"Damn it, figure it out, you're steel, you don't have any muscles for you to pretend to be a kid." Wuchendan covered his eyes in pain, this guy couldn't bear to look directly, his head really lacked a string.

"I hope you don't meet me."

Leaving such a sentence, Wuchen found a place with few people and sat down.

Frankly speaking, he was very uncomfortable with the gazes around him. If it wasn't for Claudia and Julis, he would not be interested in such a boring game.

In the eyes of others, the Xingwu Festival is the fastest way to get rich. Once you win the championship, you can fulfill any wish, but it has a different meaning for Wuchen. Being watched by a group of boring audiences is like playing in a circus. What is the difference between acrobatic ones?

After a few minutes, Mathias Mesa, the old boy, finally finished speaking, and there was another burst of cheers.

Immediately after the first match of the Xingwu Festival began, under normal circumstances, the teams that were first encountered were of the type with extremely weak strength.

But this Xingwu Festival competition is obviously not right. The characters Wuchen and Yuris met in the first battle are quite powerful.

In the center of the venue at the moment, Wuchen and Yuris looked at the people opposite, who were the two elites of the Jielong Seventh Academy.

One of them is Song Ran, who is ranked 20, and the other is Luo Kunzhan, who is ranked 23.

In the original work, these two people brought a lot of trouble to Yulis and Tianwu Lingtou, and they belong to the stronger type, but now Wuchen and Yulis have met two people in the first battle, which is really Some are unreasonable.

According to the practice of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival", usually the weaker players are eliminated first.

"Could it be that the old boy did something?" Wuchen cast his eyes on Mathias, and the guy was looking at himself, and immediately showed a friendly smile.

"Laughing Tiger." Wuchen pouted, with a look of contempt.

"At the beginning of the game, smash the opponent's school badge, or make the opponent lose consciousness to win."

When the voice fell, Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan immediately clenched their fists and looked at Wuchen and Julis cautiously.

Especially the dust-free, the two did not dare to be careless.

"You admit defeat." Wuchen looked at the two indifferently, and said lazily: "Your school badge is too small, and my attack has always been a large-scale destructive trick, it's not good to hurt the two of you. already."

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and then their faces were ashen, "Are you being a little arrogant?"

"It's not arrogant, but I think you're not bad, and the kind advice I gave you would have already passed by if you replaced it with others!"

It's not a dust-free threat. If these two guys are students of the Black Academy of Leiwolf, they don't have to think about it, they will first ravage and beat them hard, and then they will destroy their school badges.

"The main point of the game is to participate. If we quit without fighting, let alone other people, we even look down on ourselves." Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan said in unison, and their eyes were ablaze.

"The mentality is good, but it's a pity, your luck is not very good."

The two had a firm attitude, and Wuchen stopped talking nonsense. A dazzling halo of destruction appeared on his right foot, as dazzling as a small sun, exuding terrifying power fluctuations.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 38 admit defeat [second more]

"Light speed kick!"

With a slight wave of his right foot, a straight beam of light shot out, flying towards Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan who were standing opposite.


When the two of them saw the light coming from them, they immediately felt a blazing heat, and their bodies were about to burn.

If you don't get hit, your body will be scorched. If you get kicked...

"Boom boom boom!"

Affected by the speed of light kick, the area where the two stood before was shattered, the ground was scorched, a deep pit was blasted out of the solid ground, and the crack spread dozens of meters away.

"Is this...is there a mistake, just one kick has such power? Isn't there information that he is not a generation of Star Vein and can't exercise Star Power?"

Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan looked at each other, both of them were a bit chilly. If they were hit by Wuchen just now, they would have to shed a layer of skin even if they didn't die.

"Let's start with that woman first." The two looked at each other and looked at Julis in unison.

Persimmons are picked softly, and everyone knows this truth.

"You guys are sensible." Wuchen smiled slightly when he saw this. Under the watchful eyes of countless people, he waved his hand and used a wooden dungeon to create a chair, and then sat lazily.

"I'm still missing a pot of tea and a plate of melon seeds." Wuchen muttered regretfully, "It would be even better if there was a beautiful woman to beat her legs."

"Depend on!!!"

For a time, there were countless scoldings from the audience, and they were extremely dissatisfied with Wuchen's actions. Are you here to compete, or to be an uncle?Did you make a mistake!

"Blow him!"

Song Ran and Luo Kunzhan looked at each other, and they pointed their finger at Wuchen again. This guy is too arrogant, and he completely treats them as clowns.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The two shadows flanked from different directions, and the fast one could only see the blurry shadow approaching rapidly.

"Don't ignore me!"

Julis launched an attack on a shadow, and several huge fireballs crushed it.

"Boom boom boom."

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