The dagger in Kato Teng Qirin's hand fell to the ground with a "bang", she stared at Wuchen blankly, and then there were crystal tears on both sides of her eyes, and she wept with joy.

Even Shasha Palace Shaye was extremely shocked, looking at the head on the ground, yes, it was dust-free, but now... what is the situation?

"Why are you still alive, bastard!"

Tianwu Lingdou's face was ashen, full of anger, and in the end he couldn't hold back and spit out another mouthful of blood. Although he didn't know what plan the other party used to hide the sky, but one thing was certain, he lost, lost nothing, and lost his life.

Wuchen's sword shattered Tianwu Lingdou's heart, and he would definitely die.

"Ignorant idiot, I have killed countless gods in the past, how could I be killed by a scum like you, I have fallen, not only sorry for myself, but also for the various gods that I destroyed in the past."

A flash of light flashed from the dust-free fingertips, aiming at his head, this guy didn't even want to leave a corpse... no, not even a single cell residue!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 26 Destruction and Destruction [Fifth More]


At the same time, there was a sudden explosion from the dust-free head that had fallen to the ground before, and then it turned into a piece of wood.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing this scene, Tianwu Lingdou almost fainted. Could it be that he had been venting on a piece of wood before?What's the difference between this and a madman?

"I actually know illusion... monsters." Tianwu Lingdou looked back at Wuchen, unwilling and desperate. Even as an enemy, he had to admit that the gap between the two was huge.

Wuchen is omnipotent and can be called a genius who is good at any field. As for Tianwu Lingdou, hehehe, in comparison, any field is far away.


Wuchen sneered, and the phantom flash ignited in his hand went out, and said extremely generously: "For the sake of your imminent death, I might as well tell you, this is just my wooden clone, the most basic ninjutsu. "

Hearing this, Tianwu Lingdou closed his eyes in despair, this time he really had nothing to say, what else could he say?This is simply a hang-up, nothing can be done.


Afterwards, Wuchen's fingers flashed again, just as he was about to destroy Tianwu Lingdou, and even the corpse was destroyed, it changed again.


The bound Julis suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood, and the blood that fell on the ground was very strange, with a little purple color, like paint was added.

Looking around, Julis was all purple, and a faint purple appeared on her beautiful cheeks and the skin of her limbs.

"It's probably poisoned!"

Wuchen said in a deep voice, staring at Tianwu Lingdou with angry eyes, there is no doubt that this kid did it.

It is estimated that at the beginning, Tianwu Lingdou did not intend to let Julis go, and wanted to silence everyone, so that he would not be afraid of being exposed, so he ate poison for Julis in advance, and now he has a seizure.

"Hahaha... Anyway, it's not a loss to be able to bring someone to bury with you." Tianwu Lingdou laughed frantically, and then fell to the ground with a "thump".

"How is it, Yuris-san, is it okay?" Claudia nervously looked at Wuchen, her pink fist clenched tightly, and at the same time glared at Tianwu Ayato.

Wuchen's right eye suddenly turned into a snow-white Tensei Eye, carefully observing Julis' body structure, and the changes in her body were at a glance.

"What a poisonous poison."

Wuchen's face sank slightly. Through the observation of Tenseigan, he found that a purple mist was spreading in Julis' body, as if terrifying as sulfuric acid, constantly corroding Julis' internal organs.

"The situation is very bad. The internal organs have been swallowed by the purple poison. Even if I use medical ninjutsu to evaporate the poison, it will be too late. The internal organs of Julis's body have collapsed." It was all sadness, full of loss and sadness.

Although their communication with each other was average, and even because of the dust-free relationship, everyone was a little hostile and disliked each other, but there was still a sense of sadness when a good-looking flower girl died in front of her.

"I, I'm fine."

Julis squeezed a smile on her cheek and said, "There is always a day when people die, it's just that morning and night are different."

"On the contrary, this poisonous fog makes me feel a little nostalgic. Is it Ophelia's miasma? No wonder it's so powerful." Julis's eyes suddenly became empty, with some memories in her eyes, obviously thinking of those things in her childhood.

"Is there really nothing you can do? Teacher Wuchen." Datou Qi stared at Wuchen, this timid girl is always so kind.

"I don't want to see Julis die like this." Claudia looked at Wuchen with anticipation.

"When did I say this guy is going to die?" Wuchen rolled his eyes, he just said that the problem was serious, and he didn't say that he could not be saved, right?


Tianwu Lingdou, this kid is not dead yet!Still lingering, "The woman ate the pure poison extracted from the miasma of [The Lonely Poison Witch], do you think she can still live? You better prepare a funeral well..."

"Boom boom boom!"

Tianwu Lingdou hadn't finished speaking yet, Wuchen waved a jade jade, and the moment he touched his body, it exploded, shattering the boy and erasing it from the root cause, the body and soul disappeared. .

"All in all, this body is not going to work."

Wuchen said softly, looking around, Julis's skin turned purple and was corroded by miasma.

"Senior's heartbeat stopped..."

Kato Teng Kirin was lying on top of Julis's body, and she could no longer hear her heartbeat, including her breathing.

For normal humans, this is already considered death.

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