At the same time, Julis also slowly woke up. She struggled to open her eyes and stared blankly at everything in front of her. The moment she saw Wuchen's pretty face, her face changed greatly, "Stinky rascal!"

Out of female wolf-proof instinct, Julis kicked over.

"My grass!"

This kick came too suddenly, Wuchen was kicked out directly, fell from the bed to the ground, and his back was sore.

Looking back on the thousand years of time, it seems that it is the first time that I have been kicked off the bed!

"This, this... it's impossible, how could my strength become so much stronger?" Julis was stunned. She didn't actually exert much strength, but it was a fact that Wuchen flew out.

"Stupid woman, didn't you say it before, you are no longer a simple human, but a vampire like me, look at your teeth in the mirror."

After being reminded by Wuchen, Julis came back to her senses and ran to the mirror to see that she immediately had two fangs.

"It seems to be really different."

Aware of the inexhaustible power in her body, Julis showed a grateful smile on her face, and then quickly ran to Wuchen, rubbing his waist lightly with her little hand, "Sorry, I didn't mean it just now."

"If you did it on purpose, your head would fall to the ground now." Wuchen gave Julis a white glance. When she was about to put on clothes, Julis came over quite considerately and took the initiative to help Wuchen get dressed and put on shoes. He even took the initiative to help him wash his face with water.

"It seems that you have adapted to being a servant." Wuchen had a rare enjoyment, and let Julis wash for herself.

"However, are you sure that if you have the strength above Ophelia, will she leave with you? Frankly speaking, I really hate that Leiwolf black school, and it has no reputation." Wuchen showed a look of extreme disgust. , because of the relationship with the "spicy king", he hates this academy very much.

"The school spirit of Leiwolf Black Academy is extreme, allowing students to duel, and pays attention to the jungle law that the winner is king. Ophelia ranks first, and naturally adapts to this law. We once made an agreement that as long as I defeat her, she will be You will follow me out of the Black Academy of Leiwolf." Julis had a bright smile on her face, full of confidence, Wuchen just glanced at her and sighed innocently.

If Ophelia is an ordinary character, it is still possible to leave when Julis defeats her. The key point is that she is the "Witch of Lonely Poison". Not to mention her strength, she is still the only experimental material in the world. How could the black academy let such an important figure go? !

However, Wuchen doesn't want to hit Julis, and there's nothing wrong with letting her fight for her dreams. If the Rewof Black Academy really doesn't let people go, then there is herself.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the opening day of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival".

In the spacious arena, the crowd was boiling, and there was almost non-stop shouting. All the teams from the six colleges came, and the most dazzling one was undoubtedly Ophelia, who was completely eye-catching.

Many people have even confirmed that she is the champion, because this chick has dominated the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" for two times. Isn't it a small matter to win the mere "Phoenix Xingwu Festival"?

Of course, there are still many people who are staring at Wuchen, not because of his powerful strength, this is directly ignored, and other abilities are favored by many people.

"So, I hate this kind of boring competition the most, being watched like a monkey."

Wuchen's brows were deeply wrinkled, and he could naturally feel the peeping eyes. This was only on the bright side. I don't know how many people secretly looked at him through cameras and the like.


On the other hand, Julis had a stern fighting spirit, and his eyes shot at Ophelia like a sword, light and sword, and the latter seemed to have noticed her gaze, and cast a cold look at Julis, still as calm as usual, no Take Julis to heart.

"Hello everyone, I'm the person in charge of this [Phoenix Star Martial Festival], Mathias Mesa!"

At the same time, a few figures walked out from the high platform in front, it was Mathias Mesa, who had a relationship last time.

This guy is the main person in charge of the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival". There is nothing wrong with him leading the opening ceremony. The only thing that makes Wuchen unhappy is that he always feels that this stinky boy is secretly peeping at him, his eyes are sinister, as if he is hungry. Hungry wolf stared at the same.

Chapter 37 The Seventh Academy of Jielong [First Update]

Xingwu Festival is the top entertainment program on the planet. It is expected by countless people. After winning the championship, you can even make wishes to fulfill all kinds of wishes. Therefore, almost all young people are rushing to it, breaking their heads and wanting to win the championship.

Dust-free was mixed in the crowd, looking at the players around, all of them were so excited as if they had been beaten with blood.

"I'm really sorry, although I'm not interested in championships, but my teammates need them very much."

The dust-free eyes swept around, and the corners of his mouth muttered.

"Hmph, you bastard, the champion belongs to Qi Rin and I, you and Julis should go play in the mud."

Hearing this provocative voice, as if eating gunpowder, Wuchen didn't have to think about who it was.

Looking back, it was the arrogant little girl Shasha Gong Shaye, with her hands on her hips, looking at Wuchen arrogantly.

"Teacher Wuchen, this time, Shashagong and I will definitely win the championship!" Kato Fujiki looked at Wuchen tenaciously.


Wuchen didn't speak, just smiled and rubbed Katoto Qirin's head. They didn't know what kind of transformation Julis had gone through, otherwise they would be desperate.

Not to mention the dust-free, the two of them together are probably not a match for Julis alone.

"Yo... long time no see."

There was a clear female voice on the left, and Wuchen glanced at the two people who came, saying: "It's better to never see it."

These two are Ainesta and Camilla from the Alcantre Institute.

"You are too shameless!" Aniesta looked at Wuchen extremely unhappy, and complained: "Someone came to us to cooperate with your star guide hall before, but I refused!"

"Don't you want me to thank a person who wants to treat me as a guinea pig?" Wuchen looked at Ainesta, this little girl always wanted to dissect herself.

"This time we will definitely defeat Your Excellency in a fair and open manner." But Camilla looked at Wuchen seriously. Is this a gauntlet?

"Just the two of them?"

Wuchen glanced at the simulacrum behind the two, one seemed to be called Ardi, and the other seemed to be called Limshi.

"You look down on me?!"

The big man Ardi obviously has an extraordinary self-awareness, and he shows off his muscles against the dust-free like a human being.

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