
Suddenly, all the glass shattered, and several sharp edges suddenly attacked.

"Boom boom boom..."

Wuchen was blasted to pieces on the spot, and his body turned into countless photons floating.

In the blink of an eye, it was dismantled into eight pieces.

"Oh, oh... In the middle of the night, the way of greeting is so rude?"

The scattered rays of light condensed again, and the dust-free emerged intact.

In the dust-free bathroom, there was another slender girl at the moment.

The girl was blond and blue-eyed, and her slender curly hair naturally fell to her waist. The long golden hair was a little messy and split, giving the first impression of being sloppy.

But Wuchen looked and looked at the girl, and did not dislike this feeling. On the contrary, she wore light makeup and dressed casually, giving people more of a feeling of natural beauty.

However, in terms of a killer, the girl's dress is really...

This person only wears an apron... even the snow-white and smooth ass is exposed, even if Wuchen sees all kinds of unrestrained beauties, he can't help but feel ashamed.

"Are you here to assassinate me, or to seduce me?" Wuchen touched his head and asked embarrassedly.

Because with a casual glance, you can see her round buttocks, if her back is turned to herself...cough cough!

Even because the collar of the apron he was wearing was too low, the majestic peaks were about to jump out.

"Hehe, of course I came to assassinate you. You and my brother are enemies. I really have no reason to let you go. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Leohart's sister. My name is Liara. It seems that I am older than you. Big, you can call me sister Liara." The girl introduced it playfully, until she spit out a cute tongue at the end, and found Wuchen looking straight at herself, Liara stood up proudly. With a plump figure, "Of course, your suggestion is good. I failed to assassinate you. I can completely convince you in another way - seduce you!"

Hearing this, Wuchen has a big head in the dark. This killer is too weird. He even took the initiative to introduce himself and betray Leohart unceremoniously.

When he heard that Liara was the killer, Wuchen was not so angry, and was even quite calm. If it were someone else, he would have slapped him long ago.

All in all, the girl in front of me really makes people feel disgusted.

"Let's go back."

Wuchen waved his hand and said rudely: "After [-] years of cultivation, you are coming to me."

"You really don't give any face when you talk." Liara waved her fist unhappily, "Then I can beat you after cultivating for a hundred years."

"Want to beat me? Then you need to work hard for [-] years without eating or drinking. I said that after [-] years of cultivation, I am willing to use a finger to deal with you. Dealing with you now, I will even do it. It's not necessary." Wuchen said slowly, his tone was calm and powerful, as if he was narrating a fact.

"Aren't you arrogant brat?!" Liara was secretly annoyed, this is utter contempt!

"I don't believe it anymore." Liara, who didn't believe in evil, broke out in a rather impressive magical riot, and dazzling rays of light circulated all over her body. Because the density was too high, it even materialized.

"not bad."

Seeing this, Wuchen showed an admiring look and saw Liara's appearance, which made him suddenly think of a person - Dongcheng Xun.

In terms of magic power fluctuations, it is no weaker than the Dongcheng Blade, and the strength of the two should be on a par.

But....that's still too far.

"What, are you afraid?"

Seeing that Wuchen was looking at her motionless, Lias blinked her big eyes, raised her head and raised her chest, and said proudly: "It's useless to be afraid, your previous arrogance has deeply angered me, hurry up. Come and call me sister a few times, and I will forgive you and give you a satisfactory way to die, otherwise... hum!"

Liara made a ferocious look, as if she was innocent and uncompromising, and she was about to torture him inhumanely.

But the way she sticks out her tongue, grimaces, and occasionally sees her buttocks up, it's really hard to make people feel scared, and it's true that her mouth is dry.

"At least look behind you first, stupid woman." Wuchen pointed at Liara's back, and said extremely tangled.

"You say I'm stupid?!" Liara's beautiful eyes spit fire, and she gave Wuchen a vicious look, but she looked back in a ghostly way. On the spot, her face turned sharply, and the relaxed appearance of chatting and laughing suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by something unprecedented. careful.

Behind Liara, there are countless lights and shadows floating, and a large number of sharp weapons are floating in the void, each of which is filled with deadly sharp edges, all aimed at Liara's head.

As long as you move a little rashly, you will be stabbed in many holes.


Liara's throat choked up, Xiuquan clenched tightly, turned her head to look at Wuchen with an indifferent face, blinked her eyes, and a sly color flashed in her beautiful eyes that were even more dazzling than gems.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Wuchen asked flatly, the girl's every move, even the most secretive change in expression could not escape his eyes.

"I'm going to take your suggestion just now, and use another way to defeat you. It's not hard, it can only be soft, so I put on this dress on purpose. Do you have the desire to burst into blood?"

Liara, who was wearing an apron, stood on her tiptoes. There was nothing but the apron. She danced lightly in a circle. Gotta be clear.

"This woman... she's really a wonderful woman with a broken head!"

Wuchen has black lines all over her head, but it is undeniable that she is very smart and interesting, knowing that she has no chance of winning against herself, and immediately changed her strategy, although the way was stupid.

Chapter 41 Liara [First More]

The speed of this woman's face changing is too fast, and she still looked like a sure-killer one second ago. In a twinkling of an eye, she realized that the difference in strength was the appearance of a man's love and concubine. Her beautiful eyes were full of spring. Crispy, soft.

Liara was close to Wuchen with a strong fragrance, and deliberately used certain parts of her body to provoke him.

However, Wuchen was as unmoved as a piece of wood, puzzled by the amorous feelings. He didn't even look at Liara, and he kept looking at the hazy moonlight in the distance.

"Do you have a physical defect?" Liara asked suspiciously after taking a few glances at the dust-free and flat lower abdomen.

Changed to other men, may have risen high.

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