"Do you believe I'll slap you to death now?" Wuchen snorted coldly, and glanced at the girl's plump figure, the transparent white gauze was like a fake, rubbing against him, it was no different from physical contact.

"For the sake of your performance, I can show you a clear path."

Wuchen's tone relaxed a lot, and Liara saw hope. The girl's eyes lit up and she said excitedly, "Let's hear it."

"First: Let Leohart give up the position of the Demon Lord."

"Second: Support Naruse Mio as the new Demon King."

Hearing this, Liara's face suddenly stiffened, and she looked at Wuchen with complaining eyes and complained, "Could it be that my body is so worthless? These conditions are too harsh, what's the difference between starting a war?"

"You are already very valuable. If it was someone else, I would have already died, not to mention showing you a way to survive." Wuchen rolled his eyes, this is the bottom line.

"Even if I agree, my brother Leohart will not necessarily give up the position of the Demon King." Liara suddenly smiled bitterly, her eyes rolling slyly, "Otherwise, I will give myself to you, and you will be the Demon King in the future. My brother-in-law, make more money."

"To earn a fart, isn't it more cost-effective to let my servant be the devil?" Wuchen raised his slap, and slapped the tall and plump buttocks angrily, this little girl deceived herself as an idiot?


This slap was extremely loud, and Liara was smart all over her body, and then she hurriedly tightened her body, curled up into a ball, and said angrily, "Stinky rascal."

It is not difficult to see that on the surface this woman is bold and bold, but she is actually quite conservative.

"Smelly hooligan? It's up to you, if you want to say yes." Wuchen ignored it directly, the words entered his left ear and came out of his right ear, he didn't listen at all, and then gave three thumbs up, "Go back and think about it. Think about it, I'll give you three days, and when the time is up, I'll call you in person."

"At that time, chickens and dogs won't stay!"

"The old lady lost a lot!"

Hearing Wuchen's resolute tone, Liara turned into anger from shame, but because she was scratching her head and making gestures before, she used all her strength to seduce Wuchen, but... she didn't even get a hair.

"I didn't force you." Wuchen shrugged with an expression that had nothing to do with me.

"Hmph, just wait and see."

With a snort, Riara left with a flick of her sleeves.

"Hold on."

Just when the girl was about to leave, Wuchen suddenly stopped her. Liara was very happy when she heard the words, she turned her face to reveal a proud look, and secretly said: I really can't resist the charm of the old lady, so I can't put it on. ?

"Cover your ass tightly, I slapped me, and there are still traces. It's not good to be seen, you can forget it, it's not good if I get misunderstood." Chen looked at Liara and said seriously, one sentence made the latter petrify on the spot.

Because Liara was only wearing a white apron, other than that, with no other clothes, her snow-white buttocks were exposed to the air.

"I... think you are cruel!"

Glancing at the smiling Wuchen viciously, Liara left angrily. This bastard is really abominable, did he do it on purpose? !


After Liara left, the room returned to tranquility, and Wuchen rubbed his temples.

"I've been eavesdropping for so long, come out and tell me what you think." Wuchen seemed to be talking to himself, and then found a place to sit down.


Not long after, the tightly closed door was opened, and Mio walked in with her head lowered, like a little girl who did something wrong, clutching the corner of her clothes nervously.

"Lord, Master really wants me to be the Demon King?"

Mio stared at Wuchen, complex and grateful, never expected that this annoying master would do this for herself.

"Why, don't you like it?" Wuchen asked with his head tilted, looking very plain.

"No, I just feel that I am not suitable. The demon kings in the demon world are all decisive and powerful heroes, and I..." Mio was silent, and looked a little inferior.

Because the demon kings of all dynasties are extremely powerful beings, Mio's strength has nothing to do with power, and even needs someone else's protection.

Wuchen looked at Mio for a moment, and then said slowly: "Frankly speaking, you are really not suitable to be a demon king, your temper is too weak."

Hearing this, Mio's head lowered, and he was about to be buried in the majestic peaks.

"Do you know why I want you to be the Demon King? Actually, it has nothing to do with you."

Mio looked up again and looked at Wuchen's face. Those deep black eyes were as bright as stars, shining, mysterious and confident.

Mio shook his head, he really couldn't guess Wuchen's thoughts.

"Because...that Leohart clearly knew that you were my servant, and he still attacked you, which is enough to show that the ant didn't even care about me. I can't forgive this only. The ants bullied me. On my head, it's not a pity to die."

Wuchen's tone became ghostly, and he whispered hoarsely: "A thousand years ago, I swore that I would kill anyone who provokes me... That Liara is really ridiculous, thinking that with her ridiculous power Flesh can make me change my mind? So naive, Leohart will die."

"Although I have a good impression of that woman, if she doesn't know how to lift her up and she has to be a stumbling block, I can only sweep her into the trash."

Chapter 42 Intercession [First Update]

Time flies, and three days have passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Liara arrived just in time and with sincerity, two unexpected people were caught by him.

These two people are still standing on the opposite side of Wuchen, they are enemies.

In the dust-free bedroom, he was lying lazily on the sofa, with two people kneeling beside him, both of them tied with five flowers, with a look of hatred.

"Haha... It's really a place in life where we don't meet." Seeing the two of them, Wuchen was overwhelmed with emotion at the same time.

These two are Lass and Tojo Basara. Originally, they took refuge in Leohart. I hope everyone will join hands to deal with Wuchen. Who knows that Liara is trying to please him, and the result is...

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