"Should I refuse?" Tianwu Ayato asked with an expressionless face.

"Haha... Since you came out, it means that you will not refuse. For you, your sister's safety is above everything else, right? And, I also heard that you and that Wuchen seem to have grievances and entanglements, that guy I often bully you, can you bear it?"

Diluc said lazily, when Wu Lingyato took the initiative to make an appointment that day, it means that this guy has already taken the bait.

"But I'm not his opponent, so I can't kill him." Tianwu Lingdou's tone showed a hint of helplessness, and subconsciously touched his cheek.

The footprints left before have only disappeared in the past few days!

"Stupid, you don't have to fight by force, some things can be outsmarted." Diluc showed the cunning smile of the old fox and reminded: "You can design to catch the people around him and threaten him, such as that Yuli. S, and the woman Claudia."

"You are so despicable." Tianwu Lingdou snorted coldly, but there was a flash of inspiration in his eyes, which might not be a good strategy.

"I'm despicable? Of course, it's because I'm despicable that I can become the president of the student council." Di Luke was quite proud, and at the same time glanced at Tianwu Lingdou out of the corner of his eye, and said with contempt, "No matter how despicable I am. , it's better than a sister like you, scumbag!"

"Okay, I promise you!"

In the end, Tianwu Lingtou chose to dance with the wolves, because Di Luke had some truth in what he said, and even without his sister's relationship, his relationship with Wuchen was not destined to live in harmony.

Thinking of the humiliation Wuchen gave him that day, Tianwu Lingdou felt a pain in his heart.

Hearing that Tianwu Lingdou agreed, Di Luke also kept his promise to tell the news about Tian Wuyao. After hearing this, Tianwu Lingdou was very angry, because Di Luke knew too little, except for Knowing that Tian Wuyao was seriously injured and not dead, there is no useful information.

The disappointed Tianwu Lingdou was about to leave, but was stopped by Di Luke. He handed Tianwu Lingdou a small tin box and explained: "It contains the most deadly poison, as long as you give it to Wu Wu. If that guy eats it, he will surely die."

"That guy is very strong." Tianwu Lingdou frowned and reminded that a small poison can kill Wuchen?It feels like a dream.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... Of course I know that guy is very strong, but this poison has stronger medicinal properties! It is the essence extracted from the miasma of [The Lonely Poison Witch]. The woman's miasma will corrode the human body if you touch it. If it is eaten, hehe... You should understand without me saying it, right?"

Hearing this, Tianwu Lingdou took a deep look at Diluk. This guy has a deep hatred for Wuchen, but he has never heard of the two people having grievances. He really doesn't know why Diluke thinks. To die clean.

Tianwu Lingdou didn't ask any further questions, he turned and left, the enemy of the enemy is the friend, he still understands the truth.


In a quiet forest somewhere in the Star Guide Academy, there was no one around, and only the sound of "swish, swish" could be heard.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Wuchen stood in front of Kato Teng Qirin, the girl swung the knife and attacked his body constantly, his body was riddled with holes, and his body was disassembled into eight pieces.

But it has no effect at all, and in the next second, Wuchen will be repaired by the elementalization of the glittering fruit.

"And this ability?!"

The tired and breathless Katoto Kirin didn't want to believe that even after being beaten to death, a person was cut into countless paths in front of him, but he was still safe and sound.

"Come again!"

The unbelieving Kato Teng Qirin came again with a knife, and his sharp eyes were about to cut through the dust-free cheeks.


Katoto Kirin's arms trembled suddenly, and the sword that was swept out also stopped, as if it was caught in a crack in the rock, making it difficult to move.

Looking around, Wuchen actually grabbed Katoji Kirin's sword with empty hands...

"Very sharp attack, in this world, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen with a knife."

Wuchen gave a thumbs up, despite the young age of this little girl, her swordsmanship skills are astounding.

"Actually, you can still..."

"Ow ooh..."

Without waiting for the dust-free voice to fall, a series of heart-piercing low-pitched roars came from the depths of the woods.

The two looked up, and in the dark jungle, a few scary red eyes suddenly flashed.

Looking around, there are twenty or thirty black shadows lurking.

"Looks like there's something troublesome again." Wuchen rubbed his head and sighed softly, "Even if you want to kill me, send more cats and dogs here. These are far from enough to see."

Chapter 19 You can try [First Update]


There are many body fragments falling to the ground, and there is a crisp roar, not like the sound of human bones.

Wuchen walked over slowly, but saw a lot of metal parts, which seemed to be some mechanical parts.

"Could it be that..."

Wuchen brows shrunk into a ball, looking into the depths of the darkness, there are still many shadows wandering, they are on all fours, and they are not normal humans at first glance.

"Teacher Wuchen, it seems to be a simulacrum!" Toto Qirin exclaimed, and then stood in front of him like a bodyguard, looking at the shadows with alert eyes.

"You child." Wuchen pinched the girl's face and smiled, "I don't need your protection yet."

"Could it be the two chicks from the Alcant Institute?" Wuchen guessed secretly, his face gloomy.

"Bang bang bang..."

Those simulacrums stepped forward, their bodies were extremely heavy, and the ground trembled slightly when they landed.

Also, the phantom body that was destroyed by Wuchen just now, those broken limbs healed again, and the body recovered as before, surrounded by Kato Teng Qirin and Wuchen.

"Something that doesn't know how to live or die."

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