On his cheeks, there are still vaguely visible footprints.

Chapter 6 I have no interest in reasoning with people who are weaker than me [Second]

"But then again, some women are really good at playing tricks. As I said, that kid will take a detour when he sees me."

Out of the corner of Wuchen's eyes, she glanced at Claudia, and she bowed her head in embarrassment.

The reason why Claudia urged Wuchen to come over earlier was to avoid meeting Tianwu Lingtou, this woman was quite fond of Tianwu Lingtou.

"This is not your home, don't you allow others to come?" Julis stared at Wuchen angrily and clenched her fists, "One day I will surpass you and beat you to the ground. ."

Wuchen pursed his lips and smiled, "I wish I could see that day..."

"Wait and see!"

With a vicious glance at Wuchen, Julis withdrew her gaze.

"I have to go back to sleep, get it done as soon as possible."

Wuchen walked to the laboratory. There were many people testing the Brilliant Armament today. Everyone was in line, and he walked at the forefront of the team very smartly.

"Boy, do you understand the queue?"

The big man behind Wuchen had an angry look on his face, his muscles were extremely developed, and his eyes were fierce.

Turning his head and looking at the person behind him, Wuchen had some impression of this big man, and asked: "If I remember correctly, you are called Lei Shida, right? One of the [Top Twelve People], the ranking seems to be at the end, right? ?"

"Ranked last?!"

Hearing this, Lei Shida's eyes suddenly lowered, and although the guy's tone was calm, he felt a sense of contempt.

Wuchen suddenly jumped in line, directly arousing public anger, and everyone looked at him badly.

"Hey hey hey...you cut the queue? You're still unreasonable?!" Julis said angrily, logically, Wuchen should be behind them.

"I'm so sorry, people who are weaker than me, I don't want to reason with them, it's a waste of time." Wuchen's voice was savage and domineering, his tone was like rolling thunder, everyone was trembling, and everyone dared to be angry. dare to speak.

Before, they all heard that Wuchen crushed Yuris and Tianwu Lingdou. This strength is enough to make everyone shy away.

Tianwu Lingdou, the new hairy boy, let's not talk about it for the time being, Julis is the fifth-ranked existence in the "Top Twelve", but she was still crushed.

No matter where, the strong prey on the weak, and the strong always receive higher treatment, just like the "top twelve", their residences belong to the villa type, while the people outside the ranking only live in the most common Just a dorm.

However, some people didn't want to eat this set, Lei Shida clenched his fists and said: "Boy, I don't care who you are, you can't do it in front of me, hurry up and line up behind me, otherwise... boom……"

A huge pressure suddenly came, and Lei Shida's cheeks suddenly turned gloomy. He felt that he was carrying several mountains on his shoulders, his body was constantly bent, and his legs were almost kneeling on the ground.

"This kid..."

He raised his head and looked at Wuchen in awe, and he couldn't help stunned. Those deep black eyes seemed to contain infinite magic, which made Lei Shida not have the courage to look at each other.

"From today onwards, I will be the tutor here, and everyone will take care of me in the future."

After finishing speaking, Wuchen turned around to select those brilliant weapons, and the pressure subsided, and Lei Shida stood up in relief. It takes a will to kill oneself.

"Where did the monsters come from?"

Lei Shida muttered in his heart, and his dissatisfaction with Wuchen disappeared instantly. This kind of strength has the capital that he looks up to.

"Teacher? This guy doesn't have any morality at all!" Looking at Wuchen, who was walking away, Julis stomped her foot.

"Forget it, Julis, that guy is very strong." Tianwu Ayato's voice was gentle and comforting, with a hint of bitterness on his face, and not very obvious disgust.

After all, I was beaten by Wuchen on the first day of my arrival. Until now, the footprints on my cheeks have not dissipated. If I don’t wash away this shame, can I still look up and be a human being in the future?

"However, do I still have a chance to wash away my shame?" Looking at Lei Shida, whose body was trembling, Tianwu Lingtou was full of doubts about the future.

Looking closely, Lei Shida's body was still slightly twitching. Although this guy tried to stay calm as much as possible, his muscles kept twitching, and even the vest he was wearing was wet with sweat.

Tianwu Lingdou even affirmed that as long as Wuchen continued to release the huge sense of oppression against Lei Shida, he would likely have a mental breakdown and would leave a shadow in his heart in the future.

"Are these so-called brilliant weapons?"

Wuchen picked up a sword hilt, the texture was cold, like holding an ice cube. This sword hilt was inlaid with a special gem. He knew that as long as the star power was injected into it, it would become a cutting iron. Muddy lightsaber.

"Fitness: 0!"

The sound of the machine came quickly, everyone was startled, suitability 0 means that no dust is not suitable for this brilliance type weapon, everyone looked at him with a strange look, this is just an ordinary ordinary brilliance type. Armed, anyone with a little understanding of the power of the stars can control it, but the suitability of Wuchen is 0, which is really unreasonable.

"Maybe this weapon is broken!" Claudia looked at Wuchen with big beautiful eyes and said: "There are many more, you can try others."

Wuchen is no nonsense. He tried all the brilliant-style weapons in the entire laboratory. The voice of the intelligent machine resounded constantly, all of which were suitable for 0, leaving everyone stunned.

"Everything here is broken!" Claudia could only think so.

"That's not true." Wuchen's cheeks were calm, and there was not much frustration, and he explained softly: "The power source that provides the brilliance-style armament is the power of the stars, and I don't have this kind of power, so it's not normal."

After these words fell, everyone's eyes changed, and it was strange to look at Wuchen. In other words, is it the non-Xingmai generation?

Hearing this, Tianwu Lingdou's small universe suddenly erupted. If Wuchen didn't have the power of stars in his body, he still had the confidence to surpass Wuchen to wash away the shame.

"You're lying to me, right?" Claudia's eyes widened, staring at Wuchen motionless.

"It's a fact, I really don't have the power of stars in my body..."

Wuchen answered calmly, as a traveler, and not a native of the country, where did the power of the stars come from?Then he suddenly changed his words, "But..."

Chapter 7 What I can't get, no one else can get it [Chapter [-]]

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