Wuchen scratched his head, and was really speechless for a while. This body was made by him. Although the similarity is 95%, it must be somewhat different from the original body.

"What's this? Isn't the body a little sexy? I purposely made your ass and breasts bigger, so attractive." Wuchen said of course: "It's better than your original airport. ? That Shasha Palace Shaye is thinking about getting a breast every day, Julis, you should thank me."

"Why don't you die?" Julis almost vomited blood, and then suddenly realized that this body was created by Wuchen. In other words, he may have touched all parts of her body.

Chapter 28 Massacre [Second]

"But then again, that kid is really smart, he knows how to kidnap you to threaten me." Wuchen's eyes flashed a strange light. In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether he is despicable or not, the key is to succeed.

There is no doubt that Tianwu Lingdou succeeded. Although he failed in the end, he did force Wuchen to commit suicide, even though he was only a wooden clone.

"It was the [Spicy King] who made plans behind the scenes." Yuris opened her lips slightly and said, "Tianwu Lingdou was just being used."

"That rascal?"

Wuchen's mind immediately paid for a fat young man with a ferocious look. He couldn't help but bow his head and think for a while. After thinking about it carefully, there was no grudge between the two sides, and they had never even seen each other.

"According to my estimation, that kid is afraid of you participating in the [Phoenix Star Martial Festival]." Yuris analyzed.

"Just because of this?" Wuchen narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "I actually didn't plan to participate in that boring activity at all... But since he was afraid and didn't want me to participate, I just did!"

"Are you sure?" Julis was surprised. If Wuchen really participated, then others could go and play in the mud... The champion was already doomed.


Wuchen nodded, then looked at Julis, and said, "It just so happened that your teammate Tianwu Lingdou also died, why don't we form a team?"

"You're not kidding me, are you?" Julis looked at Wuchen suspiciously. She had planned to give up, but she didn't expect happiness to come so quickly.

"Is this kind of thing necessary to lie to you?"

Wuchen rolled his eyes. In fact, he felt very guilty. No matter what, this time he implicated Julis and killed Tianwu Lingdou, which caused her to lose her teammate who won the championship. Teaming up with Julis is considered to be Make up for her, just before Claudia invited him to participate in the Xingwu Festival to win the first place.


Wuchen's eyes shone with cold light, and a very pure murderous aura overflowed his body, "Anyway, that [Spicy King] is alive."


Rewolf Black College Student Union.

"That useless trash."

After learning that Tianwu Lingdou died, Di Luke frowned deeply, and he seemed to be exposed.

"It seems that I can only bet once, otherwise the guy will definitely come to trouble me." Diluc looked gloomy, looked at the secretary beside him, and said, "Go and call me that woman."

After the girl left, Diluke went to a special place where a large number of prisoners were held. When he passed by, every prisoner looked at him with ferocity.

Diluc turned a deaf ear, treating those vicious eyes as air, ignoring them directly.

I don't know how long it took, Diluc suddenly stopped in front of a cell and opened it.

"Come to me again, it looks like you're in trouble." The person who caught the eye was a pretty girl, her limbs were bound by sturdy iron chains, and her eyes were full of eyes. disgust.

It is not difficult to see that this woman hates Diluk very much.

"Eleanor Sethe."

Diluc called out the girl's name coldly, and then said indifferently, "Help me kill someone."

"How is my sister?" Irene asked coldly, she was helpless working for Diluk.

"How about it?"

A joking flashed in Diluk's eyes, "If you are obedient, your sister will be fine. If you refuse to obey, you and I have been with me for a while. Know what will happen?"

"You bastard can do such a despicable method?" Irene's eyes spurted out fiery flames, trying to melt Diluk.

But the depths of his eyes were full of helplessness and bitterness.

For a long time, she has been asked by Diluke to do all kinds of dirty work. Even if she resists, she has no choice but to let it go. One day is a day.

"Come with me."

Diluc threw the key to open the chain on the ground and left by himself.

After a while, Irene opened the chain by herself, and followed Diluk away in disgust.If she could, she really wanted to kill this bastard, it was so filthy and despicable!

After the student council, Diluc and Irene were both shocked, especially Diluc, who looked like he had eaten a fly, and his cheeks twisted in an instant.

"Which bastard did it?!"

The student union had been smashed to pieces, blood was everywhere, and many people fell in a pool of blood.

These people are all his confidants, and everyone is dead.

It's really incredible that someone actually started killing people at Leiwolf Black Academy in broad daylight. Is this person a lunatic? !


Thinking of his secretary, Di Luke hurriedly walked to the president's office, followed by Irene.

She couldn't figure out who had the courage to go to a school and start killing people.

However, Elena was actually very happy in her heart, because those who died were all Di Luke's confidants.


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