However, it's not a big problem for Wuchen, I just listen to him calmly say: "Although that poison is powerful, it can only corrode the external body, and Julis' soul is still alive and well, it's just that your eyes see Not enough."

Through the powerful pupil power of Tenseigan, Wuchen can clearly see that this dead body still hides a mass of soul.

"All in all, if the body is broken, it's enough to change the body." Wuchen finally concluded.

"Why do you feel like I don't understand what you're talking about, everyone is like people from two worlds." Claudia looked at Wuchen in an unusually tangled manner.

"Anyway, you only need to know that Julis is fine, and I will make her appear alive in front of you tomorrow morning."

Wuchen devoured Julis's body using the Shaking Eye's pupil technique "Shenwei", put it into a different space, and left with a few people first, and returned to the Star Guidance Hall to recover Julis.

& #160;

Chapter 27 You should thank me [First]

After returning to the Star Guide Academy, everyone naturally separated, but there was one person who followed Wuchen all the time - Shasha Palace Shaye.

She and Tian Tianwu Lingdou were childhood sweethearts. Although the two separated later, after meeting again, the relationship between them did not diminish, and even became stronger as the years passed.

"I said why are you always following me?" After returning home, Wuchen had just opened the door, and when he turned his head, it was the expressionless Shasha Gongshaye, and he immediately asked, "Are you here to seek revenge? Let's give up this idea, you don't need me to say more, you understand how big the gap between each other is, right?"


Shasha Gong Shaye was silent, and the silence was obviously acquiescence. The gap between her and Wuchen was indeed too big, and it was very disappointing.

"Hurry up and kill me, or I'll kill you when I get stronger." Shasha Gong Shaye's voice was extremely cold, and there was a cold wind blowing on Wuchen's body, chilling.

I'm sure she's serious.

"Forgive me this is difficult to do."

Wuchen decisively refused, and asked back: "No matter what happens in the future, at least you are still my student now, this is undeniable, which teacher will start with his students... As for you want to kill me, this Although the goal is a little far-fetched, if you can achieve it, let’s try it.”

"You...Aren't you afraid of being killed by me?" Shasha Gongsha Ye's eyes were shocked and banned. Wuchen's words seemed to mean that assassination was welcome... The girl tilted her head and looked at the young man in front of her carefully. Did the guy have water in his head?

"There are countless people who wanted to kill me in the past, but as you can see, I'm still living in front of you, and work hard to become stronger."

Wuchen waved his hand, but no matter what Shasha Palace Shaye thought, he entered the room alone.


After returning, Wuchen was hungry, so he took some food to deal with it, and then he entered the monthly reading space alone.

"Tsk tsk... The miasma of that [Lonely Poison Witch] is really powerful. It can melt everything it touches, and it really lives up to its reputation."

When stepping into this space again, Wuchen found that Julis' body was gone, only a mass of skeletons remained...

On the skeleton, there is still some minced meat, which has been preserved by Dustless, and will use these cells to cultivate a brand new body later.

And in the center of the skeleton, there is a cloud of chaotic smoke, which is exactly the soul of Julis. Once a normal human being dies, the soul will dissipate in a short time, but Julis' soul has been preserved without dust. , don't worry.

" looks like you're in good spirits." Wuchen folded his hands on his chest and opened his mouth to the group of souls with a smile.

"You...can you see me?"

Julis' soul was extremely surprised, and muttered to herself in astonishment: "It is impossible to see the soul of a person after death. What kind of monster are you?"

"Who knows." Wuchen responded lightly, and then instructed: "Soon, I will create a body for you, both toughness and strength than your previous body."

"Thank you." Julis was skeptical and didn't care, just because what Wuchen said was too illusory.

"just wait."

Wuchen then left the Yuedu space, and it was too simple to create a body, because he was a ten-tailed body, and the cells on his body contained great vitality, and he could even distribute his own cells to Julis. In addition, Wuchen also has a lot of Baijue, which are also cultivated with his own cells. In the past years, he prepared a lot of good things.

After about a few hours, Wuchen brought a perfect body to Julis' soul, exactly like her appearance.

"It's done."

Wuchen looked at Julis with a chuckle and explained, "Just put your soul into this body and you're done."

"Isn't this a simulacrum?" Julis' soul widened her eyes, her face full of incredulity.

"Pseudomorph? What kind of rubbish is that?" Wuchen pouted, full of sneer, and said, "This body was cultivated using the cells of your previous body, and of course, some of my cells."

"Impossible, it's only been a few hours, you have cultivated a fleshy body with some bits and pieces of cells?" Julis shook her head wildly, a hundred letters, even if you can really use cells to cultivate one The human body, but it also takes months, or even years, to be completed in a few hours without dust, ghosts believe it.

"All in all, you enter this body first, and the rest will be discussed later." Wuchen didn't bother to argue, of course it was because of the outsider golem, but he didn't plan to explain, Julis definitely couldn't understand the outsider golem. what to do.

Back then, Uchiha Obito cultivated [-] Baijue by using the outsider golem, while Wuchen only cultivated a body, and the speed was naturally faster.

"I'll try it first."

Julis's soul entered the body that was just created, and after just a few seconds, she recovered, and the eyes of the fleshly body opened.

"how do you feel?"

Wuchen asked with great interest, he used to use "Heavenly Reincarnation" to directly resurrect, this is the first time he has done this kind of thing.

"It's okay, how can I put it, I feel that this body is very young and full of vitality." Julis stood up and walked a few steps, feeling very comfortable.

"Of course, although most of the cells in this body are your own, but I have also integrated my own cells into it, you will benefit endlessly." Demeanor.

"However, something is wrong..."

Yulis touched the career line on her chest, and then touched her buttocks, and said with a slightly embarrassed expression: "My chest and buttocks seem to have grown bigger..."

"Uh, this..."

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