Chapter 8 Pit you to death [Third more]

"Bastard, I will never forgive you bastard!!!"

The anger in Tianwu Lingdou's heart has reached an unprecedented level, because this black furnace magic sword was used by his sister. Tianwuyao's whereabouts are now unknown. This sword is like a relic, which is entrusted to Tianwu. Ayato's thoughts on Tian Wuyao.

But now...

"What a savage and domineering guy." Claudia sighed softly, looking at Tianwu Lingdou with a slightly grim expression, it is estimated that the two of them have no chance of letting go.

She won't help Wuchen, and she won't favor Tianwu Ayato. If the two of them have to choose one, Claudia will only choose the one with great potential...


Time flickered to the afternoon, and this was the first time Wuchen started teaching.

"It's so funny, I didn't expect that I would still be a mentor in my life..."

In the corridor, Wuchen walked towards the classroom with strides.

Looking back on his previous life, when he was still in school, he was notoriously thorny and was the one who was the most disobedient to discipline. Whether he could graduate from high school was a problem, but now he has become a teacher... I have to say, life is always full of Drama, unimaginable.

"It looks like this is the room."

Wuchen stopped in front of a classroom and walked in immediately after confirming that he had not gone wrong.

"Bang bang bang..."

The moment he entered the classroom, there were two explosions in the air, and then he saw Wuchen's eyes were pierced.

"What a rude greeting, it seems that there are a lot of problem students." Wuchen looked up, and the girl with short blue hair was aiming a gun at herself.

The girl's eyes were dazed, her body swayed, and there was even a little saliva at the corner of her mouth. It was estimated that she had just woken up and shot when she saw Wuchen coming.

"This little brat is Shasha Palace Shaye? Then..." Wuchen glanced at everyone, and immediately saw Tianwu Lingdou and Yuris.

"It's really an enemy, Luzhai, classmate Yulis, classmate Tianwu, and this..." Wuchen looked at Shasha Gong Shaye who was confused, and said lightly: "Student Shasha Gong, your marksmanship is really good. "

The half-sleep state can blow other people's eyes, I have to say, this marksmanship is simply a bunker.

"Who asked you to bully Lingdou." Shasha Gong Shaye said righteously, "Lingdou is mine, and I will beat anyone who bullies him."

"Tsk tsk...I've heard of heroes saving beauty, but it's rare for beauty to save heroes. It really opened my eyes today, classmate Tianwu, your peach blossom luck really makes me envious." Wuchen glanced at the sky with a smile. Mist Ayato.


However, Tianwu Lingdou looked at Wuchen silently, and a fierce anger rolled in his eyes.

Look at Tianwu Lingdou, this kid doesn't care about himself, and Wuchen doesn't stick to his cold ass. After coughing twice, he said slowly: "From now on, I will be your mentor, you can call me Wu Wu. Chen, the content of today's first class is..."

Wuchen's tone couldn't help but pause, and the corner of his mouth flashed a smile that was not a smile.

"This guy……"

Tianwu Lingdou's heart throbbed for a while, and he had a bad premonition, and muttered in his heart, "Is he thinking of some bad idea to fix me again?"


On the grassy playground, Wuchen brought his group of students here for training, and everyone looked at him in confusion, what exactly was he trying to do.

"The content of today's first class is very simple, you... let's fight each other!" Wuchen said with a serious expression, and everyone's heart jumped fiercely.

"No matter how hype I say, for you, it is probably an incomprehensible scripture, so it is better to carry out a practice. The Star Vein Generation can only accumulate experience in constant battles and accumulate experience again and again. Only one person can Gradually become stronger." Wuchen said slowly, not that he was fooling everyone, but the fact.

No matter how wonderful and profound the concept is, it is not as effective as actual combat. The so-called concept is not effective for everyone. Only a few people can understand it. After all, everyone’s path is different.

"In other words, this is a melee? Then we can also form an alliance with each other? Wuchen mentor."

Some students have bright eyes, because their own strength is weak, and they can only win by numbers.

"of course."

Wuchen nodded lightly, "The winner is the king, the process is not important, there is nothing despicable or despicable."

As soon as Wuchen's words fell, the group of students immediately separated, and many people looked at each other and stood in a row.

Only the three seemed to be alone.

"This smiling tiger, I thought he had a conspiracy before. It turned out that he was waiting for us here. We were tricked!"

Tianwu Ayato forgot to glance at the two people beside her, Yuris and Sasha Palace Saya.

Julis is arrogant, has a bad temper, and has almost no friends, so it's normal to be isolated, Sasha Palace Saye doesn't have any friends, and Tianwu Ayato is no exception. She's a new student, so the three are isolated.

"This guy is so insidious, we were targeted by everyone."

Julis glared at Wuchen with a wicked smile in the distance, wishing to rush over and bite this guy to death.

Because Julis was the fifth-ranked existence in the "Top Twelve", everyone looked at her with hostility in their eyes.

"Cough, cough... You can hear it clearly, hit me hard, don't be merciless, understand? No matter what goes wrong, I will be responsible for everything!"

Wuchen said a word, and all the students' eyes became more unscrupulous, looking at Tianwu Lingdou and the three of them extremely badly.

"Tsk tsk... You want to fight with me just because of your half-hearted level. It's too self-sufficient. I have countless ways to kill you!"

Wuchen sat leisurely on the soft grass, holding a piece of grass in his mouth, looking at the three of them playfully.


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