Tian Wuyao disappeared after the battle with the "Execution Blade" a long time ago. She was actually seriously injured and is currently receiving treatment in a sanatorium.

It is worth mentioning that Tian Wuyao has also sealed herself, and ordinary medical skills cannot wake her up. How could such a character appear at the Phoenix Star Martial Festival?Absolutely joking!

"The fog is far away... the fog is far away... the fog is far away..."

The overwhelming sound of the audience spread to every corner, Wuchen stopped and looked towards the competition venue, a girl named Tian Wuyao suddenly came into view.

"Damn, is it really her?!"

Wuchen wiped his eyes, thinking that his old eyes were dizzy, and looked over again, the girl was also looking at herself, and there was a bit of murderous intent in her eyes.

"It can't be wrong, it's her... But why did this little girl wake up?! And she also represented the Alcant Institute to participate in the Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival???" A series of questions lingered in his mind, this time Wuchen Really surprised, even surprised.

Of course, no matter how strong Tian Wuyao is, it is impossible to affect him, but the key question is not this, how did this little girl regain consciousness?

"Go ask those two little girls."

Looking at Ainista and Camilla who were watching the battle not far away, Wuchen couldn't hold back the curiosity and doubts in his heart, and walked over slowly.

"Yo, you actually came to find us. Could it be that the sun came out from the west?"


The corner of Wuchen's mouth twitched a few times, and glared fiercely at this dead girl's film, but Camilla showed a friendly smile, seeming to have guessed the doubts in her heart, and said bluntly: "Are you doing it for Tian Wuyao? "

"That's right." Wuchen nodded, then went straight to the topic, and asked, "She shouldn't be able to wake up, how did she regain her meaning? And it's really unreasonable to represent you in the competition at the Alcant Institute."

"Sorry, we don't know the specific situation." Camilla shook her head, looked at the girl in the middle of the arena, and said in a deep voice, "I only know that this was brought back by [The Great Doctor]."


Hearing this, a mad scientist suddenly appeared in Wuchen's mind. She was young and always had a strange laugh when she spoke. She was the culprit who made Ophelia become a witch - Sylda Jane Rowlands!

"A few days ago, Mathias Mesa, the person in charge of the [Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival], came to the Alcant Institute to find a great doctor. No one knew what the two had secretly talked about. Later, they left together and waited until they returned. At that time, that woman brought back Tian Wuyao... I used to win us over to deal with you, but I rejected it, thank me?!"

Ainesta put her hands on her hips, arrogantly looking at Wuchen.

"If it's that woman, she really has the ability to restore Tian Wuyao's consciousness." Wuchen nodded lightly, and then suddenly said: "I guess Mathias and the big doctor have some deal, restore Tian Wuyao's consciousness to let She's going to deal with me."

"You are miserable. That woman is very strong. You also killed her brother Tianwu Lingdou. Tianwuyao won't let you go." .

"Yes, anyway, I have too many enemies, one more is not much."

Dust-free smiles, what can a mere fog in the sky change?What made him wonder is, how old is this chick?Now you can still participate in the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival".

"Why is that Mathias always targeting you?" Camilla looked at Wuchen in confusion.

"Because my threat is too big, that kid wants to kick off the stumbling block, so he wants to use me."

He replied casually, Wuchen left lazily, and Tian Wuyao appeared, although he was a little surprised, it didn't change anything.

Tian Wuyao still has a lot of popularity. After seeing her, the audience felt like they were beaten with blood.

In the end, Tian Wuyao did not disappoint everyone, and showed overwhelming strength to defeat the opponent.


Chapter 40 Xilda Jane Rowlands [fourth more]

With the appearance of Tian Wuyao, the Xingdaoguan Academy suddenly became nervous. After all, the other party was aggressive, and the purpose seemed to be dust-free.

At this moment, the room where the contestants of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival" used to rest was lying lazily on the sofa. Lie down for a while.

"It's the first time I've seen you so tired."

Claudia's soft and boneless hands gently rubbed the dust-free cheeks, and looked down at the face lying on her lap. It was the first time to observe the dust-free face up close.

Even though he was asleep, Wuchen's brows were still condensed together.

"Thanks a lot."

Claudia's thin lips left a lip print on Wuchen's forehead, and he also opened his eyes.

Looking at Claudia quietly, Wuchen said: "It's not hard to talk about, it's just that I hate this kind of occasion."

"I can tell." Claudia giggled, and then asked, "What do you think about that Tian Wuyao?"

"let it go."

Wuchen said calmly: "Although I'm not afraid of that guy, but you guys are more careful, maybe that Mathias will make a black hand on you."

In the past years, Wuchen could encounter many similar things. Those people did not dare to take action against him and threatened him with the people around him.

"What are you afraid of... You will protect me when I have a problem, right?" Claudia blinked her beautiful eyes, and she hugged Wuchen's head even tighter, and she was about to bury it in the majestic peaks.

"Are you going to suffocate me?"

Wuchen snorted angrily, then stood up lazily, with sharp eyes, "It's not my style to sit still and wait until tomorrow, the next game seems to have to wait until tomorrow. Bar……"

"The trouble of the enemy?!" Claudia was stunned. Although she didn't know who Wuchen was looking for, there was no doubt that that person would definitely be unlucky.

Diluc the "King of Evil" is the best example, not only him, but that kid's minions, and the student council of Leiwof Black Academy were all killed.


Alacante Research Institute, inside a dimly lit laboratory, the girl stared at the fluorescent screen in front of her, which was the scene of Wuchen and Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan of Jielong Seventh Academy.

"Yes, yes, yes... I really want to dissect his body."

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