Looking at Wuchen like a sculpture, motionless, completely ignoring the incoming fireballs and letting them fly around, Yuris' pretty face was gloomy, and she gritted her teeth: "Stinky boy, this is what you asked for, give it to you. I burst!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The nine boiling fireballs exploded at the same time, and the movement was extremely huge. The unstoppable shock wave spread out, and all the students watching the battle were blown away.

The most astonishing thing is that these fireballs exploded at the same time, causing all the tens of meters of dust-free area to be burned into Jedi, a piece of charred black, especially the deep crater on the ground is even more chilling, as if struck by an alien meteorite. Same.

"It's over, it's over... The princess killed that kid and killed someone. This time she must have caused a big disaster!"

The people watching the battle were all horrified, and when they looked around, Wuchen had no bones left.

"Oops, too much force!"

Even Julis has a pretty face full of worries and regrets to the extreme. Even if she is one of the "Top Twelve People", she will kill someone...

"I blame that stinky boy. I thought he had two brushes. Who would have thought it was a vase." Julis stomped her feet, quite annoyed.

Just when everyone thought that the dust-free was killed, the faint voice fell from the sky.

"Little girl, are you getting water in your head? You want to kill me just with that acrobatic trick?"

Following the place where the sound came from, many people's pupils shrank.

Wuchen stood in the sky unscathed, with his hands in his pockets lazily, and looked down at Julis lazily.

"Can you still fly?"

Many people's eyes on Wuchen changed, and they became very surprised, because he didn't have any power fluctuations leaking out, and he stood in the sky like walking on the ground.

"Hey...Let me teach you how to play with fire." The corner of Wuchen's mouth swept a wicked arc, and then, his hands skillfully formed handprints, "Huo Dunhao Fire Dragon Technique!"

"Ow ooh..."

The dragon head, which was completely condensed by flames, fell from the sky, as if it had been given a soul. It was lifelike. It opened its mouth and roared, and the heat wave was deafening. The dull voice lingered in everyone's heart for a long time.

"Gulu..." Looking at the flame dragon falling from the sky, Julis swallowed and looked around, even the blue sky was burned red.

"Okay, okay, so strong." Although she didn't want to admit it in her heart, Julis also stared in a daze. Before the fire dragon approached her, Julis felt that she was about to be cooked.

"However, don't underestimate me too!" Her beautiful eyes narrowed, and Julis said in a low voice, "Swallowing the dragon and biting the flame flower."

"Boom boom boom..."

A large-scale magic that looked like a fire dragon rose from the ground and swept toward the arrogant fire dragon that fell from the void.

"It's much stronger than the fireball just now, but it's still not enough to see." Glancing at Julis' fire dragon, Wuchen shook his head.

"Bang, bang bang bang..."

In the void, the moment the two fire dragons collided, their bodies trembled slightly, and countless flames splashed out.

"Should cancel it out?"

Everyone looked at this scene with anticipation. Most people thought that the two would disappear together, but the result...


The arrogant fire dragon's big mouth full of ferocious fangs suddenly opened, and under the astonished gaze of countless people, the fire dragon that devoured Julis alive...

This scene shocked everyone, how can flames play like this?

"I'm dreaming!" The most surprising person was Julis herself. Her thin lips were so round that she could fit a stone.

Yulis can understand the strength of her tricks, which is one of her strongest tricks... But it was swallowed by the dust-free arrogant fire dragon, can it be more embarrassing?

And after eating Julis' fire dragon, not only did the momentum of the dust-free fireball not weaken, but it became even larger, and it devoured Julis on the ground like a natural disaster.

Chapter 3 Tianwu Lingdou [First Update]

"Boom boom boom..."

The arrogant fire dragon exudes a boundless and powerful impact. Its hideous head is dozens of meters in size, and the area covered is too large.


Many students realized that this move was extremely dangerous, and they all fled in panic.

As for Julis, she stared blankly at the flaming dragon falling from the sky, but her legs were actually weak.

It was also the first time that Julis saw such a powerful move, and it was the first time in her life that she felt the breath of death.

The fire dragon was getting closer and closer to the ground, and Julis had closed her eyes in despair, and it was precisely at this moment that a black shadow flashed over.

Hearing the sound of "Hugh", the shadow took Julis away.

"Who is nosy?" Wuchen frowned slightly, his eyes swept over, his eyes were slightly sullen.

In fact, he didn't have the intention to kill, otherwise Julis would have been finished long ago, and he just wanted to teach this arrogant woman a lesson. Who would have thought that there would be people who would meddle in their own business.

"Bang, bang bang bang..."

The moment the giant fire dragon landed, the ground was instantly smashed into pieces, and there were cracks infiltrating people everywhere. The fire dragon also exploded naturally.

"That move just now is really dangerous. If you dodge too slowly, you may be killed." The boy who rescued Julis turned his head to look at the burning red earth, and couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

"Well, thank you for saving me." Julius thanked him gratefully.

"No thanks, I too..."

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