There is no superfluous expression on Wuchen's face, no waves, as if the person targeted by the light of destruction is not him, as steady as Mount Tai.

Just when everyone was extremely worried, the mutation protruded!

A pure golden light curtain stood in front of him, as if it was the most powerful enchantment in the world, standing in front of Wuchen.


Suddenly, he shouted again, and the golden light became even more dazzling, and a layer of solid armor was condensed on the surface.

"Boom boom boom..."

The moment the beam hit Susanoo, there was a slight tremor, and a lot of cracks appeared in the center.

However, this was of no use. With the chakra gushing out of the dust-free body, the broken crack immediately recovered.

Just when Wuchen was about to fight back, the Demon God Chaos... His huge body had turned into countless pieces of debris.

Obviously, that was his last swan song just now.

"It's really a letter scan."

Borely pouted, the dust-free body turned into a streamer and landed on the ground, passing by Leohart in all kinds of boredom.

"Then, that lord..."

Leohart looked at Wuchen stupidly, and before he knew it, even the name changed.

"Is something wrong?"

Wuchen turned his head and asked.

"The Demon God Chaos just died like this? That's the Demon God!" Leohart looked at Wuchen in disbelief. After all, he was the King of Heroic Spirits who commanded all Heroic Spirits.

"As you can see."

Wuchen nodded lightly, and then sighed, "If only he had a hundred lives, I still have a lot of tricks to try. It's a pity, hey..."

Hearing this, Leohart almost bit off his tongue. It would be troublesome enough to clean up a single life of Chaos. If it takes a hundred lives... I am afraid that this world will be over!

But Leohart also understood that he and Wuchen were not in the same realm. He opened his mouth and was about to ask if he had any other tasks to explain when Wuchen disappeared in a very strange way.

It's not just him, all the people who are related have disappeared from this world.

school battle city

Chapter 1 Learning Battle City Julis [First Update]

The unknown mysterious world, the sun is shining, the morning breeze is mighty.

"What the hell is this place..."

Wuchen sat on a bench by the side of the road, looking up at the blue sky with a confused look in his eyes.

"It's probably a certain school..."

Wuchen glanced around, and there were many people passing by, all wearing uniforms, but these people were all girls, and they looked at themselves strangely and were alert.

Occasionally, there were two female students passing by. Wuchen just wanted to ask, but the other party was afraid to avoid it and left, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Damn, is Lao Tzu very scary?! Damn! You are still students. You are all too rude, and avoid me like a monster!"

Wuchen scolded and couldn't help touching his cheeks. He was not disfigured, and he was as handsome as before.

"Girls today are too short-sighted."

Wuchen closed his eyes and looked up to the sky and sighed, and it was precisely at this moment that a piece of white cloth fell from the sky and landed on his lap.

"This is..." Wuchen picked up the white cloth, glanced at it lightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "I heard of the pie from the sky, but what does the underwear mean from the sky? It seems to be a girl's."

The fabric that fell on Wuchen Big 1's leg was a white panty with a few white flowers embroidered on it.

"It seems to have fallen from above."

Wuchen raised his head and glanced at the dormitory behind him. Above his head, there happened to be an open window.

With the attitude that one thing is worse than one less thing, Wuchen quickly ignored his underwear, slipped away as soon as possible, and was embarrassed to be caught.

"Damn pervert, stop for me."

A good or bad order, just when Wuchen was about to retreat, an angry scream fell from the sky, his ears were numb, and there was already a pink-haired girl lying on the open window, her eyes staring with fire. Dust free.

"It has nothing to do with me." Wuchen immediately dismissed the relationship, which is a fact.

"Then why are you running? You are sneaky, and you come to the girls' dormitory alone. What is it that is not a hooligan?" The pink-haired girl asked coldly, then jumped out of the window vigorously, staring at Wuchen extremely unkindly. .

"Girls' dormitory?"

Hearing this, Wuchen suddenly realized, and scolded: "No wonder those girls look at me strangely, it turns out that this is the girls' dormitory, maybe they think I'm here to peep, it's really unfair... "

Wuchen really complained in his heart. When he just crossed over, he was in this unfamiliar place, and he didn't know that this was the girls' dormitory, otherwise he would have run away.

Especially now, there may be a nickname of "underpants maniac"!

"Looking at your dignified appearance, I didn't expect your behavior to be so filthy. What's your name, why have I never met you, and you don't seem to be from our Star Guide Academy, you don't even have a school badge." The pink-haired girl looked blank. Chen's eyes were even worse, full of hostility.

"Xingdaoguan Academy? I understand the world I live in." The smile in Wuchen's eyes flashed away, and then he said slowly: "I am a newcomer who has just arrived, called Wuchen, and I only walked when I got lost. Girls' dormitory, sorry, I'm leaving."

After saying that, Wu Chen turned around and left.

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