"Who did it?!"

Silas Norman and Julis spoke at the same time. The difference was that one of them was furious and the other was relieved.

"Yo, two classmates, your performances are amazing!"

Extremely frivolous, the voice of hanging Erlangdang resounded in the ears of the two of them, and they looked at the place where the sound came from, and Wuchen was looking at the two with a smile on his face.

"It's you?!"

Silas Norman's face twitched immediately, and then a strong murderous intent appeared on his face. It was because this bastard kept interfering. The first two assassinations of Julis had failed, and this was the third time.

"Since you are here, you should die here today!" Silas Norman smiled hysterically, and then, the remaining batch of mechanical dolls surrounded Wuchen.

"It's good that you are still alive and kicking."

Wuchen appeared beside Julis, the girl was a little embarrassed, and a layer of dirt accumulated on her cheeks, "With your temper, I thought I would fight him to the death, and knowing how to run shows that you have some brains."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?!" Julis snorted, and then asked, "How did you know I was here?"

"You told me yourself." Wuchen smiled mysteriously, "Look at the hand you grabbed by me yesterday."

Julis glanced suspiciously at Wuchen, then rolled up her sleeves, revealing her snow-white wrists, and Mei Mu was shocked.

I don't know when it started, there is already a unique symbol there.

"This is [Flying Thunder God Warlock], which is equivalent to space coordinates. With this thing, I can appear in front of you at any time." Wuchen explained slowly.

He had expected that Julis would be single-handedly, after all, she had such a temper, so he left the Warlock Flying Thunder God on Julis in advance.

Chapter 14 The Pure and Innocent Dato Qi Rin [Second More]

"Do you still have this extraordinary ability? Does this still belong to the category of Star Vein generation ability? It's incredible, as expected of you." Julis was extremely surprised, and the career lines on her chest were all undulating together. , and then she looked at Wuchen eagerly, "Can you teach me?"

"It was flattering before, so that last paragraph is what you wanted to say?" Wuchen gave Julis a white glance, who blushed and was extremely embarrassed.

"But I'm sorry, you can't learn this." Wuchen shook his head and explained: "This is ninjutsu. How can you learn it without Chakra? It's too whimsical."

"I said you two... have you ignored this uncle? If you want to have a romantic relationship, go to hell and have a good talk!"

Silas Norman's cheeks were blue, did these two bastards ignore themselves as air?

"If I were you, I would want to run for my life, not to stay here and talk nonsense." Wuchen looked at this idiot like an idiot. Didn't that trick just now let this boy see the gap between each other?

If this is the case, it can only mean that this kid is blind!

"You look down on me?!"

The murderous intent in Silas Norman's eyes became more intense, "Today either you will die or I will die."

"If that's the case, then I'll... fulfill you!!!"

A dazzling ray of light swept across Wuchen's body, like a roar of lightning. The speed of light was so fast that neither humans nor the so-called Star Vein Generation had time to react.


Silas Norman suddenly felt an incomparably tingling pain in his abdomen, and the pain was piercing. He instinctively touched his stomach, but it became hollow!

"When did you do it?!"

Fear appeared in Silas Norman's cheeks, his stomach had been pierced, and a huge hole appeared.

If it wasn't for the unbearable pain all over his body, he would have thought it was a nightmare.

"It's time to go back."

Wuchen glanced at Julis, she nodded and left, as for the kid who fell in a pool of blood alone, no one cared.


When I returned to the Academy of Star Guidance, it was almost evening, and Wuchen was about to go back to rest when Julis stopped her from behind.

"Don't say thank you, I'm tired of hearing it." Wuchen waved his hand impatiently, and said eloquently: "Hehe, if you're really grateful, I'll show you my promise."

As soon as the voice fell, Wuchen left, otherwise this little girl might be going crazy again.

"Why are you leaving so soon, damn, am I that scary?!" Looking at Wuchen who was anxious to leave, a hint of sadness appeared in Julis' beautiful eyes.

After being rescued by Wuchen over and over again, she found that she seemed to have misunderstood this guy, although sometimes he was a fool, and he often made some explosive remarks, which was extremely unreliable... But after careful contact, Wuchen was in danger. She has a special sense of security at times, and can always take her out of danger every time, and he has very rich experience in teaching.

Especially this time, if it wasn't for Wuchen's appearance, Julis knew that she might really have to explain where she was, so she was very grateful to Wuchen.

"Next time, thank you." With a faint sigh, Julis also left with a heart full of thoughts.

When Wuchen came home, there was a slim girl waiting for him at the door.

It was Kato Kirin who had a relationship before.

"Teacher Wuchen!"

After seeing Wuchen coming back, Kato Teng Qirin immediately trotted over, bowed and apologized solemnly again, "I'm sorry Teacher Wuchen before, please be considerate."

"The past is in the past." Wuchen smiled lightly, and had a very good impression of this polite and timid little girl. Thinking of her experience, she couldn't help reminding: "Student Daoteng, your uncle has been using you to achieve his goals. For the purpose, that kind of person is not worth your life."

"Yes, but I don't have a choice." Kato Teng Kirin lowered her head with dim eyes.

"Come in first."

Wuchen greeted Kato Teng Qi Rin to enter the room and said, the little girl hesitated for a while and then came in.

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