"Cough cough..."

When Wuchen said this, Claudia coughed awkwardly and said in a sullen voice, "That's right, I'm a nympho? Do you dare to come?"

After speaking, Claudia straightened her chest to make her perfect curve more perfect. She winked like silk and threw a big wink at Wuchen.


Wuchen's mind was swayed, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, and thought to himself: "Fortunately, I'm used to seeing all kinds of beauties, and my immune system is strong enough, otherwise I might really become this woman's minister under the skirt. "

However, Wuchen, who is a veteran of Huacong, will not easily throw away his armor and armor. He flashed to Claudia, grabbed the girl's white chin, and joked: "Are you so thirsty?"

"Yes." Claudia let out a coquettish anger, and then blew a warm breath in Wuchen's ear, "Come to my room tonight, I have something to tell you."


Then she raised her lips and gently kissed Wuchen's face, leaving her own lip print.

Immediately afterwards, Claudia jumped and jumped away.

"This woman..."

Wuchen touched the place where he had been kissed, and was a little lost, then he had a big loss on his face, "This woman has kissed me twice, you must find a time to get it back with profit, or you will lose a lot... …”


When Wuchen returned home, a figure was already standing in his private villa.

This person is Julis. This little girl doesn't know how to be polite at all. She poured herself a glass of expensive red wine and drank it there alone.

"You don't know how to see outsiders at all. This is my home. You came here without my permission and can sue you for burglary."

Wuchen rolled his eyes, and then poured himself a glass, only to hear a "guru", and he drank the whole glass of wine.

"Rude guy, that's not how you drink wine." Julis glanced at Wuchen with contempt, and then Sakura took a sip.

"Sorry, I'm just a mountain person I haven't seen in the market." Wuchen snorted indifferently, looking up at Julis' cheek, "Looking at how worried you are, just say something."

If it's okay, this woman will never look for herself.

"Have you heard about the Xingwu Festival? Two people are needed to participate, I hope you will join me in a team!"

Julis put down the wine glass, the frivolity on her pretty face also subsided, and said solemnly: "I must win!"

"I'm not interested in fights between children." Wuchen shook his head in a bored way, and sneered: "In my eyes, the so-called Xingwu Festival is a group of bratty little devils competing for the first place... It's really boring."

Julis scrutinized Wuchen carefully, and said in amazement: "After you get the first place in the competition, you can realize a wish, do you really have no desires and no desires?"

"No desires and no desires? This time you really think highly of me, how can people have no desires and no desires, it's just my wish, that group of financial groups can't achieve it." Wuchen wants to continue to become stronger, this group of financial groups can Realize it?Certainly it can't be done.

"But I think your values ​​are too insignificant, and you want to get superficial things like money." Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head, knowing that Julis participated in the Xingwu Festival because she wanted a lot of money to support the orphanage in her hometown.

"Tell me, how much do you want? [-] billion, or [-] billion?" Wuchen suddenly said, a foolish old man with a lot of money is a willful and arrogant expression.

"Just blow it." Julis snorted disdainfully, although she knew that Wuchen was strong, but this kid didn't look like a rich man, provocatively said: "If you can come up with so much money, I will At once..."

Before Julis finished speaking, a shocking scene happened.


That is, at this moment, a lot of golden light emerged behind Wuchen, countless magical weapons, and all kinds of dazzling jewelry fell out of the different space.

In just two or three seconds, a mountain of gold jewelry was piled up in front of Julis, all kinds of precious treasures and all kinds of magic weapons, the value of which was immeasurable.

"Let me tell you, in addition to my strength, I have a lot of money, and I can't spend it if I want to. All the consortiums are scumbags compared to me, they are all poor!"

Wuchen is ecstatic, has the ability of "the treasure of the king", and the money is unlimited. Looking at this world, who has his own local tyrant? !

& #160;

Chapter 21 Spare Tire [Third]

Saying that those consortiums are all poor and hard-boiled, I am afraid that the whole world will laugh at Wuchen. They are from the mountains and have never seen the world, but...

"Where the hell are you?!" Julis bit her tongue and told her in pain that this was not a dream.

Looking at the mountain-like treasure in front of him, if it is just the most common gold, it is not worth much.

The point is, in this mountain of treasures, there are all kinds of magical weapons, almost every one of them is sharp and radiant, and the skin will sting at a glance, and the body seems to be chopped up. It is a peerless treasure. ...

These treasures are sold, and the wealth obtained is absolutely amazing.

"I'm just an ordinary person, but I'm just rich!" Wuchen replied softly, and then said arrogantly: "You go find ten trucks... No, a hundred trucks come here, and the tonnage is the largest. I'll fill it up for you!"

"Uh... I'm kind to me."

Julis smiled bitterly, then changed the conversation and emphasized seriously: "I am also a princess of a country, how can I accept alms from others?"

"I guessed it was the result." Wuchen put away the treasures all over the place in dismay. Julis is a proud person. Her dignity does not allow herself to accept the favor of others. She can work hard with her own hands. create wealth.


Since they couldn't agree, Julis left with a little sadness, and Wuchen didn't stop her. She really had no interest in that Xingwu Festival, it was boring and boring, so ghosts would participate.


Time passed quickly, and it was evening in a blink of an eye. After dinner, when Wuchen was about to find Claudia, another uninvited guest came.

"Where are you going? Which woman are you looking for in the middle of the night?" As soon as Wuchen went out, Shasha Gong Shaye aimed a pistol at his head.

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