Wuchen's eyes froze, and several spheres suddenly appeared behind him, about the size of a fist, and the color was pitch black.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

With a wave of Wuchen's big hand, the spheres behind him flew out on their own.

"Bang bang bang..."

The moment it came into contact with the simulacrum, the Taoist jade exploded, shattering the mechanical puppets, and not even the most basic residues fell, and there was no hope of recovery.

"It's amazing." Kato Tengqi swallowed and spit, her eyes full of shock, looking at Wuchen with undisguised admiration.

"Let's go back first, and then find out the people from the Alcant Institute to settle the account." Wuchen left quickly with Katoto Qi.


About an hour later, when Wuchen was going to trouble the Alcant Institute, Claudia suddenly came, and she also brought a special brilliance-style armament.

"This is the samurai sword you asked me to build." Claudia held a fiery red hilt, and after injecting star power, it immediately turned into a weapon similar to a Japanese samurai sword.

"It should be good to give it to Kato Teng Qirin." Wuchen nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Claudia in surprise, "I didn't expect you to make this thing."

After testing, Wuchen found that Kato Teng Qirin also belonged to the Xingmai generation. She didn't use the brilliance-style weapon because she didn't have a suitable weapon, and only the samurai sword could bring out her swordsmanship to the fullest.

A few days ago, Wuchen asked Claudia to help build one. The shape was the shape of a tachi. I didn't expect it to take shape, and the speed was ridiculous.

"I don't have that kind of ability. This is what the two doctors from the Alcant Institute did, that is, Camilla and Anesta. They were caught last time. This is one of the conditions of the deal. ."

"Really? Take me to meet them." Wuchen said flatly.

Claudia nodded, agreeing even though it was a little strange.

After about a few minutes, Wuchen and Claudia came to the student council president's office together, and as soon as they entered the door, Wuchen found these two foreign chicks.

"Oops... I was going to find you, but I didn't expect you to come by yourself."

The moment she saw Wuchen, Ainesta jumped directly to his side, her bright eyes shining like starlight.

"You look so good-looking." After a few laps around Wuchen, Anesta suddenly said such a sentence.

I have to say, Wuchen has red lips and white teeth, his skin is as white as snow, and his face is like a crown of jade. At first glance, he looks like a little white face... After living for thousands of years, he still has a vicissitudes of life and calm temperament, which is very eye-catching.

Claudia and Camilla were both stunned, but Camila found Wuchen's face a little ugly, Camila quickly explained: "I hope your Excellency don't mind, Anesta sometimes lacks a string in her head. !"

"I'm praising him." Anesta glared at Camilla angrily. How could this bastard sell his teammates.


Wuchen pouted and said lightly, "You are observing the little guinea pig that you have been waiting for for a long time."

She could feel that the woman in front of her exudes a strong possessiveness, and she can't wait to tie herself back, and she probably wants to dissect and study his body structure.

"You're willing to let me do an autopsy?!" Anesta looked at Wuchen excitedly, her eyes straight.

"I'm standing here. If you have the ability, you can try it." Wuchen replied flatly. In fact, he had already guessed it. It is estimated that many scientists want to dissect and study themselves.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Claudia looked at Ainesta extremely badly. Does this guy think he is air?

"Oh...just kidding, don't mind, I haven't lived enough yet." Ainesta shrugged, the corners of her eyes were still erratic on Wuchen, and finally she looked back, she understood Wuchen's strength How terrifying, with a crooked idea, there is no doubt that he will die.

"Anyway, Claudia, the transaction between us has been completed, and the last thing has been written off." Camilla said seriously, in fact, her heart was quite painful, and the brilliance that Claudia developed for her Armament, but pure Xinghuang armed, the price is huge.

"Wait, what happened last time can be forgotten, what happened just now must be calculated clearly."

Claudia was stunned by Wuchen's remarks. He didn't hide it, and told the truth about the previous attack. Camilla and Ainesta immediately felt surrounded by two cold eyes.

Chapter 20 They are all poor [second more]

"That's not what we do!"

Ainesta and Camilla quickly denied it, joking, this black cauldron must not be carried!

After being caught for hiring Silas Norman to attack Julis before, Claudia put forward a bunch of conditions...

Since then, the two women have learned to be smart, and even if they need to collect data, they dare not take the initiative to attack Wuchen.

"It's really not you?" Wuchen looked at the two girls suspiciously, and frankly said that he had no enemies in this world, and the only ones who had grudges and entanglements were these two little girls.

Of course, there is another character - Ayato Ayato.

"Hmph, I won't give you a chance to continue blackmailing us!" Ainiesta glanced at Claudia with a grumbling expression, and the latter's pretty face turned slightly red. She did put forward a lot of conditions.

"Let's go." Wuchen suddenly waved his hand, and after a second thought, the doubts in his heart were relieved.


Ainista and Camilla exchanged eye contact, then retreated decisively, staying here, maybe they will be blackmailed.

"You just let them go like this? Maybe these two guys did it." Claudia reminded, after all, there was a lesson from the past.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not dead yet. Those who want to kill me will definitely continue to implement their plans. There is always a time when the fox's tail is exposed."

"This guy is always so confident." Looking at Wuchen's half-smiley cheeks, Claudia felt a little dazed.

This smile is very expressive and makes people feel at ease.

"Aren't you a nympho?"

There was a hint of playfulness in Wuchen's voice. At this moment, Claudia looked straight at herself, her eyes were blank, giving people a feeling of being unable to leave.

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