At the same time, a ray of golden light emerged from the dust-free fingertips, like liquid gold, and swam around his fingertips.

"What is this, it doesn't seem to be Star Power."

The three women exclaimed in unison, looking at Wuchen with brilliance in their eyes, this guy is far more magical than they imagined.

What we have seen before may be just the tip of the iceberg.

"This is Chakra."

Wuchen told the truth, and then met the eyes of the three people, and explained slowly: "Of course, you can also regard it as your star power, anyway, it has the same effect... You know, Chakra has many uses. , In addition to activating ninjutsu, for example, using this power to stimulate the body and activate the cells, its own defense and speed will be greatly improved, and with long-term exercise, the strength will gradually increase."

The three girls are not stupid, their eyes suddenly brightened, and they said with great joy: "Teacher Wuchen said that Xingchen Force can also be used in this way?"

Among the three, the most excited is Kato Teng Qirin, because she is the most embarrassed, without her own Huang clan armament, she also won the battle with superb swordsmanship, her future achievements are pitiful, what Wuchen said just now is equivalent to her Pointing to a road to the sky.

"But our star power can really train itself like your chakra?" Shasha Gong Shaye looked at Wuchen suspiciously, always feeling a little bizarre and incredible.

The use of star power to activate cells, such a thing has never been heard, it is a fantasy.

"Of course." Wuchen nodded firmly. What he just said was actually the Lei Dun Chakra mode of the fourth generation of Raikage, and it was not groundless.

"No matter what kind of energy it is, there are many ways to use it." After that, a blue light emerged from Wuchen's body, and it also swirled around his fingertips. The color of the ocean was like a dream. .

"This is spiritual pressure, and it can also exercise body cells." Wuchen explained.

These words made the three women happy, and they looked at each other, the joy in their eyes was clearly visible. They looked at the characters in front of them, and they only felt as unfathomable as the sea.

I have to admit that Wuchen opened a new door for them.

"Okay, go back and explore for yourself, that's all I can say..." Wuchen waved his hand and issued an expulsion order. He had no such thing as star power, so he could only inspire the three of them.

"Qi Lin stay." Wuchen then added.


Julis and Shasha Gong Shaye both looked strange and exchanged eye contact with each other. Could it be that these two... have some adultery? !

"I want to stay too!" Julis said stubbornly.

Wuchen rolled his eyes and asked angrily, "Are you staying? Is there something wrong?"

"Isn't it possible? Are you not from our tutor? If you want to teach, you also teach together. Do you want to hide your secrets?"

And Shasha Gong Shaye also nodded lightly, as if following you.

"You two are really long-winded." Wuchen was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them, and said directly to Kato Fujiki: "Don't worry about them, come with me."

Before promising to personally guide Kato Tou Qirin, Wuchen naturally wouldn't lie to him.

"Sorry, two seniors."

Toto Qirin bowed slightly to the two of them, and then followed Wuchen away.

"These two guys!" Julis stomped her feet angrily, looking at the two who were leaving, feeling inexplicably upset.

For a long time, Julis simply believed that Wuchen cared about herself very much. After all, she saved her repeatedly, so Julis also had an unspeakable dependence on Wuchen.

But... I just found out today that in Wuchen's heart, I'm actually just an ordinary student, there's no difference.

It was Wuchen's duty to save Julis in the past. After all, as her mentor, Wuchen couldn't just watch her students get killed.

"Then, that dust-free mentor, won't those two seniors be angry?" Kato Teng Qirin, who was soft and kind by nature, asked worriedly.

"Angry? You think too much, that kid wanted to kill me before." Wuchen shook his head indifferently, everyone was nothing, just an ordinary teacher-student relationship.

Then Wuchen said to Kato Teng Qirin: "Show me your sword skills, treat me as an enemy, and attack with all your strength."

Hearing Wuchen's words, Kato Teng Qirin naturally wouldn't be merciful, Taidao grabbed the scabbard, and used a very cunning swordsmanship to pounce.


At this moment, Ayato Tianwu has quietly left the Star Guide Academy.

"Who the hell wants to see me, I don't have any acquaintances..."

Tianwu Lingdou was wearing a heavy robe, only showing one cheek, and his face was filled with endless doubts. At this moment, he was sitting alone in a quiet cafe, surrounded by faces, and no one knew him.

Just yesterday, Tianwu Lingdou suddenly received a letter. He didn't leave a signature, but just asked him out to meet. At the beginning of the period, Tianwu Lingdou planned to refuse, but in the end, the other party left a message like this - if you I want to know the news of your sister Tian Wuyao.

Tianwu Lingdou was hooked by this sentence, so he secretly ran out to meet the other party.

"I didn't expect you to be on time."

A calm voice suddenly resounded in Tianwu Lingdou's ears. This voice was extremely calm, as if he had expected Tianwu Lingdou to go to the appointment, he seemed calm and calm.

Chapter 18 Dancing With Wolves [Chapter Three]

"Who are you?!"

Tianwu Lingdou suddenly turned his head, and there was a large man sitting on the coffee table behind him.

As his back was facing him, Tianwu Lingtou couldn't see his face clearly, but just by looking at his body shape, Tianwu Lingtou immediately guessed the identity of this person.

"The student council president of Leiwolf Black Academy - Diluc Abelfan." Ayato Ayato exclaimed, her eyes were so wide that they were about to fall out.

This guy is the infamous "Spicy King".

"Hey, hey, I met you in secret. What are you yelling about? I'm afraid others won't hear you?" Diluc frowned and said in an unhappy tone, "How about we make a deal, can you help me? I'll kill that dust-free, and I can tell you what I know about your sister."

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