

Chapter 44 New Ability [Third Update]

Li Chenhua on the other side was stunned. Looking at Li Chenyun lying on the ground like a dead dog, his brain was short-circuited, and his face was dull and hesitant.

Before, they planned to solve Wuchen and Julis in a few minutes. Although they solved the battle in a few minutes now, unfortunately, it was their brothers and sisters who were killed!

"Don't think this is over, I haven't been eliminated yet." After a brief absence, Li Chenhua quickly regained his composure.

She couldn't beat Wuchen, so she could only get back the interest from Julis.

"Give me a life of fear."

Staring at Julis with hatred, Li Chenhua's body was invisible again. Wuchen could see through her, but it didn't mean that everyone could, such as Julis in front of him.


Wuchen watched this scene silently, and did not choose to intervene. Julis was no longer the immature little girl she used to be, and she needed to show her strength.

If even this Li Chenhua can't be defeated, why would he challenge Ophelia?Go home and carry the baby!

"What did this chick get?"

Wuchen squinted his eyes and drank his own blood, Julis' body should have been strengthened, and even acquired certain abilities of Wuchen.

In the past years, someone once drank his own blood, even gave birth to a wheel-shaped eye, and controlled the power of Reiatsu. Wuchen was also quite curious about what Julis had obtained.

"Stupid woman, I don't believe you can be like that dust-free."

Li Chenhua smiled sympathetically, quietly approached Julis, and silently touched her from behind.

Wuchen naturally saw it clearly, as for Julis... This little girl kept her eyes on the front, as if she really didn't realize Li Chenhua's existence.

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