Julis clutched the important position of her body, and her beautiful eyes exuded the meaning of death, "I said that I would let you help me become stronger, but I didn't say that I would hand over my body to you. If I dare to do something wrong, I will commit suicide."

"Are you sick?"

Dust-free and confused, what kind of plane is this woman doing?It's like he's going to insult her.

"Come here, if I want the overlord to bow hard, do you think you can stop it?"


Yulis hesitated for a while after hearing the words, her strength was indeed too poor, and then she slowly approached, her beautiful eyes were still guarded against thieves and dust-free.

"This little girl..." Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, took off his shirt, and then pointed to his neck and said, "My blood contains huge power, but after you drink it, your body may change."

"Do you think you are a god?" Julis sneered, as if listening to a fairy tale, can blood-sucking become superman?Go cheating!

"Is it funny, aren't you an example yourself? After you have my cells, your body has been greatly improved in all aspects, whether it is physical strength, strength, or vitality. Will you forget? And the most obvious thing is that you can ignore Ophelia's poisonous miasma and replace it with an ordinary human body, do you think you can withstand it?"

Wuchen suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at the potted plants placed on the windowsill not far away. By the end of autumn, the blooming flowers had withered away, and only the rotten roots were still lingering, and the surface was sallow. will die.

I saw Wuchen walked to the potted plant, cut his fingers, and poured his blood on the rotting flowers.

"Are you dreaming? Think your blood can bring this dead flower back to life?"

Seeming to understand Wuchen's intentions, Julis smiled disdainfully: "Do you think your blood is the blood of gods, and can bring dead things back to life? Although I admit that you are indeed powerful, but you...why... This kind of thing happened?!"

The conversation turned abruptly, and Julis's breathing became tense in an instant.

That withered flower, after bathing in dust-free blood, actually came back to life and regained its vitality, blooming delicate and beautiful flowers, and a wisp of fragrance came from the flower bud, as if it had just bloomed.

"You may not know that, in a sense, I'm not human anymore..."

Wuchen's tone suddenly became vicissitudes, and his temperament also became quite ancient, as if he was a person who lived for thousands of years.

"Actually, I have lived for more than a thousand years." Wuchen stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes became empty and gray, and he fell into deep memories.

The pictures of the past are reflected in my mind one by one, and everything is right and wrong.

"What will happen if I drink your blood?" After a while, Julis stared at Wuchen nervously, as if looking for a peerless treasure.

"Didn't you still doubt it just now?" Wuchen said strangely, Julis blushed slightly, bowed her head as if she was wrong, and looked like she was completely blaming me.

"How should I put it, I have many identities, there is nothing I can do about it, I have experienced too much in the past... In an even older age, I used to be a vampire at the true ancestor level, as long as I drink my blood, not only You can gain powerful strength and an indefinite lifespan, and as a price, you will become my servant in the future, and your body will become a vampire."

Wuchen glanced at Julis, and sure enough, the little girl finally couldn't keep her calm, her face was cloudy and uncertain, she clenched her fists tightly, and it was difficult to make a choice for a while.

Abandoning the identity of human beings and becoming a dust-free servant is a huge price, which is equivalent to the loss of freedom.

Of course, the benefits are also huge. The increase in strength and the almost infinite life, I am afraid most people can't refuse.

"After sucking your blood, can you really defeat Ophelia?" After a while, Julis asked suspiciously.

"Of course, that's for sure." Wuchen replied without hesitation.

"Then, after becoming your servant, shouldn't you ask me to do some strange things?" Julis lowered her head, not daring to look into Wuchen's eyes.

"Hehe... It's not natural to communicate with servants." A strange laugh came from Wuchen's throat, and Euliston had goose bumps all over.

"You can actually refuse. There is no need to do this for a mere friend. That guy might have given up on you." Wuchen patted Julis on the head: "I once said that some things can be done. Just have a clear conscience, Julis, you have done an excellent job, and I am very satisfied with a student like you."

However, Julis didn't seem to hear it, she took out a handkerchief and looked at it carefully for a moment, the hesitation in her heart disappeared in an instant, and her eyes looked firmly at Wuchen, "In order to save my dear friend, I Willing to dance with my devil."

Afterwards, Julis rushed to Wuchen, and he couldn't help but stunned. When he subconsciously pushed the girl away, he only felt a pain in his neck, and a few silver teeth pierced into the blood vessels of his neck.


Yulis is like a thirsty baby, greedy and greedy to devour Wuchen's blood, she is lying on Wuchen's body tightly, the two stick together, and the tall double 1 peaks are squeezed into Wuchen's body and become flesh Pie.

"It tastes so good..."

The fragrance of the girl's virginity made Wuchen feel uneasy. It was like this every time. When someone sucked blood, there would always be some impulses. The little hand suddenly became restless and groped on Julis.


The moment she took off Julis' clothes, her skin immediately became tense, and Wuchen, who was a veteran of the flower bushes, knew that Julis was nervous.

But this is also a good sign, even if her fingers touch the skin of Julis, she has no intention of resisting or rejecting.

This has already represented her resignation. From the moment she absorbed Wuchen's blood, Julis has accepted her new identity - Wuchen's servant, even if she did some outrageous actions, she accepted it.

Chapter 36 The Opening Ceremony of the Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival [Fifth More]

Not only Wuchen, but after about ten seconds, even Julis couldn't hold it anymore, because Wuchen's blood was as powerful as an aphrodisiac, and the girl gasped uncontrollably, her eyes wide open. Blurred, her whole body was hot, she looked at Wuchen with a spring-like gaze, and even Julis took the initiative to take off her lower body clothes.

Originally, Wuchen was distracted, and her body was inexplicably hot. At this moment, Julis was also lost. The two were like thunder and fire, and they were immediately entangled together...


When Wuchen woke up, it was the next morning, and the sun outside the window rose high, and it seemed that it was noon from a distance.

Suddenly, I felt something pressed on my right shoulder, and Wuchen exerted a little force.

"It hurts, don't move."

Julis's vague voice was filled with pain, Wuchen turned her head and saw that the girl was holding her shoulders.

Both of them were completely stripped off, and what happened last night is self-evident.

"Mother, when I don't have any money in the future, I'll use my blood to sell it as a spring medicine. It's much more powerful than any aphrodisiac medicine." Thinking of the madness last night, Wuchen couldn't help but enjoy himself.

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