The first impression of the demon world should belong to a killing place. Who would have expected this scene, the wind is bright and the climate is warmer than the world inhabited by humans.

"Although I have confidence in everyone's strength, the devil world is a place of chaos after all, and you are also human beings. When doing things, you should be careful."

Ramsas said to Wuchen and others, staring at Wuchen from the corner of his eyes, but he was actually talking to him, and this guy was the most defiant.

"We don't provoke others, for fear that others will take the initiative to call."

Wuchen said lightly, and then looked at Ramthas coldly, "One more thing, you invited us to the Demon Realm, didn't you actually want to use my power to destroy the enemy? It sounds nice, but you really want Leo. Hart came for trouble, didn't he?"

"Uh, this...ahem."

Ramsas was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Wuchen to say it directly. It was quite embarrassing. He quickly changed the subject: "I have ordered people to prepare the food. Let's taste the delicacies of the devil with me."

"This kid is really sharp."

Ramsas looked at Wuchen secretly. This guy doesn't seem to be interested in anything. He looks lazy, but he is actually very smart and wise.

Wuchen really guessed it right. He really has such a mentality. As long as Mio is invited to the devil world, is he afraid that his master Wuchen will not come?

"Stinky boy, it's not polite to talk to Mr. Ramsas, it's better not to fall into my hands, otherwise... hum." Lu Qiya gritted her silver teeth secretly, extremely dissatisfied.

"Let's lead the way." Wuchen didn't bother to pay attention to the old man, no matter what, the old man had no malicious intentions, and it was very likely that he was Mio's father.


It didn't take long for Wuchen to be taken to Ramsas' private territory. The place where he saw it was a huge castle, covering a huge area, with a quiet environment, surrounded by green mountains and green, and the scenery was fascinating.

But Wuchen's brows were wrinkled without a trace, and there was a strange feeling. After looking around, they were all maids of the same color, their strength was low, and the defense was too loose. Leohart led the army to attack, Possibly wiped out.

The corners of his mouth moved, and Wuchen finally shut up. This is someone else's territory.

Ramsas' castle has everything, and a rich dinner has been prepared in advance. There are several tables full of them, all of which are used to entertain Wuchen and others.

Even in the evening, a lot of sideshows were prepared, and even a welcome party was held. During the period, many beautiful women invited Wuchen to dance, but he rejected them one by one.

He wasn't interested in dancing, and he couldn't, so he went back to rest early.

After dinner, Wuchen was brought to his room by the servant, and many beautiful servants helped to take a bath, but they were all rejected by Wuchen.

There was even a savage little girl named Luzaki who was waiting by her body, so you don't need to guess to know that it must have been ordered by Ramsas.

"Let you help me take a bath, I'm afraid that my blood pressure will rise and I will die suddenly." Wuchen dismissed Lu Qiya for this reason. This little girl actually hates herself. It must be Ramsas who asked her to help him take a bath. ordered.

In the luxurious and luxurious bathroom 1, dust-free leans against the edge of the pool, and the edges are inlaid with all kinds of jewelry.


The tightly closed door was pushed open, and Wuchen, who was squinting, suddenly opened his eyes, and his voice was a little displeased, "Didn't I say, I don't need anyone else to take a shower for this kind of thing. waiter."

"You can refuse others, but I can't."

The sweet and mature voice came to the ear, and the voice was soft and made people's body feel crisp.

Wuchen couldn't help but be stunned. After living for nearly a thousand years, he was naturally able to suppress his desires very well, but he didn't have any excess feeling. What surprised him was that this was full of gentle voices he had heard before.

It was Shera who had rescued before, and Maria's mother.

"Miss Sheila, if I remember correctly, you are already married, and the object is... You are now alone to see me take a bath, which is inappropriate." Wuchen fell silent, because her husband is Ramsa s.

Sheila didn't care, walked into Wuchen with graceful and light steps, lowered her head and looked at him seriously, "I said that I regret it now, do you believe it?"

"Regret?" Wuchen glanced at Sheila with a weird expression, and asked, "Are you regretting your marriage? But you already have a child, and the young couple quarreled at the head of the bed and fought at the end of the bed, taking a step back from each other. past."

"You are very good at persuading people!" Sheila gave Wuchen an angry look, and her expression suddenly became serious, "Although Ramsas is my husband, I have to tell you that you must be careful about him. Some!"

Hearing this, Wuchen's eyes flashed coldly, and then he looked at Sheila and said, "I will pay attention. If you have trouble in the future, you can find me."

"Aiya, when did you become so good at talking?" Sheila glanced at Wuchen in surprise, the impression of Wuchen was very difficult and inhumane.

"Could it be..."

Sheila suddenly came close to Wuchen's ear, Xiaoxiang bit her tongue on the tip of Bai's tender ear, and said with a very ambiguous smile, "Could it be that he likes me? Lia will even wait for someone, that little liar is far worse than me."

Maria's arrogant chest is very puffed up. Although she is small and pitiful, this woman is extremely arrogant, staring at Wuchen with a downward gaze.


Wuchen pouted, looking at Sheila's arrogant appearance, which was quite funny, and deliberately said: "One has no butt and one butt, and two has no chest, how could I like a person like you?"

"Stinky boy, that's how you talk to your future mother-in-law?" Xue La put her hands on her hips, glared at Wuchen viciously, raised her small fist, and threatened, "Be careful I'll give Maria to someone else."

Hearing this, Wuchen looked at Sheila like an idiot, when did he say he was going to marry Maria?

"Anyway, you have to watch out for him!"

Finally, with a careful reminder, Shera left.

"This woman... seems to be very hostile to that man."

Staring at Xue La's back, Wu Chen touched his chin, and his gossip heart boiled.

Chapter 40 The Wonderful Female Killer [First More]

No wonder Wuchen felt strange, because in the past, Ramsas and Shera had a confidant-like relationship, and their relationship should be deeply rooted. Now Shera is unhappy with Ramsas in her bones, and even let her Dust-free to guard against him, it is really intriguing.

"Could it be that after being kidnapped by Zokiel, Ramsas didn't save him, so he hated him because of love?" Wuchen secretly guessed that this was the only possibility.

About half an hour later, Wuchen finished taking a bath, put on the bathrobes prepared in advance, and was about to go to sleep for a late night snack, when the abnormality protruded.

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