"Stop, take my panties and don't talk about it, you still..." There seemed to be something indescribable, the pink-haired girl blushed even more, and said angrily: "All in all, I, Julis, loves Rexia Vonris. Fei Te will never let you go."

Thinking of her underwear being touched and touched by Wuchen, looking at and looking at it, Julis got goosebumps.

"This woman's name is really long." Wuchen muttered, then ignored Julis and left.

He was too lazy to explain, this kind of thing will only get worse and worse, the clearer is clear, and Julis is so angry, so clean can understand, no matter which girl sees a strange man holding her underwear, she will be furious.

Wuchen thought that if she left, the woman would be relieved, but the truth was not that simple.

"Give me coke." Julis drank abruptly, and then the temperature suddenly increased dozens of times.

"Boom boom boom..."

The fiery fireball rushed from behind, and the power was quite good, and even the surrounding gravel melted into liquid.

"Look, the princess has gone mad."

Many people came to join in the fun at the first time, and Julis was very famous in the Academy of Star Guides.

Wuchen turned his head and glanced at the boiling fireball, feeling the scorching temperature, even his body was about to melt, and said casually: "Flame, that's not how you play."

"Do you want you to teach me?" Yulis asked back, feeling even more annoyed. Her nickname is "Witch of Huayan", do you still need Wuchen to teach herself?This is a naked look down on!

Wuchen didn't say much, just silently watching the flames rushing towards him.


At the moment of contact with Wuchen, the fireball suddenly cracked, like a monster with a big mouth, and suddenly swallowed him into the inside of the fireball, and the fiery flame burned on Wuchen.

"That kid is finished, he will be maimed if he doesn't die!"

"It's not good to offend anyone, but to offend the princess, courting death."

"I'm afraid this kid is about to get burned, so hurry up and call for a stretcher."


Many people watching the excitement were talking, and their voices were full of pity. Most people were not optimistic about Wuchen, a stranger. After all, Julis was famous, but the "Top Twelve People" ranked fifth.

As for Wuchen... Who is this kid?Everyone looked at each other in disbelief, and no one knew him at all.

"What a grumpy little girl."

The dust-free hands inside the fireball were in his pockets, and the flames burned around the body, and he didn't even blink his brows.

Chapter 2 Terrified Julis [Second]

He was bathed in flames, and he didn't even use the elementalization of the devil fruit and the domineering armament.

In the past years, Wuchen played with fire all the year round. This level of flame was too weak for him, it was like hot wind rolling over him... There was no extra feeling.


Suddenly, a large number of cracks broke out on the burning fierce fireball, and gradually spread to the entire sphere.

"This is……"

Julis raised her beautiful eyes, her big eyes full of doubts.


The fireball that devoured Wuchen suddenly burst open, and countless sparks were scattered, and the sparks that flew out forced the crowd to retreat.

"how is this possible...?!"

Immediately afterwards, the safe and sound Wuchen reappeared in everyone's eyes, and everyone took a deep breath. How did this guy... survive in that kind of high temperature?

"Is it defensive magic?"

The most surprising thing was undoubtedly Julis. It was the first time she encountered such a situation. She was swallowed by her own flames and survived unharmed.

"Is it only to this extent?"

Wuchen stared at the unacceptable Julis and joked: "Only this level, you and the title of [Huayan Witch] are somewhat mismatched."

"Don't be too complacent there, you just took a blow from me!" Yulis glared at Wuchen and scolded: "Nine rounds of dancing flames."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As many as nine fireballs swept in from different directions, and their volume and heat were higher than the fireballs just now. The moment they appeared, everyone felt as if they were in a steamer, extremely hot.

"That kid really angered Julis."

Many people looked at Wuchen with pity, full of sympathy.

Wuchen touched his chin, looked at the several fireballs that came, and asked playfully, "Little girl, are you doing acrobatics? The power of combining them will be even greater."

No matter what tricks, once dispersed, the power will be greatly reduced.

"Do I still need your guidance?!"

Julis was ashamed and angry, her cheeks were flushed, and her beautiful eyes were staring at Wuchen with fire.

Even if you are looked down upon by the enemy, you still need his guidance?This is too embarrassing!

Staring at the fireballs flying in all directions, Wuchen still did not move.

Looking around, the green grass was burnt to black, and only the one-third of an acre of land under Wuchen's feet was still full of vitality.

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