"Star power can't represent everything." Wuchen said lightly, not his nonsense, the number one among the "top twelve", but there is no star power, not the star vein generation, just a very ordinary girl , even at a very young age, he was among the best just by virtue of his superb swordsmanship.


Suddenly, the hilt of the sword held by Wuchen's hand suddenly swept out a golden light, which was constantly changing and compressing according to his will, until finally, it turned into a sword body like a lightsaber.

"so beautiful……"

Claudia's eyes lit up, the lightsaber was as dazzling as the sun, and the blade was very delicate and beautiful, like a beautiful beam of light.

But soon, she frowned.

"It's so strange, it doesn't seem to be Xingchen Force, am I wrong?" Claudia looked at Wuchen in confusion, while Meimu glanced at the blue screen, which was exactly as she had guessed, and it was still written on it. with words like suitability 0.

In other words, this brilliance-style weapon is still not suitable for dust-free, but the condensed light...

It didn't take long for an even more amazing scene to happen. The hilt of the sword held in Wuchen's hand actually shattered with a "click" and turned into debris all over the ground.

"Sure enough, this kind of low-level thing really can't bear the spiritual pressure." Wuchen couldn't help but be disappointed, the light just now was actually a substantial spiritual pressure.

Although the power has been suppressed indefinitely, this kind of thing made by ordinary human beings still cannot withstand the violent spiritual pressure. If Wuchen did not have the suppressing power, the hilt would be burned to nothingness on the spot.

But even if the power is lowered, it is still unbearable...

"Forget it... Anyway, this kind of thing is optional."

Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head, and when he was leaving, he suddenly found that Tianwu Lingdou was looking straight at him.

"You can't get [Black Furnace Demon Sword] by your kid."

Wuchen suddenly smiled, turned his head to face Claudia and said: "You should bring out some good things, don't always use some junk to fool me, remember there is a pure star weapon called [Black Furnace Devil Sword], right? Bring it here and let me try it."

"This one……"

Hearing this, Claudia hesitated for a while, and then her beautiful eyes glanced at Tianwu Lingdou, this magic sword was prepared for this kid.


"Since it's your request, there's nothing you can do. I hope you can conquer it." Claudia quickly agreed with a bright smile on her face.

The pure star brilliance weapon is different from the ordinary brilliance-style weapon. The biggest feature is that it has self-awareness. If this sword does not choose dust-free, it will not work.

For the most common brilliance-style armament, the dust-free adaptability is 0. If it is replaced by pure star brilliance, the adaptability is estimated to be a negative number, because it is more difficult to control.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword is worthy of being a pure Xinghuang weapon. It is sealed in a sturdy iron pillar. Its appearance is made of special metal. It is impractical to take it away.


Immediately afterwards, the thick iron pillar suddenly opened like a door, and Wuchen's sight was immediately attracted to it.

"Try it."

Claudia handed the hilt of the Black Furnace Devil Sword to Wuchen, and the moment he took it, he immediately felt a heavy feeling, as if he was not holding a sword, but carrying several mountains, extremely heavy .


Immediately afterwards, a harsh alarm sounded, and the mechanical sound did not stop for a long time.


The adaptation index of the Black Furnace Magic Sword kept dropping, and it didn't take long for it to drop from 0 to a negative number, and the longer the dust-free grasped, the faster the drop, and it was about to reach -100%.

Wuchen can clearly feel that this black furnace magic sword hates him very much, and has been releasing shock waves to shake him away, but to him, that little power is like a breeze, and it is harmless.

"Do you know? My temper has never been very good..."

Wuchen stared at the hilt of the Black Furnace Demon Sword, as if talking to himself, or speaking to the consciousness of the Black Furnace Demon Sword.

"So, what I can't get, always has an end... ka ka ka ka..."

Under the gaze of several pairs of eyes, the hilt of the Black Furnace Demon Sword was cracked, and small residues kept falling.

"What kind of monster is this guy!? Is he really a human like us?" Claudia's face was tight, and she looked at Wuchen in surprise, or the black furnace magic sword in his hand was more suitable.


At this moment, the Black Furnace Demon Sword in Wuchen's hands keeps shaking, falling in everyone's eyes, like a child who wants to break free from the devil's hand. It is very painful, but its power is too small to do it at all arrive.

In just a few tens of seconds, Wuchen's adaptability to the Black Furnace Demon Sword dropped directly to the terrifying data of adaptability -500%, which is enough to see how much this sword hates him.

"Since you are not suitable for the Black Furnace Magic Sword, you should let others try it, right?" Tianwu Lingdou said with courage. From the moment he saw the Black Furnace Demon Sword, there were many more fragments in his mind.

"That's right..."

Wuchen pursed his lips and smiled, walked gently in front of Tianwu Lingtou, patted his thin shoulder, and gave a thumbs up.

"Boy, take it and conquer the world!"

Tianwu Lingdou was stunned. The moment he received the Black Furnace Demon Sword, he immediately realized that something was wrong. The weight was too light, and it was like holding a dead object. Didn't he say that the Black Furnace Demon Sword had self-awareness? ?

He looked down quickly, and his heart suddenly beat violently.

"This this this..."

Looking at the hilt of the Black Furnace Demon Sword in Tianwu Lingdou's hands, everyone was petrified and their faces were sluggish.

The so-called pure star brilliance has turned into a pile of fragments of different sizes at this moment, and was directly crushed by Wuchen's bare hands!

Everyone stared at the dust-free back, this unfathomable power far refreshed everyone's cognition.

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