Chapter 985: Put away this delusion

Ding Ling Ling~!

"Xiaolan, your phone is ringing."He Ye reminded Xiaolan.

"Heye, please help me keep an eye on it first."Xiaolan took out her mobile phone and asked Heye to help her look at the dishes being cooked.

"Hey, it’s my mother."

After seeing the person who called her, Xiaolan was stunned for a moment. Because Fei Yingli was busy with work, she rarely had time to call her.

"Hey, mom, what's the matter with you?"Xiaolan asked Fei Yingli

"Well, I do have something to ask Xiaolan. Does Mouri Kogoro owe a large sum of money? Fei Yingli asked Xiaolan

"Ah, how do you know this?"Xiaolan was very surprised at this time. How did her mother Fei Yingli know about this matter.

You must know that Mouri Kogoro said before, don't tell Fei Yingli. Although Xiaolan wanted to tell Fei Yingli, she finally listened to Maori Kogoro. of

"Officer Megure told me. If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't know it yet. Fei Yingli said

"Xiaolan, how are you now?"

Mouri Kogoro doesn't care about Fei Yingli. Now Fei Yingli cares about Xiaolan. I hope nothing will happen to Xiaolan."

"I'm fine. It was Chen who asked me to lend him money, so I'm fine now."

"It's Chen. Fei Yingli felt a little complicated in her heart, and then she put all these thoughts away and said to Xiaolan:"Xiaolan, do you want to come and live with me?""

"Ah, now I'm afraid I can't."Xiaolan rejected Fei Yingli.

Even though her father has calmed down now, Xiaolan knows that even if he is worried, he will hide it in his heart and don't want to let himself know.

If she leaves at this time, Maori Kogoro may collapse Yes, after all, the loss was so big all at once, even Moori Kogoro, who was in a good state of mind, couldn't bear it!

If his daughter ran away because of this, what would Moori Kogoro think?

"ok, I get it."

Fei Yingli didn't say anything else, and Fei Yingli had already expected this result.

"If there is anything you need to spend money on, feel free to tell mom. Fei Yingli said to Mao Lilan.

Fei Yingli is also quite rich. In fact, if Mao Li Kogoro tells Fei Yingli, for Xiaolan's sake, Fei Yingli will also help Mao Li Xiaogoro.

But for the sake of face, Mao Li Kogoro obviously won't tell Fei Yingri, and this will not go beyond Fei Yingri's expectations. She has already seen through that man.

"Okay (becg), I will definitely tell mom about you, don’t worry."Xiao Lan assured Fei Yingli.

But Fei Yingli was actually not at ease. If something happened to Xiaolan, she would keep it in her heart and then resist.

Doesn't Fei Yingli not understand her daughter's character?

It seems that she must tell Chen and ask Chen to help her take good care of Xiaolan.

"By the way, Mom, I've made a big meal when you have time now. If you have time, you can come and eat."Xiao Lan invited Fei Yingli.

"Forget it, if I want to eat the food you cooked, Xiaolan, just cook it for me alone, and I won’t go."

"What's more, if I go, that man won't be able to stand it anymore, and I don't want to see him."

Xiaolan's eyes were a little sad, and she knew it would be like this, but Xiaolan didn't want to care about these things anymore, and she couldn't.

"Well, if I have time, I will go to my mother's place"

"Well, I hope Xiaolan can come and see me more often"

"Well, I'm still cooking now, so I'll hang up now."Xiaolan said.

Because Xiaolan found that Heye could no longer clean up. If he didn't hang up the phone, the ingredients he finally bought would be wasted again.

"Um."Fei Yingli nodded and then hung up the phone.

"Heye, leave it to me."Xiao Lan said to He Ye

"Well, cooking is really hard."Kazuye hurriedly handed it to Xiaolan, since she couldn't handle it anyway.

Soon Xiaolan prepared a sumptuous meal. While eating, Xiaolan said to Mouri Kogoro:"Dad, mom already knows."

Moori Kogoro, who was quite happy drinking wine, immediately stiffened his expression. He put down his glass and asked Xiaolan,"Did you tell her?"

"No, my mother said that Officer Megure told her. Xiaolan shook her head and said

"Officer Megure?"

After Mouri Kogoro thought about it for a moment, he knew what Officer Megure meant. Officer Megure also knew Moori Kogoro.

Knowing that Moori Kogoro could not speak, he told Fei Yingri about the matter, just to let Fei Yingli know. Help him.

In fact, Officer Megure is doing it for his own good. They have been friends for many years. Although Officer Megure seems to dislike him on the surface, they actually have a good relationship.

So, Kogoro Mori cannot blame Officer Megure for this matter.

"If that woman gives you money, you must not take it. I have money."Moori Kogoro said to Xiaolan

"Yep, if you really have money, you don’t need to borrow money. Before, you were just drinking to drown your sorrows with a frown on your face."

Kazuye curled his lips and said outspokenly.

Kazuye is like that, he is more outspoken. In addition, he couldn't stand the way Mouri Kogoro looked like he was swollen and pretending to be fat, so he said something.

Moori Kogoro's face was shocked. Turning red, he yelled at He Ye in embarrassment:"What does this have to do with you?"

"dad."As soon as Xiaolan slapped the table, Maori Kogoro immediately turned off the engine.

Because Maori Kogoro now feels very sorry for Xiaolan, so when facing Xiaolan, he feels a little guilty. The future life may be a bit more miserable. Mouri Kogoro suddenly gritted his teeth, and then said:"Xiaolan, why don't you go to her place."

I can suffer a little, but Mouri Kogoro doesn't want Xiaolan to suffer with him.

Xiaolan shook her head, she won't go

"Don't talk about that, let's eat first. Xiaolan, your cooking skills are really good, but I don't know how many times better than He Ye."Chen said something and changed the topic.

"Damn it, Ri Xiangchen, I haven't practiced before. If I practice well, I will definitely be able to cook as well as Xiaolan."He Ye said angrily.

Chen patted He Ye's shoulder and looked at He Ye as if he was looking at some guy who doesn't know his own abilities.

"Put away this delusion. You don’t have this talent at all. Even if you practice for a lifetime, you will never be able to master it."

"Hum, I will definitely impress you. Don’t look at me. I can’t do it now, but that doesn’t mean in the future. Just wait and see."

"OK, I really have to wait and see."

"You two, stop arguing and have a good meal, otherwise it won't taste good if it gets cold."Xiaolan said helplessly to these two people.

"I didn't want to quarrel with him. He was too irritating, so I quarreled with him. There was no gentlemanly manner at all."He Ye whispered

—————————— ps: I am hospitalized, so I will stop updating for a few days.

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