Diluc kicked the door of the office open, and a young man suddenly came into view, falling asleep in his usual sitting position!

That's right, just fell asleep, killed so many people, and still fell asleep? !

"Yo, you're finally here."

Wuchen rubbed his eyes, opened his clear eyes, and his eyes fell on Irene for the first time, "Are you this guy's subordinate?"

"No, it's not..."

Elena quickly denied it, and was stared at by Wuchen, her body was cold, and she didn't even have the courage to look at each other.

"You are dead, if you dare to start killing here, you and the Star Guidance Hall behind you will all be ruined and become the public enemy of this world!"

Diluc roared sharply, his cheeks twisted terribly.

"Hehe... You can rest assured. Those who have seen me have all been killed by me, and only the two of you are left."

Wuchen smiled lightly, didn't care, and pointed to the beautiful girl lying in a pool of blood beside her, "Is her name Kashimaru Kronai? I'm sorry, she's dead."

"The coffee she brewed was pretty good." Wuchen tasted the coffee on the table carefully, with a strong aroma, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that I went to the wrong person."

Chapter 29 Death Without a Whole Corpse [Chapter Three]

"Just you or a mentor? It's not as good as a scumbag!" Di Luke was furious, his scarlet eyes wished to swallow Wuchen alive, this kid is really ruthless.

Hearing this, Wuchen didn't care, and answered calmly, "Isn't it the teacher's task to teach naughty students?"

"Don't worry, you will also go down to accompany them." Wuchen gave Di Luke a look that you don't have to worry about.


Di Luke's eyes shrank on the spot, he was not interested in being buried with him, he didn't live enough, how could he be willing to die?

"Irena, what are you doing standing there stupidly? Hurry up and deal with this guy for me." Diluc was so frightened that he backed away again and again. In front of such a terrifying figure as Wuchen, he really couldn't bring up his courage.

What's more, this kid's force value is zero, and he belongs to the non-Xingmai generation. He only became the boss of the student council through cunning and insidious means.

"Coward, this bastard is afraid to let me go?" Irene was secretly annoyed, looking at Wuchen's bottomless eyes like a black hole, she was afraid for a while.

A voice in her heart told her that once she became an enemy of the person in front of her, she would definitely fall on the spot, but her sister was in Diluc's hands.

In desperation, Irene could only stand in front of Diluk, her eyes beating like death.

"Little girl, is it worth risking your life for this kind of person?" Wuchen asked without changing his face.

"It's all worth it for my sister!" Irene looked at Wuchen with a stern look all over her body.

"Courage is commendable." Wuchen looked at it differently and changed his words suddenly, "But it's a pity..."

"Boom boom boom!"

The domineering aura spread out from the dust-free body, the surrounding glass shattered with a bang, and the table in front of him was also crushed into powder by the invisible power fluctuations in an instant.


Elena immediately knelt down on her legs, her body trembled, she felt like her shoulders were pressing down on several mountains, and it was extremely difficult to breathe.


Seeing this, Diluc twitched a few times at the corners of his mouth. Before he could do anything, he was put on the ground by someone else. Can you still trash some more?


Glancing at Wuchen viciously, Diluc ran away, Elena collapsed, and he must be even more scumbag.

However, before taking two steps, Diluc knelt down like Irene.

"Bang, kakakaka!"

He landed on his knees, smashing the floor with cracks, and Diluc couldn't help screaming.

After all, he is just an ordinary human, and his strength is poor.

"When you say that others are trash, you are actually more trash."

Wuchen walked over, looked at Diluke like a mouse, and asked, "Those who dare to pit me, how do you think I'm going to kill you, do I cut you into pieces, or Cut the meat piece by piece?"


Di Luke's throat suddenly choked up, sweating profusely, and he roared: "You can't kill me, kill me, you will definitely die miserably."

"You still threaten me now?" Wuchen's eyes became even colder.

"Haha... I've already ordered [The Lonely Poison Witch] Ophelia to participate in this [Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival], if you dare to kill me, that woman will take your star guide house The students are all killed!" Diluke's cheeks trembled, his expression vicious.

"Really? It's a pity she didn't have a chance." Wuchen dismissed it, and a flash of light flashed from the thumb of his right hand.


The knee of Diluc's right leg was pierced on the spot, and the fiery beam pierced through, leaving a charred hole.

"my leg!!!"

Diluc wailed miserably, and Wuchen's eyes were still cold. This bastard caused Julis to lose his life. In comparison, Diluc was only slightly injured and insignificant.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Another ray of light shot out from Wuchen's hand, and it was still a "puchi", which pierced the knee of Diluke's left leg. This guy didn't even scream, and he fainted in pain.

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