Chapter 875: Are you jealous?

On a snowy night, on a high snow-capped mountain, a woman in white clothes and black hair stood on the top of the mountain.

"Even if my body disappears, my soul will one day be resurrected at the same time as Bai Xue. After saying that

, the woman jumped off the cliff and fell into the lake.

"Ha, this acting is so realistic."Mouri Kogoro said with a drag on his chin.

Yes, it was a clip from the recently popular TV series, Love of the Snow Girl. The heroine's acting skills were very strong.

Yukiko nodded, her acting skills were indeed very good, but she was still far behind. , Yukiko thought without humility.


Hearing the sound, Chen and the others thought about it and looked behind them, only to see a doll coming over with a bowl of tea.

"This, what is this?"

"Just a puppet. Come, please have tea. said the shop owner and his wife who came over.

"It turns out to be a puppet doll, and it’s pretty good." Chen looked at the puppet and smiled.

He was not surprised. In the world of Naruto, there was no kind of puppet that he had not seen before. This little doll could not arouse his surprise at all. The puppet had wheels at its feet and could move on its own Come on, run, it's pretty fast

"It's quite a strange doll, don't you think so, Xiao Ai?"Yukiko asked Xiao Ai

"Didn't find it strange at all."Xiao Ai didn't even look at the doll.

"What you just watched was Snow Girl, right? asked the landlady

"Yes, I am very famous recently, but to be honest, I feel so scared." Xiaolan had a little sweat on her forehead.

"But there really are no snow girls in this world." Conan said

"Conan, don't be so absolute. Maybe there is no snow girl in this world, but maybe there is a snow girl in other worlds."Chen had a smile on his face

"Are you talking about a parallel world? Sorry, I don't believe in the existence of parallel worlds. Conan curled his lips and said

"Therefore, people always regard ignorance as truth."Xiao Ai said venomously.

Damn it, Conan was very angry. After being angry for a while, Conan calmed down. Why should he compete with a little girl?

"Our place has been famous for the presence of the snow girl from a long time ago. Maybe the snow girl will appear tonight."

The expression on the landlady's face was very frightening. Xiaolan was so frightened that she quickly moved closer to Chen.

"is the boss around?"

A woman's voice came from outside.

Two women came to the hotel with their luggage.

"Yoko, do we really want to live in this place? What's so good about this hotel?"One of the women, Akiko Kinoshita, asked Yoko

"But there is no other place to live except this place, and now the bus has left again."Yoko said to Akiko

"Hello and welcome."The boss and his wife walked out

"Hello boss, I have called you a few days ago and made an appointment with you."

"I know, you are Miss Akiko Kinoshita and Miss Yoko Asanuma, right? It's not easy for you to walk so far to get here. I'm counting on you to be almost there."The boss said with a smile.

In the room, Mouri Kogoro's ears moved.

"Hey, did you hear that the boss said that Miss Akiko Kinoshita is here?"

"Um? Didn't pay attention."Xiaolan shook her head

"No, I want to go out and take a look."Moori Kogoro immediately stood up and walked out.

"Boss, you were just saying, is Akiko Kinoshita here?"

As soon as Mouri Kogoro turned his head, he saw Kinoshita Akiko and Asanuma Yoko, and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Wow, it's me. I just watched the TV series"Snow Girl Love" that you played on TV."Moori Kogoro said exaggeratedly.

At this time, Chen and the others also came out and saw these two women. Chen's eyes were a little inexplicable.

"how? Do you have a crush on them?"Xiao Ai stepped on Chen and asked in displeasure.

"Xiao Ai, are you jealous?"Chen squatted down, touched Xiao Ai's head and asked

"snort."Xiao Ai snorted arrogantly.

"In fact, I think the two of them are going to be unlucky this time, and maybe one of them will die."Chen said to Xiao Ai.

While they were staying, two more women came. This is not a good sign. Conan, the god of death, and Mouri Kogoro, the god of plague, are both here.

Xiao Ai had a question mark, but Chen What does it mean? But she should know it soon.

"It's really Miss Akiko Kinoshita. She starred in the snow girl we watched before."Xiaolan's expression was also a little excited and she said to Chen.

It's normal to be excited after seeing a big star.

"No wonder the landlady said that the snow girl might appear tonight, and it seems she did. Chen said lightly.

"Hello everyone, let me introduce you. My name is Mouri Kogoro and I am a famous detective. The scene where you jumped into the lake in the last scene was really great."Moori Kogoro shouted

"In fact, it was not me who jumped into the lake, but Yoko."Kinoshita Akiko pointed to Asanuma Yoko next to her.

"Hello, I'm a stuntman"

"You stuntmen are those who take the place of the protagonist in times of danger, right?"Moori Kogoro looked at Asanuma Yoko and asked

"Yoko, she is my own special stuntman, in other words, she is also my shadow."Kinoshita Akiko said.

After she said this, Chen glanced at Kinoshita Akiko and was sure that she was probably the one who was killed this time, and the murderer should be Asanuma Yoko.

No one likes to be someone else's shadow. Especially when you say it in front of Asanuma Yoko, this is a very hurtful behavior.

Yukiko frowned slightly. She used to be a big star, and she was also very unhappy with this kind of people. Others do dangerous things for you, but you are so It was too heartless to speak.

After she said this, Asanuma Yoko's expression became obviously gloomy.

"By the way, where is the bathroom?"Kinoshita Akiko asked

"Ah, the bathroom……"

"You go down the corridor to the end, it's on the left."Asanuma Yoko said.

Akiko Kinoshita walked to the bathroom, and Asanuma Yoko asked:"Can we live in a room with a persimmon tree?"

"Okay, as long as you like it."The shop owner naturally had no objection.

Chen was even more certain that this woman was likely to become a murderer. She knew a lot about this place, including the location of the bathroom and a room with a persimmon tree.

Conan was also very strange. But Conan didn't think much about it, he was just a little confused.

Xiao Ai also felt that this woman understood too clearly, but Xiao Ai didn't care about this.

"Let's go and rest."Chen said to Xiaolan.

They rented two rooms, Chen shared a room with Xiaolan, Yukiko and Xiaoai, while Mouri Kogoro shared a room with Conan.

Although Conan was unhappy, he seemed to have no say.

Moori Xiao Goro didn't say anything. On the one hand, he liked Chen more. If he could become his son-in-law, Mouri Kogoro would not object. In addition, there is a little girl named Xiaoai and Yukiko, so they would definitely not do anything extraordinary. matter, so there was no objection.

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