Wuchen brought her a glass of juice and said meaningfully: "If I guessed correctly, your uncle asked you to come to me, right? And the purpose is to let me and you team up to participate in the Xingwu Festival, right? "

"This, this..." Kato Teng Qirin looked at Wuchen in shock, and was really guessed by him.

"It seems that I guessed right." The corners of Wuchen's mouth raised a radian, and his expression was calm. In fact, it is not difficult to guess. Everyone close to him must have various purposes, such as Claudia...

"Then, Mr. Wuchen, will you form a team with me to participate in the Xingwu Festival?" Kaoru Qirin looked at Wuchen nervously with her big eyes, her small hands grabbed the corner of her clothes, and her expression was full of desire.

Her uncle Kato Fujitsu Ichiro said that as long as he and Wuchen team up to participate in the Xingwu Festival, they will definitely win in the end, so that they can rescue their father.


Looking at the girl's face full of hope, Wuchen's heart softened, but he finally shook his head and explained: "First of all, I have no interest in Xingwu Festival, and secondly, there are people who are more suitable than me... Shasha Gong Shaye and you are the best. It is the best combination, one is responsible for close combat, the other is responsible for long-range attacks, if the cooperation is good enough, it is enough to sweep 90% of the contestants, and the possibility of winning the championship is also very high.”

"If you have trouble with swordsmanship in the future, you can ask me. This is my area of ​​expertise. If I have time, I can teach you personally." Overjoyed, she hurriedly stood up, and Wuchen couldn't help crying and laughing. This innocent little girl probably had to bow to herself again.

Chapter 15 Ainesta and Camilla [Third]

Silent all night, the next morning.

When Wuchen hurried to class as usual, there were already a lot of people around the door of the classroom, and out of curiosity, he also walked over.

As soon as he walked a few steps, he heard a violent roar.

"Qi Rin, you useless little idiot!"

The harsh roar could be heard from hundreds of meters away.Wuchen's complexion sank immediately, and just by hearing this voice, he knew that it was the uncle of Kato Tou Kirin.

In front of everyone's eyes, calling his own niece an idiot, is this something an elder can do?

"Useless trash, what's the use of teaming up with such a kid?" Koichiro Kato spit the stars flying all over the sky, while Kato Kirin kept his head down.

After I heard that Kato Kirin decided to team up with Sasha Palace Saye to participate in the Xingwu Festival, Kato Kaichiro suddenly burst into the air. If it is one of the "Top Twelve People", it would be good to say, but Sasha Palace Saye is in the ranking Besides... So, in his opinion, this is stupid behavior.

"You incompetent brat..."

In a fit of rage, Koichiro Kato raised his slap, looking at Kato Kirin like an enemy.

The latter just closed his eyes in fear.

"You have a lot of courage."

In the crowd, a very cold voice came, and when it fell into the ears of Koichiro Kato, he felt that the god of death was staring at him, and he suddenly shivered.

Looking back, Koichiro Kato Fuji immediately saw Wuchen, and he hummed: "I taught my niece, what does it have to do with you?"

"Your niece?" Wuchen smiled sarcastically, "Isn't it more appropriate to say that it is a prop?"

After being said by Wuchen, Kato Kirin also looked up at Kato Koichiro.


Toto Koichiro's face suddenly twitched, his eyes did not dare to look at Kato Kirin, he was erratic, giving the impression that he was a thief with a guilty conscience.

"Qi Rin, let's go!"

Toto Koichiro snorted coldly and turned to leave.


"Qirin, are you deaf?"

Koichiro Katoto turned his head and saw that the girl was standing still, and immediately scolded: "Do you still want me to invite you?"

"Get out of here before I get angry, or I might throw you out."

Wuchen suddenly interrupted, and a sentence made Koichiro Toto shivered. He was sure that this bastard did what he said.

"Your Excellency is too fond of meddling, right?" Koichiro Koichiro's gloomy face was dripping with water.

"Yeah, can you bite me?" Wuchen asked back with a smile.

Hearing this, Kato Teng Gang Ichiro's face flushed with anger, the blood in his heart was tumbling, and he almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood.

If you can't beat it, what else can Koichiro Kato do?In desperation, he could only walk away angrily.

"Some things, you need to judge according to your own subjective will. You don't have to pursue success. You have to have a clear conscience and make sure you won't regret it in the future." Wuchen rubbed Dao Tengqi's head and slowly He said slowly, "Let's go to class."

"Thank you." Kato Teng Qirin looked at Wuchen gratefully, otherwise, it might have been another slap just now.

"It's just a trivial matter." Wuchen smiled lightly, and didn't care much. The kind of person who has no power to tie a chicken with his hands would not dare to take revenge on him if he lent him a hundred courage.


In a laboratory at the Alcant Institute, two young girls frowned and stared at the scene on the screen, invariably showing a cautious look.

"Ainesta, what is the origin of this new teacher? I have never heard of this character before. Where did that woman from Claudia Enfield dug out such a strong man?"

The girl with wheat-colored healthy skin and long blond shawl asked questioningly.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it, but this issue is no longer important... Camilla, have you noticed that the power fluctuations used by that kid are very strange, and it doesn't seem to be star power."

The beautiful girl called Ainesta's eyes glowed, and the corners of her mouth muttered: "Hey, interesting and interesting..."

The two were Aenesta and Camilla of the Alcantre Institute, and they were inextricably linked to the incident of hiring Silas Norman.

"It seems that in order to guard against this guy, our simulacrum needs to be debugged. If he participates in the Xingwu Festival, encountering this guy will be a fiasco." Camilla showed a look of contemplation.

"It's useless, it's superfluous." Ainesta shook her head gently.

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