Chapter 984 Fire Prevention, Theft Prevention and Best Friends

"You keep staring at me, do you like me?"Chen raised his head and asked Yuan Shan and Ye.

Yuan Shan and Ye's faces suddenly turned red, and they stammered:"Who, who likes you? I...I didn't look at you."

"Also, what are you looking at me for? Have you fallen in love with me?" Yuan Shan and Ye Jiao said with a snort.

However, to Yuan Shan and Ye's surprise, Chen actually nodded,"Yes, since He and Ye are so beautiful, of course he likes you."

Looking at the smile on Chen's face, Yuanshan and Ye's hearts moved. Is what he said true? Does he really like me?

Yuanshan and Ye lowered their heads. For a moment, the wounds on their hands were cut. I can't feel the pain anymore, and my heart is filled with Chen's expression when she smiles

"He Ye, don't worry about it. In fact, Chen is just joking with you. Hurry up and bandage He Ye's wound. If it doesn't work, I'll do it."

Xiaolan patted Chen's shoulder lightly and said with a soft hum.

Chen raised his head and clearly saw the jealousy on Xiaolan's face. Yes, Xiaolan was jealous just now. At the same time, he was jealous of Yuanshan. He Ye, a good sister, is a little wary.

There is a certain truth in the saying of fire prevention, theft prevention, and girlfriend protection.

"Are you kidding?"He Ye looked up at the smiling Chen, a flash of disappointment flashed across his face, but Xiaolan didn't notice it. Chen did, and the smile on his face became even bigger.

"Okay, I've bandaged you up."Chen said to He Ye

"So ugly."He Ye looked at Chen's bandaged wound and couldn't help complaining.

But although the bandage was ugly, He Ye really didn't feel any pain at all. It's really amazing. He couldn't feel any pain at all.

"I was kind enough to bandage your wound, but you actually thought my bandage was ugly, alas."Chen pretended to sigh.

"What I said is actually the truth."He Ye said to Chen

"Yes, what you said is true, but what you said makes me very sad."

"Tsk, I think you bandaged me up so ugly on purpose."He Ye curled his lips and said

"By the way, He Ye, do you want to go to the kitchen to prepare? Wuyou asked, looking at Heye teasingly.

"Let's forget about this for now, but I will definitely work hard to practice my cooking skills. I will never give up like this."

He Ye is also very self-aware. He won't go to the kitchen for now, but He Ye has already decided in his heart that he must practice his cooking skills.

For no other reason, he just wants to impress Ri Xiangchen and tell him He can also cook well, and it's not as bad as he thought.

Well, actually, Chen didn't think that He Wei himself was in vain, so what qualifications did he have to evaluate He Wei?

"I'll go get ready."Xiaolan walked towards the kitchen, but when she opened it, she found that there were no ingredients in the refrigerator.

At this time, Heye smiled sheepishly. She had wasted the ingredients and hadn't cooked yet.

"I'll go buy groceries first."Xiaolan said

"Xiaolan, please take a good rest, okay?"Chen said to Xiaolan

"Yes, Xiaolan, you haven't had a good rest yet, so stay home and have a good rest now."He Ye said to Xiaolan.

From yesterday to now, Xiaolan really hasn't had a good rest. She really needs a good rest now.

"Well, I'll go with this guy."He Ye said in a strange way.

Xiaolan, who originally wanted to agree, suddenly changed her mind when she heard this.

"Forget it, I'm fine, how about we go together."Xiao Lan was very reluctant to have Chen He and Ye spend time alone together.

"Oh well."A hint of disappointment flashed through He Ye's eyes, but it wasn't obvious. Xiaolan didn't see it.

"Dad, let’s go out to buy groceries first."At this time, Xiaolan shouted to Mouri Kogoro

"Oh, come back early, I'm almost starving. By the way, remember to buy a case of beer."Moori Kogoro shouted to Xiaolan

"Hum, I want to drink again, but let me tell you, there is no way."Xiaolan said angrily

"Xiaolan, please take pity on your father. I really can't live without wine."

Mouri Kogoro looked very pitiful. It was really hard for Mouri Kogoro to have no wine. Moori Kogoro wanted to drink before, but he found that there was no more wine. It was really hard for him.

For drunkards Feelings that most people really can’t understand

"Okay, but Dad, you must not drink so much in the future."Xiaolan said to Maori Kogoro.

In the end, Maori Kogoro nodded. Xiaolan didn't know whether Maori Kogoro really heard it from his heart, so she could only sigh helplessly.

Then Chen and the others went out to buy groceries. There is a small supermarket not far away, so it is very convenient.

And there are all kinds of dishes in it, which is very complete.

".~ Chen, He Ye, what do you want to eat?"

Xiaolan asked Chen and the others. As long as Chen and the others eat, Xiaolan will buy whatever they want. Basically, Xiaolan can cook anything. In normal times, Xiaolan often follows the recipes to make food, and her cooking skills are getting better and better. Make progress

"Chen, what do you like to eat?"

"As long as it is made by Xiaolan, I like to eat it."Chen said to Xiaolan with a smile.

However, Heye next to him curled his lips, it was really disgusting. Heye felt like vomiting, and at the same time there was a little discomfort in his heart.

However, Xiaolan was very affected by Chen's words, and her face There was a smile on her face, and the smile never changed.

Then Xiaolan bought some good food and prepared to cook a big meal. Xiaolan also wanted to thank Chen Bing.

Back home, Mouri Kogoro couldn't wait and stretched out his hand He took the beer Xiaolan bought, then opened a bottle and took a big gulp.

"This is too exaggerated. How much does your father love drinking? (Denuo Zhao)"Heye asked Xiaolan in a low voice.

Xiaolan spread her hands helplessly. Xiaolan didn't know how much her father loved drinking. Anyway, Kogoro Mouri was addicted to alcohol and regarded alcohol as his lifeblood.

"Xiaolan, go and prepare the food."Mouri Kogoro said to Xiaolan, and then took Chen to drink.

Maori Kogoro knew that if he drank by himself, Xiaolan would definitely discipline him with dissatisfaction, but if he took Chen with him, it would be fine. , so Mouri Kogoro regarded Tatsu as a shield.

"Xiaolan, let me help you, as long as you don't think I'm stupid."He Ye said to Xiaolan

"But your hands."Xiao Lan pointed to He Ye's injured hand, can she really still help?

"It's okay, I don't feel any pain at all now."

He Ye himself is also very surprised, why can't he feel any pain? Why is it so magical?

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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