"You can rest in peace." Wuchen waved his hand, but it doesn't matter, and there is no big thing to hand to Elena.

"But it's a little uncomfortable for me to be cheating on you all the time." Irene looked at Wuchen in embarrassment.

"You're a real person." Wuchen glanced at Irena strangely. This woman trusted her so much that she might even let Irena die.

"But if you have to do it, I'll give you a task." Wuchen narrowed his eyes, emitting a fierce light, and said: "In case there are uncontrollable things happening, you go to the sky and fog. The Ayato family will be killed."


Elena nodded without hesitation, and then quietly retreated.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it was the early morning of the next day, ushering in the second match of Wuchen's participation in the "Phoenix Xingwu Festival".

It is a coincidence that the opponent is still the Jielong Seventh Academy. One of them is called Li Shenyun, who ranks ninth in the Jielong Seventh Academy, and her sister is called Li Shenhua.

"I heard that you defeated that pair of trash yesterday, it looks good, but don't think that you can defeat our brothers and sisters today."

Li Chenyun looked at Wuchen and Youris with a gloomy look.

"In the end, it's just luck." Li Chenhua also held a disdainful attitude.

"Are these two idiots eating gunpowder? Who are you going to lose your temper with?" Wuchen was secretly depressed, neither himself nor Julis seemed to have offended these two middle school patients.

"Those guys were originally our prey. Since you two killed them, let's use you!"

Li Chenyun's eyes are full of badness. Although everyone is from the same school, he and Li Chenhua are people of the "Water School", while Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan are people of the "Wood School". The two factions are like fire and water. They are completely enemies of each other.

Originally, brothers and sisters Li Chenyun and Li Shenhua wanted to clean up the two wood sect people and take the opportunity to attack Fan Xinglu's forces.

But the plans couldn't keep up with the changes. Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan threw themselves into the street as soon as they came on stage. They were beaten by Wuchen and Yulis, which naturally disrupted the plans of the two siblings.

Therefore, Wuchen and Julis were hated by this brother and sister.

"It's unreasonable and it's enough. It's a shame to have students like you in Jielong Academy." Yuris said annoyed, the eyes of the brothers and sisters were very annoying, just like looking at bugs.

"Hehe... I hope you can be so arrogant later, I won't let you out easily, I have to torture you." Li Chenyun twisted his cheeks, and Li Chenhua also showed a morbid smile.

"Each each other... I also have this plan." Wuchen responded with a murderous intent brewing on his face.

These two little perverts have personality flaws and tendencies similar to sadism. In the original book, Yulis was tortured so hard that she almost lost consciousness. Therefore, Wuchen also hates these two brothers and sisters very much. Take the opportunity to abolish the two.

Chapter 42 Beating [First Update]

Wuchen looked at the idiot brother and sister indifferently, and said boringly: "Come here quickly, I still have some chores to deal with."

What Wuchen said is completely true, and there is no sarcasm. He still has to search for news about Mathias... But after the two brothers and sisters heard the words, their cheeks seemed to eat flies, and their expressions were very ugly. , and twitched.

"Boy, you will understand the price of underestimating our brothers and sisters later!" Li Chenyun clenched his fists, and his figure suddenly changed.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Li Chenyun swept out a few afterimages on both sides of his body, standing on his left and right sides, these illusionary afterimages turned out to be exactly the same as the deity.

"This is somewhat similar to my shadow avatar..." Wuchen touched his chin with a smile, looking a little interested.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Suddenly, a large amount of dense fog rushed from the other side, covering the entire playing field tightly, making it impossible to see the slightest situation.

"Did you make a mistake, what do we think about it?!"

The audience outside the enchantment immediately complained. They came to watch the game, not to watch you set off the smokescreen!

"I can't stand it. The audience is really impatient now. It's not enough to wait for a little while."

Li Chenyun complained, and then snapped his fingers with a "pop", the corner of his mouth showing a successful conspiracy, "However, everything that needs to be arranged has already been arranged."

After snapping his fingers, the smoke that filled the sky disappeared. The most bizarre thing was that Li Chenhua disappeared.

"did you see that?"

Wuchen looked at Julis and said slowly: "This kid used the smoke just now to set up a lot of invisible explosions..."

Although Julis absorbed her own blood, her strength was greatly improved to avoid capsize in the gutter, but Wuchen still reminded her carefully.

"As for the little girl named Li Chenhua..."

Wuchen looked around, there was only Li Chenyun on the opposite side, and there were a lot of invisible explosive talismans around him. As long as he got a little closer, it would cause a series of violent explosions, which was quite dangerous.

"You think I can't feel your presence when you're invisible?"

Wuchen suddenly turned his head, a contemptuous arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he slammed into the void with one foot.


Apparently he kicked something, there was a dull explosion in the air, and then Li Chenhua flew out.


Rewinding several meters in succession, Li Chenhua spat out a large mouthful of blood, and a red and swollen footprint immediately appeared on her right face, apparently thanks to Wuchen.

"You, you, can you see me?!"

Li Chenhua looked at Wuchen in horror, ignoring the burning pain, and roared with a ferocious expression: "Impossible, no one in the previous game could feel my existence."

"Little devil, don't take yourself too seriously."

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