The girl with glasses was full of longing, and her eyes looking at Wuchen were full of undisguised possessiveness.

She is Sylda Jane Rowlands, and her nickname is the famous "Big Doctor".

"It's a pity you'll never have a chance to dissect him."


Xilda nodded undeniably, and then her face was full of disappointment. Judging from Wuchen's current strength, it was absolutely impossible to push him onto the test bench with brute force.

"Thinking about it, there will always be a way." Xilda rolled her eyes and said to herself, "That Mathias also treated him... Damn, who let you in without my permission? "

Xierda's face turned black with anger, and she suddenly remembered that she didn't order others to enter the laboratory, who is so courageous?

Looking back, a young man with a face like a crown came into view, and Xilda's face suddenly solidified.

"You're... that dust-free?!"

Xierda looked at Wuchen in amazement, she was stunned for a while, and then she showed a gloomy smile, "Jie are very brave, I was planning how to catch you and test it, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door. coming?"

"Are you happy then?" Wuchen asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, of course I'm happy, it's more than happy, I'm so excited now!" Xilda smiled sinisterly, and ordered to the guards outside: "Come and catch this kid for me."

But unfortunately, there was a dead silence outside, the smell of blood permeated the air, and even the ground was full of blood.

"I have a bad thing to tell you. When I invaded, as long as it was movable, whether it was living or dead, I killed them. Now you are the only living person in this laboratory. No surprise, no surprise?" Wuchen said lazily, and sat down in a random place.

"You, you're crazy?!" Xildajiao trembled and warned in panic, "You dare to start killing people, you're finished!"

"Before I'm finished, you will be finished before me!" Wuchen looked indifferent, and a ray of light overflowed from his fingertips, "Tell me, what conspiracy is between you and Mathias?"

Xierda's expression froze, and she immediately shook her head and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about, I don't know him, don't make false accusations..."


The light beam of the dust-free fingers popped out, and Xilda's left shoulder was immediately penetrated, leaving a hole the size of a thumb, her face suddenly twisted, and she grimaced in pain.

"Does it hurt? It's just the beginning."

The voice fell, and the dust-free fingers flashed again, this time aiming at Xilda's head.

"Don't, don't get excited, there is something to talk about." Capturing Wuchen's dark and sullen face, Xierda was so frightened that she said again and again: "Madias hopes to join hands with me to deal with you, although I have no strength, but My science is what that guy needs!"

"So you let Tian Wuyao regain consciousness?" Wuchen asked flatly.

Xilda confessed and said: "I have no reason to refuse, in return, Mathias promised to do everything possible to relieve the punishment for failing the test a few years ago, of course, that Tian Wuyao can get the [Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival] The champion is the best."

Wuchen was relieved, no wonder Xierda would agree, and if such a generous condition was replaced by herself, she would rush to agree.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 41 Li Shenhua and Li Shenyun

After all, Xilda is still an out-and-out sinner, and being able to move freely is also a culprit.

In the original book, in order to lift the punishment, Xilda even secretly contacted Tianwu Lingdou, and the trading condition was that after Tianwu Lingdou won the "Lion Lu Xingwu Festival" champion, the heavy penalty on her would be lifted, and Xilda helped Tian Wuyao regain consciousness.

Too bad she didn't have a chance this time.


The light condensed by Wuchen's fingertips bounced out again, easily piercing Xilda's knees, and she screamed in agony.

"My lord, I've already said it all, why are you targeting me like this?!" Xilda asked, enduring the pain.

Although her tone was gentle and respectful enough, and her attitude also showed respect for Wuchen, there was still hatred in her eyes.

This kind of person will be unknown in the future. Once she is raised to heaven by her chicken dog, she will definitely not easily bypass Wuchen in the future.

Therefore, this woman must die.

"I'm so sorry, thank you for your information, but you have to die." The light of Wuchen's thumb flickered again, aiming at Xilda's head.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then she looked like a demon possessed, and cursed with a hideous face: "Damn scum, I curse you..."


Before the words fell, the beam of light swept out like a divine sword. Xilda's head was blown up on the spot, and the bright red brain was all over the floor.

There is no guilt in Wuchen for killing this woman. For a mad scientist like Xilda, I don't know how many people died under her hands. It is best to die.

Ophelia is a living example. Although she miraculously survived and became one of the strongest witches in history, she lost her humanity forever. She got revenge.

Before leaving, Wuchen set fire to this sinful laboratory, including some human body materials, all buried in the sea of ​​​​fire, which can be regarded as helping them free.


By the time Wuchen came back, today's game had already ended. The students of Star Guide Academy were not very lucky, and the enemies were all extremely powerful beings.

Kato Teng Kirin and Shasha Gong Shaye were not in danger. As for the others, they were eliminated tragically. For example, Lei Shida, who just appeared on the stage, threw himself on the street.

By the time she returned to Star Guide Academy in the evening, Irene had recovered and was able to walk down the ground safely.

"Sir, if you have any tasks you can give me, just tell me." Irene is as respectful to Wuchen as her parents. Without him, the two sisters may have died without a whole body.

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