Chapter 983: It’s really cruel to attack yourself.

"Xiaolan, believe me, I will definitely cook delicious food."

He Ye entered the kitchen again, and Chen just wanted to say that he was overestimating his abilities. How much did he overestimate his abilities before he dared to say this?

"Xiaolan, listen to me, if you don’t want to starve, or if you still want to live, then stop her."

Chen patted Xiaolan's shoulder and said to Xiaolan

"It's not that exaggerated."Xiao Lan couldn't help but say, although the food He Ye made might not be very good, but it's still an exaggeration to say eating dead people.

"It's more exaggerated than you think. As the victim, I think Uncle Maori should know it very well."Chen looked at Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro nodded immediately. Yes, he almost ate himself to death with the food he made.

"That Xiaolan."

Xiaolan turned to look at her father, and turned her head away angrily. It was obvious that Xiaolan was still angry with Mouri Kogoro.

"Don't be angry, I was wrong. Dad promises that this will never happen again."Moori Kogoro assured Xiaolan.

In fact, this is not entirely his fault. He was deceived by others. What else can he do? However, this also gave Maori Kogoro a memory.

"Forget it this time. Dad, if you really want to invest in the future, you have to do what you can and don't lose all your family property."

Xiaolan reminded Maori Kogoro, who smiled awkwardly.

"But dad, can you really not catch the guy who made the donation and ran away?"Xiaolan asked Mouri Kogoro

"I heard that he has escaped abroad. How can he catch him? It is impossible to catch him. Even if he can catch him, he will probably lose all his money. Just admit defeat."

Moori Kogoro said angrily. This time, we have no choice but to admit defeat, because there is no other way.

People have fled abroad, and even Officer Megure can't do anything. He is a detective now, and there is still nothing he can do. What kind of detective can you do, just consider yourself unlucky?

"Okay, but daddy, don’t drink anymore, we need to save money"

"ah?"Mouri Kogoro's expression turned bitter. If he was not allowed to drink, wouldn't this be killing him?

"Well, that’s it."

Xiaolan has decided not to let Maori Kogoro drink in the future. After all, Maori Kogoro can indeed drink, but it is a huge expense. Maori Kogoro

's eyes flickered slightly. Although Xiaolan said that he will not be allowed to drink, Maori Xiao It's not that Goro has nothing to do. He will beg for it soon.

At most, he will lose some face in front of his daughter. Although Mouri Kogoro values ​​​​his own face, he values ​​wine even more.

After thinking of countermeasures, Moori Kogoro Suddenly getting older, Xiaolan couldn't help but glance at Mouri Kogoro.

If he could still laugh at this time, wouldn't he owe so much money at once?

But it's okay now, Xiaolan doesn't want to see her Father, he always has a sad expression on his face every day


A shout came from the kitchen, it was He Ye's voice. After hearing this, Lan's face changed and she hurried to the kitchen.

"What's the matter with Miss Ye? Did she cut her hand, was burned by the oil, or did she break the plate?"

Chen slowly walked into the kitchen and asked He Ye.

At this time, He Ye was covering his little hand. He accidentally cut his hand when he used the knife. At this time, his little hand was bleeding.

"Heye, are you okay? I'll bandage you right away."Xiaolan hurriedly pulled He Ye out.

"Really, there are so many troubles. If you don’t know how to cook, don’t force yourself to cook."Mouri Kogoro complained in a low voice.

Because of the pressure, Moori Kogoro just drank wine and didn't eat. Now Moori Kogoro is almost starving to death.

As a result, this woman who forced herself to be a chef did this. Look, I came here because I couldn't afford to eat for a while.

If I still had money, Moori Kogoro wouldn't mind eating out, but in this situation, I simply can't afford it.

"Dad, stop talking and go get the medicine kit."Xiaolan glared at Maori Kogoro angrily.

Maori Kogoro shrank his neck. At this time, Maori Kogoro was still very afraid of Xiaolan. After all, he had just incurred a huge debt.

There was a medical kit at home, which was very important. Kuai Mouri Kogoro took the medical kit and handed it to his daughter Xiaolan

"Let me do it."Chen said to Xiaolan

"Uh, Chen, do you really know how to bandage?"Xiaolan looked at Chen doubtfully and asked.

"Of course I will. I am a professional. Why, Xiaolan, you don’t believe me?"

Xiaolan shook her head. Chen knows so much that it's not surprising that he can bandage. Besides, basically anyone with hands can do simple bandaging.

"But I don't believe you."He Ye looked at Chen angrily and said

"Gee, you are really cruel to yourself. Such a deep wound will probably not heal in less than a week."

Chen shook his head gently, and then said to He Ye, He Ye was quite cruel to him.

"If you let me bandage it, I guarantee that you will be fine within today. But if Xiaolan bandages it, it will take a week. You choose."

"Bragging, okay, I'll let you bandage me. I want to see how you made my wound heal today."

"If it doesn't get better, I will make you look better."197 He Ye raised his little fist and said threateningly towards Chen.

"With your small body, you still make me look good."Chen glanced at He Ye disdainfully.

"Huh, don't underestimate me. I can beat you to a pulp. I have practiced Aikido."

"Stop trying to show off."Chen picked up the cotton ball, dipped it in iodine, and wiped the wound on He Ye.

"It hurts."He Ye's brows furrowed. In fact, he wanted to cry.

What a bad luck. He could cut all the vegetables. The most important thing is that Ri Xiangchen must be laughing at himself in his heart.

But He Ye thought too much, and Ri Xiangchen also He was not laughing at her. It is normal for girls nowadays not to know how to cook. There are not many girls like Xiaolan anymore.

Chen pinched He Ye's fingers and wiped He Ye carefully. Ye's eyes looked at Chen, who had a serious expression, and his heart beat hard, and his neck was stained with red. Looking at the handsome Chen, a flash of heartbeat flashed through Ye's heart. If it was his boyfriend, then... It couldn't be better.

After this thought passed through Heye's mind, Heye immediately shook her head. What was she thinking? She didn't like this guy who was mocking her.

And... the person this guy liked seemed to be Xiaolan. , Xiaolan seems to like him too, and He Ye can still see this._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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