Chapter 877: The Murder Case of the Snow Girl Legend (Part 2)

"The weather really changes at any time, and it suddenly snows."Xiaolan said while looking at the falling snowflakes outside the window.

"Yes, I haven’t had enough fun and it started snowing. I’m really unhappy. Yukiko said angrily.

"It's almost dark, and even if it doesn't snow, we can't continue playing. Chen said.

Suddenly the door was opened, and Yoko Asanuma came back wearing a pink ski suit, holding a ski in her hand, and she was the only one who came back.

"Oops, Miss Yoko is back, where is Miss Akiko?"

"Oh, Akiko said she wanted to continue skating for a while."

"Want to continue skiing? It's snowing so heavily outside, isn't it dangerous?"Xiaolan asked doubtfully.

"Xiaolan, what do you know? This is Miss Akiko’s vitality, isn’t it Miss Yoko?"Moori Kogoro suddenly turned into a licking dog.

Xiaolan looked at her father speechlessly, really not knowing what to say.

"I probably already understand why Fei Yingli separated from him. Yukiko couldn't help but said

"In fact, Akiko's health is not very good. See you later."Yoko said hello and returned to the room.

"Is Miss Akiko not in good health? I don't know where I feel uncomfortable."Xiaolan said softly

"Yes, it's really worrying. I feel uncomfortable when I think about Miss Akiko's poor health."Moori Kogoro covered his heart, looking worried.

"I've really had enough."Yukiko looked at Mouri Kogoro with contempt, and then took Xiaolan back to the room.

"Sure enough, the room was still warm."Yukiko took off her coat, showing off her exquisite figure.

"It would be nice to have a cup of hot tea at this time. Chen said, holding the table with his hands.

"Now, you want hot tea."Xiao Ai suddenly placed a cup of hot tea in front of Chen, which made Chen feel very confused.

"Have you drugged this?"

"Forget it if you don’t drink, huh."Xiao Ai snorted in annoyance, then brought the tea in front of her and turned her head to ignore Chen.

"I'm back. Is Yoko back?"

Kinoshita Akiko passed by Chen and his family's door and asked Chen inside the house.

"Well, she just came back"


Akiko covered her mouth and coughed twice, then walked towards her room.

"Miss Akiko seems to have a cold."Xiaolan looked at Miss Akiko who was leaving.

Chen smiled faintly. Is this really Akiko Kinoshita? Although he was wearing Akiko Kinoshita's ski clothes, Chen knew he was Yoko Asanuma, and the smell spoke volumes.

It seems Akiko Kinoshita is real. Dead, but this has nothing to do with Chen. Although Akiko Kinoshita is good-looking, Chen has no feelings for Akiko Kinoshita.

After eating, Yoko Asanuma brought the dinner plate over

"I'm full. Thank you for the treat."

"Ms. Yoko, I heard that Ms. Akiko has been coughing before. Is there no problem now?"Xiaolan asked Yoko

"Oh, Akiko is much better now. By the way, boss lady, can I take a bath?"

"This place has been booked by you, of course."The landlady nodded and said

"Well then, Xiaolan, just wait until after eight o'clock."

Not long after, Yoko suddenly came to Mouri Kogoro's room. Xiaolan was confused and asked Conan:"Why is Miss Yoko here?"

"When we were taking a bath before, Miss Yoko invited Uncle Mori to drink."

"Drinking and drinking at night."Xiaolan was immediately dissatisfied. She had already drank during the meal, and now she wants to drink. It's really annoying.

"Come on, let's go over and have a look."Xiaolan walked into the room angrily, but seeing that Yoko Asanuma and Kogoro Mori were already drinking, there was nothing she could do.

"Gentleman, let's have a drink together."Yoko looked at Chen with a smile and said

"Yes, boy Chen, come and have a drink with me."Mouri Kogoro said while drinking.

He knew that Xiaolan might have to teach him a lesson afterwards, so Moori Kogoro wanted to pull Chen along so that Xiaolan might not reprimand him.

"OK!"Chen walked over and sat down.

"Aunt Yukiko, do you want a drink? Chen asked Yukiko.

When Yukiko heard the word aunt, she gritted her teeth and wanted to bite Chen.

"I want to drink, fill it up for me."

After drinking for a while, a bottle of wine quickly disappeared. When Kogoro Maori was about to ask Xiaolan to go to the boss to get the wine, Yoko suddenly said:"There is another bottle of whiskey in my room, I'll go get it."

Yoko came back after a while, and there was no wine in his hand.

"Well, I put the wine at the bottom of the suitcase, and Akiko said it would be delivered later."

Chen looked at her in surprise. Don't you think this statement is full of loopholes? Is it really possible for you, a stuntman, to ask a big star to come over and bring you drinks? After a while

, there was a sound outside, and Yoko immediately said:" Maybe Akiko has already arrived"

"Really? Then I'll go out and have a look."Mouri Kogoro stood up, opened the door and looked outside. There was no one outside.

"Strange, there is no one, maybe Miss Akiko hasn’t come over yet."Moori Kogoro sat down and said.

Just a moment later, there was another movement outside, and Asanuma Yoko immediately stood up

"I think it's time to come, I'll go out for a while."Yoko Asanuma opened the door

"Akiko, I really want to trouble you this time."Yoko took the wine and walked into the room.

"Miss Yoko, why don’t you invite Miss Akiko to come in?" Chen suddenly said.

Yoko stiffened when he heard this, smiled and said:"Well, Akiko has a cold and feels uncomfortable."

Chen smiled faintly and didn't say anything. In fact, there was no one outside at all. This wine should have been brought by the puppet doll unique to this hotel.

After drinking for a while, it was over. Mori Kogoro saw Yoko out..After

Yoko left, Mouri Kogoro saw the puppet doll at the end of the corridor

"It's really strange. I obviously didn't see this doll before. Could it be that I saw it wrong?"Mouri Kogoro patted his head.

"You must have drunk too much. Go and have a rest."Xiaolan said to Mouri Kogoro. Xiaolan was very angry after drinking so much wine.

Chen and the others walked to their room. Yukiko's eyes were blurry with drunkenness. Her ability to drink was average. She got drunk after two drinks.

"With this amount of alcohol, what else can I drink? Chen said while supporting Yukiko.

"I'm going to keep drinking, I'm going to drink. Yukiko said with a wave of her hand.

She took Yukiko back to the room, and Xiaolan went to take a bath. Xiaoai did not follow him, but stared at Chen.

"What are you looking at me for?"When Chen saw Xiao Ai staring at him, he felt a little strange.

"Prevent you from doing anything, such as taking advantage of others when they are drunk and taking advantage of others' danger."Xiao Ai said seriously.

Chen felt very sad. Is this the image I have in Xiao Ai's heart?

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