"Don't you think that Aldi and Limshi alone can defeat that guy?" Camilla said displeasedly, always feeling that Anesta was overconfident.

"That's not what I meant, you come and look at this data."

Ainesta suddenly pointed to the screen, where a bunch of data appeared, and she explained solemnly: "It's not that I don't transform, even if we use the most perfect materials for making simulacrum, we can't resist that guy's attack! "

To put it simply, it's not that Ainesta doesn't want to be transformed. The tragedy is that no matter how they transform, it seems that they can't resist the power of Wuchen's phantom flash, and the metal of their experimental materials can't bear it at all...

The video shown on the screen just now is the scene of Wuchen using the virtual flash to destroy the mechanical dolls of Silas Norman.

"You two, Claudia from the Star Guide is here."

Someone suddenly reported outside the laboratory, and the two women rubbed their heads with a headache. Although it was certain that the paper bag was not on fire, the matter of sending someone to snipe at the Star Guidance Academy would be exposed sooner or later, but it came too soon.

Especially the object is Claudia, a difficult and extremely cunning woman.

Chapter 16 Guidance [First Update]

About half an hour later, Claudia left the Alacante Institute. No one knew exactly what they were talking about, but when Claudia left, she had a smile on her face and a face like a peach blossom. It is not difficult to see that she is very satisfied.

"That hateful woman." Camilla clenched her fist, her body was shaking slightly, enough to see that she was very angry.

"There's no way to do this. After all, we've got a loss on this matter... Don't worry too much about it. Although we lost a lot this time, we simply got important research materials."

Although Ainesta also had an ugly face, her personality was much more optimistic than Camilla.

"And Claudia Enfield, don't be too happy, this time the dust-free thing has been spread out, we don't need our help, it is estimated that other schools will regard it as a threat, especially the ambitious one [King of Spicy Spicy], in order to achieve his goals, he will use all means to bring down the enemy, and whether the dust-free can participate in the competition is a question."

After thinking about it, the two women were relieved. Sometimes the more eye-catching something is, the faster it is destroyed, because it attracts jealousy.


Star Guide Academy.

The playground where students usually relax and take a walk after class is a different scene at this moment.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..."

The scene of dozens of people fighting is particularly spectacular, and the movement created is also extremely vast. There are simply enchantments arranged by Wuchen around them, and the strength of this group of students is not enough to destroy it.

The students in the enchantment are fighting in a chaotic battle, and they are in a decisive battle of life and death, showing their strength to the greatest extent. In such a chaotic battle, serious injuries and even death are very likely to happen, but whenever someone can't stand it, Wuchen will He will use medical ninjutsu to treat it, so it's not a big mess.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the continuation of the war, the number of people who could still fight became less and less, and only a few elites were left standing reluctantly. As for the others, they fainted.

In the end, there were only three people left in the center of the playground: Kato Kirin, Yuris, and Sasha Palace Saye. The others were eliminated. The boy Ayato Tianwu was discharged from the hospital yesterday. He seemed to be afraid that Wuchen would take advantage of the opportunity. Therefore, he did not participate in the actual combat.

"That's it for today." Looking at the embarrassed three people, Wuchen waved his hands, signaling them to stop.

The strength of the three people is mostly at the same level. If you want to win or lose, the time has to be extended indefinitely.


Hearing Wuchen calling to stop, the three of them all sat down on the ground. Frankly speaking, they were too tired, and they didn't want to show their strongest cards unless they had to.

Looking at the tired and collapsed three people, Wuchen used medical ninjutsu directly on them. After only ten seconds, they recovered their physical strength and star power.

"Shasha Palace Shaye..."

Wuchen's eyes fell on the blue-haired girl. When she opened her mouth and was about to speak, the little girl spoke first.

"I know you won't have good words, but in front of so many people, if you make me lose face, I will make you uncomfortable." Shasha Gongsha Ye raised the pistol in his hand and stared at him with an unhappy expression. Dust free.

She and Tianwu Lingdou were childhood sweethearts, and then suddenly there was another Julis. Although the current relationship was normal, it also made Shasha Gong Shaye feel a little threatened. She didn't want to lose face in front of her rival.

"The problem I'm talking about is not only you, but you also have problems in this area." Wuchen glanced at Kato and Yuris at the same time, and then said: "When fighting a person, it is not only necessary to destroy The opponent's strength, other aspects are also very important, such as their own defense, you are the worst in this regard - Shasha Gong Shaye."

"You are a gunslinger. Once you are approached by the enemy, your biggest weakness will be exposed - you are not good at close combat, and secondly, you are petite, and you are far from enough to see in terms of pure strength." Said, these words do not mean to add fuel to vinegar, "but even so, your firearms talent is amazing, suitable for long-range attack, so remember, no matter what, don't be pulled close by the enemy, long-range attack is your biggest Advantage."

However, when these words reached the ears of this unruly little loli, they were full of ridicule. I saw Shasha Gong Shaye picked up a pistol and aimed at Wuchen, "You look down on me and say I am small? You are beating around the bush. It's so cunning to mock me for my poor growth, I almost believed it!"

Shasha Gong Shaye glanced at Kato Teng Qirin subconsciously, looking at the tall peaks, she actually wanted to ask if you took hormones to grow so big.

"You are really a hopeless and wonderful flower." Hearing this, Wuchen was also drunk, and there was a feeling that a scholar met a soldier, and he couldn't explain it rationally.

"There is also a very serious problem, as I said before. Although your attacks are fierce, your defense is too poor. If it was me, I could knock you out with one punch." Wuchen's unceremonious lesson Said: "In addition to the brilliance-style armament, you should usually pay attention to your physical practice. Take the guy Lei Shida as an example. Although his combat power is not as good as yours, he is very resistant to fighting and has excellent patience. "

"People don't want to be muscular like that guy." Julis turned her head.

On the other hand, Shasha Gong Shaye looked at herself expectantly, her eyes twinkling with starlight, but Wuchen read out the meaning - can exercising muscles increase breasts?

"You misunderstood what I meant. I didn't ask you to exercise your muscles. There are many ways to exercise your physical fitness. For example, Lei Shida has a whole body of muscles. In fact, the defense is not that strong, just take him as an example. ."

Wuchen sighed in a rather tangled sigh, and the two of them could not tell how many mentors they had been mad at.

On the contrary, Kato Teng Qirin sometimes showed a contemplative color, and felt that there was some truth in what Wuchen said.She belongs to the type of close combat, and needs to face to face with the enemy often, and sometimes it is inevitable to be attacked, but her fighting ability is indeed average, and it is imperative to exercise.

Chapter 17 The Conspiracy Begins [Second]

"What do you mean, just say it directly."

Julis frowned, and she could feel that there was something in Wuchen's words. Since this guy has spoken out about their weaknesses, they can definitely come up with feasible solutions.

"It's very simple, your use of star power is too simple, and you can expand it. Of course, it's not just you, but the world is like this."

Isn't the so-called star power just used to fight?What's the use?


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