"I remember that the two of them are your enemies, I hope you can laugh at it." Liara said sincerely, with a smile in her eyes.

Hearing this, Wuchen rubbed his temples, but he asked Leohart to step down, but the woman arrested the two of them. Did she want to exchange them equally?

"Don't underestimate that Dongcheng Basara, this kid has great potential and has three different bloodlines in his body."

"The devil, the gods, and even the breath of a dragon..." Liara looked at Tojo Basara cautiously. With time, this kid will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

It is the most appropriate to use this kind of potential enemy to please Wuchen.

"It's fortunate for you..."

Wuchen touched his chin, and then said shamelessly: "But, I owe you a favor for this matter, but Leohart must get down from the position of the devil."

"How can you be so unreasonable!?" Liara was stunned when she heard the words, and then her chest trembled with anger. In her opinion, Wuchen was bullying others.

All your enemies have been captured by the old lady, and they are likely to become a big problem in the future. Now you are playing this game?

"I owe you a favor?" Wuchen rolled his eyes, raised his voice and said, "This is for life-saving purposes."

"Although my strength is not as good as yours, how many people in this world can threaten me? No one can threaten my life." Liara snorted softly and was extremely dissatisfied with Wuchen.

"That's your business." Wuchen said indifferently, holding his head in his hands.

"You crazy woman!"

Tojo Basara suddenly looked at Liara angrily, and roared like a monster: "You ruined our affairs!"

Hearing this, Liara's beautiful eyes flashed with a cold light, and she quietly swept to the side of Tojo Basara, and she waved her hand towards Tojo Basara's cheek.


This slap was extremely loud, and a blood-red slap appeared on Tojo Basara's cheek.

"Just based on your kind of thing, do you think you can really make waves?" Liara disdainfully stared at Tojo Basara, whose eyes were full of hatred, and at the same time glanced at Wuchen with great dread.

This man with unfathomable strength far surpasses cognition. If God is the top existence in this world, then Wuchen is the ultimate existence above God.

A while ago, all the gods in the heavenly world were destroyed, shocking the entire demon world. Although I don't know who did it, my intuition told Liara that it was definitely related to Wuchen.

Because only he has this kind of strength, and the imprisoned Raphaelin appeared beside Wuchen, which has explained the problem in a way.

Therefore, under the firm opposition of Leohart, Liara secretly captured his partners, Basara Tojo and Lars, and gave them to Wuchen.

But tragically, Wuchen did not give in and asked Leohart to step down.

"Better don't let me take the chance, or I will definitely kill you." Dongcheng Basara's eyes were scarlet, glaring at Wuchen, hating this father-killing enemy.

"is it?"

Wuchen looked at Dongcheng Basara with a smile, and teased: "I was going to tease you for a few days. Since you said so, I'll send you to hell to see that cheap old man."

After finishing speaking, Wuchen used the glittering fruit to create a Tiancong Yunjian, step by step towards Dongcheng Basara.

Under the pressure of the shadow of death, Tojo Basara quickly broke into a cold sweat, and two emotions of unwillingness and fear breed.

In the face of death, everyone is afraid, especially if he has not avenged his father's death, he is about to burp himself, and Dongcheng Basara is naturally unwilling.

"And you, let me escape, and even you will be smashed to pieces!" Glancing at Liara fiercely, Tojo Basara roared, while the latter just sneered again and again, but unfortunately he didn't have a chance.

"Your Excellency, wait a minute!"

Just when the sharp edge of Tiancong Yunjian was about to pierce Dongcheng Basara's neck, a panicked voice came.

The corners of Wuchen's mouth showed a traceless smile, and the secret sigh was still here.

Looking back, it was an old man named Ramsas.

"Wait a minute? Slow down, he must die today." Despite facing Wuchen, Liara was very restrained, but when it was replaced by other people, she was not afraid at all, including Ramsas. inside.

If you think about it, it's right. Since Liara has offended Tojo Basara, she will naturally not let this kid go. Who made him have amazing potential? If he survives today, he will definitely become a big problem for his confidants in the future.

In fact, Wuchen noticed Ramthas early in the morning, and it was normal for him to come out to intercede, because Tojo Basara's mother was Ramthas's younger sister, and the relationship between the two parties was self-evident.

"Pay me attention to your attitude."

Ramsas squinted his eyes, stared at Liara and said solemnly: "Don't think that you are Leohart's sister, so you can act recklessly in front of this old man."

After finishing speaking, Ramthas also released the fluctuation of his own magic power, which was quite strong. After Wuchen felt it carefully, he glanced at Ramthas with deep meaning and stopped talking.

Chapter 43 Kill Tojo Basara and Lars [Second]

"Sure enough, it's Mio's father, this old man..." Wuchen kept staring at Ramsas, the magic fluctuations were almost the same as Mio's, and he could be sure that he was Mio's father, otherwise even relatives would not be so similar.

"You want to threaten me? With all due respect, you are not qualified enough. Don't think that you are the leader of the moderate faction and I am afraid of you!"

Liara's face was drawn in a glamorous arc, and her whole body was cold, like a snow lotus, and her aura was not weaker than Ramsas.

This woman is indeed unfathomable, and her strength is almost on the same level as Dongcheng Xun.

"You want me to let this kid go?" Wuchen glanced at Dongcheng Basara and reminded seriously, "I killed his father, do you think this kid can let me go?"

"Yes, I must smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces." Tojo Basara roared with great cooperation.

"Is this kid an idiot? He's so arrogant! What's the use of being so arrogant? He's still too young." Scalp said: "Your Excellency, this kid is just being misled. He is young and ignorant, let me tune in for a while, I guarantee you are satisfied..."

Anyway, this is his sister's child.

"This brat must die." Liara gritted her silver teeth, her tone unquestionable.

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