Chapter 878: The Legend of Snow Maiden Murder Case (Part 2)

"Ha~! I want to drink. Yukiko said, smelling of wine.

"Drink water? Forget it, I'll get you some water."Chen took the teacup next to him and poured Yukiko a glass of water.

"Be careful not to spill it." Chen said to Yukiko

"Do you think I'm stupid? I don't know how. Yukiko said drunkenly.

Not long after, Xiaolan suddenly ran back in a panic.

"Xiaolan, didn’t you take a bath? Why are you back so soon? Chen looked at Xiaolan and asked.

He was still so panicked after running back, could something have happened?

"Chen, I saw the snow girl."Xiaolan said fearfully.

While taking a bath, she thought about looking out the window and saw a white shadow walking on the mountain in the distance.

After Xiaolan saw it, she was so frightened that she immediately put on her clothes and ran back. Now The little heart is still beating thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump little heart

"How could there be a snow girl? Moreover, it was night and I couldn't see clearly even if I looked outside."Xiao Ai opened the curtains and looked outside.

However, the outside may not be that dark because of the snow. You can indeed see the image, but you can't see it clearly.

"I can see it clearly and I can’t see it wrong. Is there really a snow girl?"Xiaolan is very sure that she has seen it clearly.

"Mr. Mori, Mr. Chen, are not good, Akiko is not good."Yoko Asanuma suddenly ran over with a letter.

Kogoro Mouri, who was a little drunk, opened the door. He was about to go to sleep, but he was woken up.

"What happened to Miss Akiko?"Moori Kogoro asked with concern.

When Chen heard the sound in the corridor, he opened the door and walked out. Xiaolan followed Chen. Thinking of the snow girl she saw before, Xiaolan was still scared.

"Please take a look at this. This is the suicide note left by Akiko."Yoko Asanuma took a letter and handed it to Kogoro Mori.

"A suicide note?"Mouri Kogoro took it and felt a little bad.

"After I returned to the room, I didn't see her again. I looked around and didn't find her. Then I looked carefully at the room and discovered this."

Mouri Kogoro looked at this so-called suicide note and couldn't help but said:"It turns out that Miss Akiko has pneumonia."

"I'm not sure. Usually I just think her cough is a bit severe, and she's quite worried herself."

"It said that she had the same disease as her father."Moori Kogoro looked at the suicide note and said

"I heard that Akiko’s father died of pneumonia."Yoko said

"Maybe she herself has realized that this phenomenon is called inflammatory hypersensitivity. Does she want to end her life like a snow girl?"Moori Kogoro frowned.

"Then the snow girl I saw before, could it be Miss Akiko?"Xiaolan said hurriedly

"Xiaolan, have you seen the snow girl?"Moori Kogoro asked Xiaolan

"Well, I did see it. I think it must be Miss Akiko."

"So what are you waiting for, go find it quickly."Mouri Kogoro rushed out immediately

"Xiaolan, go back and take care of the drunk Yukiko. I'll go look for her."Chen said to Xiaolan

"Don't you need me to help too?"

"No, it's no longer necessary, is it?"Chen suddenly looked at Asanuma Yoko, which shocked Asanuma Yoko.

What do you mean? Why did he look at me? Could it be that something was discovered? No, she never showed any flaws!

I searched and couldn't find it. , and then called the police the next morning. After calling the police, due to Akiko Kinoshita's unusual identity, she finally found Akiko Kinoshita after an exhaustive search.

Of course, all she found was a body, a body wearing a white kimono, buried in the ice and snow.

Conan looked at the corpse thoughtfully, his hair pressed into the kimono. This is very unreasonable for a corpse that committed suicide.

"I didn’t expect that Miss Akiko had committed suicide, alas."Xiaolan sighed.

Yukiko was the most confused. What happened? She obviously just slept, but someone died the next day.

"Akiko."There were tears in Asanuma Yoko's eyes

"Stop pretending, if I guess correctly, Miss Akiko probably didn’t commit suicide, but Miss Yoko, you killed her. Chen said lightly.

Asanuma Yoko's hand shook, then stood up angrily, turned around and said:"My relationship with Akiko is so good, how could I kill her?""

"Ha~! This is not necessarily true. Maybe she has offended you in some way, or maybe you are jealous of her and want to kill her!"

"Where is the evidence? What evidence is there?"Asanuma Yoko asked angrily and panicked

"First of all, Akiko Kinoshita did not commit suicide last night. She had died before, otherwise she would not have been buried so deeply in the ice and snow."

It started snowing in the evening, but by about ten o'clock in the evening, the snow slowly stopped.

If she committed suicide at night, the snow would never be able to bury Kinoshita Akiko so deeply.

"Boy Tatsu, I don’t believe Miss Yoko can kill someone. Didn’t we meet Miss Akiko last night?"

"Yeah? Has anyone seen her appearance? When she came back, she was wrapped up so tightly that she never showed up."

After Chen said this, they did ring, and they didn't really see Mingzi at all.

"When we were drinking last night, Akiko brought us wine."Yoko Asanuma retorted.

Yes, if Akiko is already dead, then who is delivering the wine?

"Don't forget, there is a puppet doll in this hotel, which can serve as a substitute for delivering wine. And since it was Miss Akiko who delivered the wine, are there her fingerprints on the wine bottle?"


Asanuma Yoko felt like a sledgehammer hit her head. Her consciousness was confused, and she actually forgot about this.

"I admit that I killed Akiko."Yoko Asanuma said with his head lowered.

"Why?"Xiaolan couldn't help but ask

"I debuted with Akiko, but she was better than me in every aspect, and I could only be chosen as her stuntman. I have always been like her shadow. Everyone sees me like this, so I will never get ahead until she dies."

Yoko Asanuma knelt down and said.

Xiaolan was silent. She didn't expect the truth to be so cruel. Just to have a chance to get ahead, she would kill people. The simple and kind-hearted Xiaolan couldn't accept it. Yoko

Asanuma was taken away, and she would be charged with intentional homicide. If prosecuted, there is probably no chance of getting out of jail.

"It's really a shame to send a beautiful woman to prison. In fact, if she doesn't take the initiative to plead guilty, there is really no ironclad evidence."Chen said calmly.

Although what Asanuma Yoko did was obvious, she actually didn't leave any evidence. As for the fact that there was no Akiko fingerprints on the wine bottle, it was easy to brush it off.

But her mental quality was not good, and she confessed her crime all at once..

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