"You despicable fellow, for my trust in you before, and I promised to form a team with you, I didn't expect you to be a face-turning dog!"

At the same time, Julis's consciousness also recovered, looking at Tianwu Lingdou, the boy was yelling, his pretty face was flushed with anger, and he even gave up his identity as a princess, and said angrily: "You want to use me to make Wuchen Suicide? It's so funny, how could that guy die for me, you're just dreaming!"

"Really? Julis, you underestimate your own worth." Ayato Ayato glanced at Julis and said slowly, "That guy really committed suicide, and Claudia is holding his Aren't you shocked when the head came over? Me too!"

"It's absolutely impossible. I'm not as familiar with that guy as you think. As he once said, it's just an ordinary teacher-student relationship, not a friend." Julis shook her head and denied it, as if the most precious thing in her heart Something is missing, and it's heart-wrenching.

"But that's the truth... As for you calling me despicable, I also recognize it. Whoever made the deal between that guy Diluc and me is to kill Wuchen. As for using you, it's a bit despicable, but there's nothing I can do for my sister. ."

Tianwu Lingdou said very plainly, he didn't want to attack Julis at first, but the woman's previous words were too hurtful, so he took the material on the spot and chose Julis as the target, and the plan was very successful. Dustless is really dead!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 25 You are still [-] miles away! 【Fourth more】

"You insidious guy!!!" Julis had a strong hatred on her face, she had never felt that the person in front of her was so despicable.

"Insidious? My insidiousness was forced out by the bastard Wuchen. If he hadn't deliberately troubled me, how could I have resorted to Di Luke." When mentioning Wuchen, Tianwu Lingdou was full of hatred.

He asked himself that he didn't offend Wuchen, but the kid deliberately found fault, lost face, and was almost killed a few times. Let's take revenge, but he couldn't beat Wuchen, so he could only rely on Di Luke, using this despicable means to deal with him.


Julis was speechless, she was not a fool, and frankly speaking, Wuchen did deliberately target Tianwu Ayato.

But, so what, even if Wuchen and Tianwu Lingdou have a grudge, but Julis asks herself that she has no grievances with this guy, and even has a good impression of Tianwu Lingdou, isn't this kid still cheating on him? ?

"If you want to complain, you can only complain that you have a good relationship with that guy, so I can only choose you to start! Although Claudia is also suitable, but that woman makes me feel very strong and dangerous, and Kato Teng Kirin Yes, with Wuchen's personal guidance, her strength is also improving like a rocket. As for Shasha Palace Shaye, she can't start, she is my childhood playmate, so I can only aggrieve you, Julis , I hope you can understand my difficulties." Tianwu Lingdou said in a sincere tone.

"Fart, you hypocritical man, you plot against me, and let me understand your difficulties, why don't you die?! You scum, scum!" Julis spit the stars flying all over the sky, without the image of a princess, like A mad shrew...

"Yes, this guy is extremely hypocritical and filthy and despicable!"

At the same time, there was suddenly a cold and tender drink outside, and Tianwu Lingdou couldn't help but stare at it.

In the darkness, three shadows slowly walked out.

"three people?"

Tianwu Lingdou's expression turned cold, and he said badly, "Claudia, I remember it was you..."

"Shut up, you are not qualified to call me by my name." Claudia looked at Tianwu Lingdou with disgust. This kid used a woman to threaten Wuchen, which was shameless.

The two beauties next to Claudia are Kato Kirin and Sasha Palace Saya.

"You're the only one who can't forgive me for doing such a thing to Teacher Wuchen." Kato Fujiki's beautiful eyes were full of tears, and she only heard the sound of "clang", and the sword she was holding was snatched out.

"Lingdou, why do you want to do such a thing?" Shasha Gong Shaye looked at Tianwu Lingdou in a complicated way. When she heard about it at first, she thought it was Wuchen's frame, but now...

"I can't help it either. Things have developed to this point. I have no choice but to retreat. From now on, I have nothing to do with Star Guide Academy. Diluc has already prepared everything for me." Tianwu Ling Douyi The face is indifferent, like a robot.

Shasha Gong Shaye looked blank and unfamiliar. Is this still the Tianwu Lingdou that he knew?Sure enough, he only had the so-called sister in his heart.

"You are so stupid and pitiful!" Claudia sneered and said with contempt: "Your understanding of Diluk is too superficial, do you know why that guy can be the president of the student council? It's because of his terrible Mind... If you guessed correctly, after using you, you will be silenced immediately!"

It's not that Claudia is alarmist. With Diluc's savage personality, she definitely does it.

"Do you think I'll believe your nonsense? Stop talking nonsense, where is the dust-free head?" Tianwu Lingyadou said impatiently.

"Go and see for yourself, let them go."

Claudia threw a box out, and the moment it landed, it immediately shattered, and a bloody head was exposed, which was Wuchen.

His face turned pale because he had been dead for too long.

"This bastard is finally dead!"

Looking at Wuchen's abominable cheek, Tianwu Lingdou suddenly burst into laughter, remembering the suffocation in the Star Guidance Hall before, and suddenly felt a sense of exaltation.

Before, he was almost killed by Wuchen, and now he has finally turned the fucking salted fish over!

"Don't think this is over."

Tianwu Lingdou walked over a little bit embarrassingly, raised his foot, and was about to step on Wuchen's cheek, because when he first arrived at the Star Guidance Center, Wuchen stepped on his face like this. This matter, Tianwu Ayato has always been brooding, and now he finally has a chance to take revenge.

"Get a feel for how I felt in the first place."

Tianwu Lingyao's right foot was about to step on Wuchen's cheek, but it was at this moment that the abnormality protruded.


A golden lightsaber penetrated Tianwu Ayato's body from behind, ripped open his stomach, and the blood flowed down instantly.

"Also, anyone else?!"

Tianwu Lingdou's pupils enlarged several times, his body trembled suddenly, he turned his head with difficulty, and after seeing the mastermind behind the scenes, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

"Oops... I'm so sorry that you vomited blood."

Wuchen's playful voice made everyone stunned, he smiled, and the corner of his mouth hung a proud arc.

"Playing tricks and tricks with Lao Tzu, you are still a hundred and eight thousand miles away!" Wuchen opened his mouth and sarcastically, spat out a mouthful of spit like a gangster, impartially, and sprayed it all on Tianwu Lingdou's cheeks .

"Teacher Wuchen really isn't dead!?"

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