Wuchen sneered and said sarcastically: "Has no one told you, even if you can become invisible, your sense of existence has not been erased, as long as you carefully perceive the flow of air, you can still identify it."

"You bastard!" Li Chenhua's eyes became extremely vicious, and his eyes were bloody.

"This is my gift to you in return."

Wuchen glanced at the space on the left, and suddenly grabbed the void, "Vientiane Tianyin!"

Several sheets of white paper suddenly appeared, as if they were hidden in a different space, and were easily absorbed by Wuchen.

Seeing this scene, Li Chenyun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in horror: "Damn, can this guy see the explosive charm that I have hidden, and why didn't it explode?"

Li Chenyun was stunned, looking at the explosive talisman on Wuchen's hand, he had a bad premonition.

"Could it be... bad!" Li Chenyun suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly reminded loudly: "Shen Hua, hurry up and retreat, that guy wants to use my paper talisman to blow you up!"

Although the reminder was timely, it was still a step too late, because there were already a lot of explosive talismans floating around Li Chenhua.

"Hey...Thank you for your stuff. It's really suitable to use against your sister."

Wuchen sneered at Li Chenhua, and then drew a gourd in the same way, and snapped his fingers like this brat, "Crack!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The explosive talismans scattered around Li Chenhua exploded at the same time, causing a chain reaction, and the power was greatly enhanced. A huge fireball swallowed Li Chenhua, and the girl's miserable wailing was heard from time to time in the flames.

"What a nasty man."

At the moment at Jielong No. [-] Academy, Fan Xinglu, the BOSS of the Student Union, silently observed this scene through the screen, with words from the corner of his mouth, and said, "This guy is completely intentional, he has several chances to smash Li Chenhua's school badge, but he doesn't. I chose to do this, it seems that I have to clean up the pair of brothers and sisters... But that's okay, Li Chenyun and Li Chenhua are the ones who owe a lesson..."

After that, Fan Xinglu continued to observe the game, his eyes stayed on the dust-free figure, and Julis had been ignored by her.

Although Wuchen always gives the impression of being a fool, but often those very fatal dangers can be discovered in time, which makes Fan Xinglu look up to him.

"You bastard, I will never bypass you easily!" Hearing Li Chenhua's scream, Li Chenyun roared sharply, his heart was bleeding.

"Why, it's not enough to deal with your brothers and sisters with your strategy of dealing with others now?" Wuchen pouted, this is how this pair of brothers and sisters treat other players.

Obviously, he can directly smash other people's school badges, but he doesn't do it. He has to torture his opponents for a while before letting them out.


Li Chenhua, who was blown away, fell heavily to the ground. She fell from the sky and vomited a mouthful of blood the moment she landed. The girl swayed and stood up, looking at Wuchen with both resentment and fear in her eyes.

"Is this woman your weakness?" Li Chenhua's eyes flashed a sinister look, and his eyes suddenly fell on Julis.


Wuchen was silent when he heard the words, but his temperament became cold in an instant. After her own training, Julis's strength increased sharply, and she could naturally defeat Li Chenhua. What made him disgusted was that this Li Chenhua had a cute cheek, but He has a vicious heart, his personality has been seriously distorted, his character is annoying, he dare not start with Wuchen, and he wants to get back interest on Julis, which is really annoying.

Chapter 43 That is also my clone [Second]

"Leave her to me."

Yulis's beautiful eyes glow with a scorching color, and Li Chenhua treats herself as a prey, but as everyone knows, Yulis also treats Li Chenhua in the same way.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In front of the dust-free, a large number of paper talismans spurted out, and the words "urgent as a law" were written on them.

"Suffer to death, arrogant guy!" Li Chenyun shouted violently, his hands suddenly formed a shadow, and shouted: "Explode!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The explosive symbols around Wuchen exploded at the same time, merging into a ferocious fireball, burning wildly on his body, and crackling sounds came from it, as if a person was scorched.

"This guy is really a Taoist priest? Why does he feel like a ninja?" The dust-free walk in the fireball walked slowly forward, ignoring the burning sea of ​​fire around him.

First, it was the clone technique, and then it was this kind of trick similar to the detonating charm. It looked like it was used by ninjas.

"This kid, he will shed a layer of skin if he doesn't die... What?!"

The smile on Li Chenyun's face suddenly stiffened, and his eyes widened, because Wuchen walked out of the fire with ease, his expression was normal, and there was no sign of being burned.

"What kind of monster is the damn guy, why didn't he burn him!?" Li Chenyun's face was ashen, but there was an overwhelming sound from the audience outside.


"I think that Li Chenyun is about to die."

"That's right, I definitely lost. I beat someone for a long time, but I didn't even catch other people's hair, so I still come to participate in the [Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival] at this level? I saw that he was joking."


The audience outside talked a lot and sneered at Li Chenyun. It was too embarrassing. They made some messes, and in the end they didn't even touch other people's bodies.

"Wait for me, you bastard, and I'll make you look good right away!" Hearing the harsh ridicule, Li Chenyun's resentment towards Wuchen deepened.

"Is this kid's head crushed by the door? It's none of my business for the audience outside to follow along." Looking at this kid's vicious look, Wuchen was also drunk, and this kid's head was hammered.

"You don't seem to have anything to back up, and it's up to me." Staring at Li Chenyun's several clones, Wuchen formed a handprint, and spit out a sea of ​​boiling fire: "Huo Dunhaohuo extinguished!"

"Boom boom boom!"

A vast sea of ​​fire spewed out of Wuchen's mouth, rolling out like a tsunami. Everywhere it went, no grass grew, and the ground was burned black.

"Bang bang bang..."

Those invisible explosions all exploded, blowing the sea of ​​​​fire into pieces, like scattered raindrops sprinkled on every corner, and the sky was raining flames.

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