Wuchen gave Julis a thumbs up and encouraged: "The duel between you and Ophelia is sure to win."

"Really?!" Yulis' beautiful eyes flashed with joy, this has always been her dream, as long as she defeated Ophelia, she could be saved.

"Of course, I understand the power of domineering better than anyone else. Although you are still a beginner, it is more than enough to defeat Ophelia." Wuchen said seriously: "The main way to increase domineering is to exercise your body. You can Using the power of stars to stimulate the cells of the body and activate the cells, the defense and destructive power of the armament and domineering will become stronger and stronger."

"So that's the case, is that ability called domineering?" Yulis pondered, then smiled mysteriously, looked at Wuchen and said, "However, I found a better way to exercise domineering."

"you sure?"

Hearing this, Wuchen's cheeks instantly became suspicious.

"of course."

Julis raised her head proudly, her eyes beating with a strange light.


After today's game, Wuchen and Youris went back to rest early. Everyone had their own lounge. When Wuchen was about to lie down for a while, the closed door was suddenly opened.

"Is it Claudia?"

Wuchen looked at the figure who came in, and only Claudia would come to find herself quietly.

"You only see Claudia?"

A rather resentful voice came, and there were ripples in Wuchen's eyes. It was very surprising that this person was the most shy Julis.

The girl stared at Wuchen for a moment with spring eyes, and complained, "Why am I inferior to her?"

"You've been thinking too much about this, you are all rare beauties, each with their own characteristics." Wuchen emphasized seriously, don't look at Julis just casually say it, but if her answer doesn't satisfy her , This woman will definitely turn into a tigress in an instant!

Most women are like this, sometimes turning their faces is faster than turning a book.

"It's more or less the same." The complaints on Julis' cheeks subsided, she smiled happily, and then she took advantage of the situation to lie in the dust-free arms, rubbing like a cat. The blood, Julis has long regarded Wuchen as the destination of life.

"By the way, didn't you say you were going to exercise domineering? Why did you come to me when you had time?" Wuchen asked in confusion, Julis used the rest time for the players to strengthen their training.

"I'm here to train with you." Julis' face suddenly blushed, looking at Wuchen's neck, she suddenly showed two fangs, and then she couldn't help but pounce.


Wuchen's neck was immediately bitten by her, and the blood flowed out, and Julis quickly absorbed it, devouring Wuchen's blood hungrily.

"You're really addicted."

Wuchen hugged Julis who was rushing in his arms, and did not stop her, gently stroking the girl's back, "Really, you don't need me to tell you what will happen next, right?"


Julis' body froze for a moment, then nodded silently, her pretty face turned even redder, the dust-free blood can indeed make Julis strengthen at the fastest speed, but the side effect is that those who drink his blood will have that aspect. The impulse, including the dust-free himself is no exception.

Simply having the reality of husband and wife, Julis is not restrained, and even took off her clothes very actively, and even helped Wuchen take off his clothes, after absorbing Wuchen's blood, Julis became him. Servant, serving the master This is the job of a vampire servant.

Chapter 46 Fan Xinglu [Fifth More]

A few hours later, the fierce battle between the two ended. The final outcome ended in a fiasco with Julis, and the victorious Wuchen was naturally alive and well.

"Dong dong dong..."

At this moment, Wuchen was getting dressed, and there was a knock on the door, "Come in."


The door was gently pushed open, and a pale girl appeared, Wuchen frowned, "Are you injured?"

The person who came was Irene, who was sent by Wuchen to kill Ayato Ayato's family.

"I'm having some trouble."

Elena nodded with an ugly face, and said ashamedly: "Lord Wuchen is disappointed, please punish."

"Punishment?" Wuchen smiled and, without saying a word, first gave the girl a medical ninjutsu to help her recover from her injuries.

"I expected it." Wuchen sat on the sofa and said slowly: "The old man Tianwu Lingdou is not simple, their family is also a descendant of the ancient school, in fact, you are lucky to come back, even if you are punished. Right."

"Thank you, Mr. Wuchen."

Elena's face was full of excitement when she heard the words. If it were replaced by the previous BOSS Diluc, maybe the heavy punishment would have been imposed, let alone help with the treatment.

"Go back and rest." Wuchen said softly, and Irene bowed her head respectfully and left.

In the huge room, the dust-free and sleeping Julis were left.

"Now that you're here, come in."

Wuchen murmured to himself: "When I was having sex with Julis just now, you were quietly observing. Now that it's over, you can come in and see me."

"You bastard…"

The girl with a grim expression walked into the room. She wore glasses, her face was murderous and dignified, and the glasses were covered with a layer of cold mist. Her right hand, which was tightly holding the sword, trembled even more.

This person is Tian Wuyao.

"You sent someone to deal with my family?!"

Tian Wuyao's voice contained a strong murderous aura, and his piercing eyes could not wait to swallow Wuchen.


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