A violent wind and waves suddenly came from behind, as cold as a blade, Song Ran roared out from the wind, and he punched Wuchen who was sitting on the chair.


The fist, the size of a head, was covered with a layer of transparent light, and its power was instantly increased by several grades, and even the air resounded.

"Damn it, this time the dust-free player's head is going to be blown up. Don't imitate him when everyone is in the game, it's a fool!"

At this time, the narrator who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos began to shout, and Wuchen almost couldn't hold back a slap in the face when he heard the words.

You are also called a concubine?He just didn't want to bully the two of them.


Song Ran's powerful punch hit Wuchen's head. The fist contained devastating power. His head was blown up on the spot, and a bunch of golden photons floated out.

"What, what's the situation?"

"Is he really human?"

"There has been information before that this is a freak, and now it seems that it is not human. Shouldn't the human head be bleeding after being blown up?"

"Hmph, if that Wuchen really hangs up, the two students of Jielong Seventh Academy will be eliminated! This is murder!"


The audience was chattering, everyone looked at Wuchen in disbelief. At this moment, his head had been blown up, but his body was still standing. There were flashes of light from the wound, and no blood flowed out.

It didn't take long for something even more incredible to happen. The photons flying above the head all gathered around the neck, and the dust-free head actually condensed again.

"What the hell is this guy?!" Song Ran was startled, his expression horrified, his expression exaggerated as if he had encountered a ghost.

In fact, whether it was Song Ran or other people, including some powerful people, they all looked cautious when they saw Wuchen's peculiar ability.

This ability has gone beyond the scope of star power.

"This kid is really weird."

Mathias's eyes shot a gleam of light, and he squinted, realizing that Wuchen was more and more dangerous, and he seemed to have a great opinion of himself.

"This stumbling block must be removed as soon as possible."

Mathias clenched his fists secretly, the frantically changing eyes kept changing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Understand why I made you admit defeat? You're a simple attack, let alone defeating me, it's as hard as hitting my body." Looking at Song Ran's shocked cheek, Wuchen said nothing. A polite blow.

"I don't believe that kind of nonsense!" Song Ran swooped in again, his fists clenched again, and the surface was covered with transparent star power.


Wuchen raised his thumb, and a ray of brilliance emerged from the front end, as sharp as a bullet. This kid was ignorant, so he could only get rid of him, "Laser!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The light swirling around the dust-free fingers splashed out, like a ray of light, the speed was bizarre, and the naked eye couldn't catch it at all.


Song Ran suddenly felt a tingling pain in his chest. Looking down, he didn't know when it started. There was already a thumb-sized hole in his chest, and his school badge had been destroyed.

"Song Ran's school badge was smashed and eliminated!"

The scene was suppressed for a moment, and the narrator's voice quickly resounded. Many people were stunned, and they couldn't figure out how Wuchen broke Song Ran's school badge.

Because the speed of the light is too fast, everyone can't see clearly at all, and some even suspect that Wuchen is cheating!

"I surrender!"

Seeing that his partner was eliminated, Luo Kunzhan on the other side also conceded defeat. Looking closely, he was covered in injuries, with traces of flame burns. He was also beaten by Julis all the time, extremely embarrassed.

"It's time to deal with your kid." His gaze turned to the direction of the rostrum again, and Wuchen couldn't help frowning, because Mathias had already run away.

"Run? Don't think it's okay to slip away. Sooner or later, when your fox's tail is exposed, you can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime."

Wuchen's eyes flashed a cold light. Originally, he was still a little unsure whether Mathias moved his hands and feet, but now this kid has suddenly disappeared from the world. Obviously, there is a ghost in his heart, so he absconded in fear of sin.

Chapter 39 Shocked to see the fog in the sky [Chapter [-]]

After this battle, everyone's impression of the combination of Wuchen and Yuris has changed dramatically. They are unparalleled and easily crushed the two powerhouses of Jielong Seventh Academy, although the opponent's ranking is slightly lower. Weak, not even the "Top Twelve People", but if they were replaced by others, they were not sure to crush each other like Wuchen.

"Let's go celebrate."

Wuchen looked at Julis with a smile, but the latter shook her head.

"Compared to Ophelia, they are nothing more than nobody, and there is nothing to celebrate." Julis replied very plainly.

Wuchen rolled his eyes, this woman really cared about Ophelia. If it wasn't for Julis who slept before, he would have suspected that this woman was a homosexual who specialized in lily, and Ophelia was her concubine!

Because the relationship between the two is far beyond the scope of friends.

"It's up to you, I'll go to rest first, I'm tired of staying for another second on this occasion." Wuchen waved his hand, and turned away with a slightly hunched back.

Just as Wuchen was about to leave the arena, the sudden voice of the commentator made him petrify.

"Next, it will be Haruka Tianwu of Ale of Ale Canter Research Institute VS St. Galedois Academy XXXX..."

The narrator resounded through the audience with an excited voice, and Wuchen was stunned.

"It seems that I have an illusion, and even Tianwuyao has appeared! Are you really too tired?" Wuchen's eyes were hesitant for a while, how could it be Tianwuyao, this joke is extremely vulgar!

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