Chapter 872 Yukiko stays temporarily!

"Conan, don't you think you are a hindrance here?"Chen looked at Conan who was sitting next to them indifferently.

Not long after Chen and Xiaolan sat down, Conan walked into the coffee shop and sat next to them, acting as a light bulb.

Conan glared at Chen angrily, and then Pretending to be childish, she shouted:"Sister Xiaolan, I want to drink coffee.""

"Children should not drink coffee. Miss Enomoto, please help me prepare another glass of juice."Xiaolan shouted to Enomoto Azusa

"OK" said Azusa Enomoto, who was lying on the bar in boredom.

"Sister Xiaolan, aren’t you brother Xinyi’s girlfriend? Why have you been following him all this time?"Conan said unhappily.

"Conan, don't talk nonsense, Shinichi and I have nothing."Xiaolan said angrily.

The relationship between her and Shinichi was just childhood sweethearts. They may have had a good relationship before, but now the goodwill has basically disappeared.

Xiaolan also looked at Chen specifically, and saw that Chen had no expression. After that, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Conan was very hurt, looking at the juice placed next to him, drinking it silently

"No, absolutely not, I have to let Xiaolan know the true face of that guy Ri Xiangchen."Conan roared angrily in his heart.

But what should he do? How can he let Xiaolan know that this guy is not a good person? Conan had a headache.

After chatting with Xiaolan for a while, Chen drove home.

"Oh, I didn’t come back last night. Was there another beautiful woman with me?"

As soon as Chen returned home, he heard Belmode's strange voice.

"how? Are you jealous?"Chen sat down and held Bermod in his arms.

Bermod didn't say anything, but just gave Chen a roll of his eyes.

"Where are Xiaoai and Mingmei?"

"In their own room, they don't want to see me."Belmod said leaning against Chen's arms.

Similarly, Belmod didn't like to see them. If it weren't for Chen, she would have attacked the two sisters long ago.

Although Mingmei is very powerful now, it is absolutely impossible He is Belmod's opponent. Belmod who knows Akemi can do it, and Belmod who can't do it can also do it.


The door was suddenly opened. Chen looked back and saw Yukiko opening the door and walking out.

Looking at Yukiko and Chen were stunned. Why was this woman in his house? What was going on?

"Hey, why are you at my house?"

"I came here yesterday. Because it was too late to chat, I stayed here for one night. Yukiko said matter-of-factly

"I want to say, why are you coming to my house?"

"Because I was bored, I was bored at home alone, so I came to chat with Belmode." Yukiko said.

Yukiko found that she and this woman who looked very much like Sharon got along quite well while chatting.

If it weren't for sure that Sharon was dead, Yukiko would have suspected that she was Sharon.

"Don't you plan to go back to Los Angeles? By the way, you’ve been in Japan for a long time, but Yusaku Kudo didn’t come to see you."

"Humph, I'm afraid he wishes I would stay in Japan forever. Yukiko snorted coldly.

"It sounds like you don't welcome me and are eager to let me go. Yukiko looked at Chen and said very dissatisfied.

"No, you are overthinking it."Chen said calmly with his feet raised.

"Then I will stay at your house temporarily from now on. Yukiko decided

"What? Chen was surprised that Yukiko wanted to live in his house.

Yukiko made this decision for a reason, because her son Kudo Shinichi had been urging her to leave home.

Yukiko guessed that the disobedient Shinichi must have offended something. people, so Yukiko is also planning to change her place to live. She was originally planning to go to Fei Yingli's place, but it doesn't matter if she is here with Chen now.

She and Chen are already familiar with each other, and there is also Belmod to chat with her. She and Belmod We were also very chatty, so we decided to stay here temporarily.

"What, don’t you agree? There is such a beautiful woman who wants to move in, and you don’t want to agree?"

"So what if you're a beautiful woman? You're not my woman. It's not impossible to live here if you want. Let's do this. You can warm my bed at night. Chen said lightly.

"What did you say?"Yukiko glared at Chen angrily. Are these human words? He actually asked her to warm the bed.

"how? Let me tell you, it is your honor if I ask you to warm my bed. Many people want to warm my bed, but they are not qualified yet."Chen said proudly

"Haha, I don’t want this honor."Yukiko sneered and rolled her eyes at Chen.

"Forget it, I don’t like you, an old aunt, either. Chen glanced at Yukiko and said


Yukiko suddenly became furious and stared at Chen angrily.

"You actually called me an old aunt?"Yukiko can't bear it. Age is the most important thing to her.

"Yes, isn't it? Aunt Yukiko."

Yukiko was so angry that she couldn't breathe. She stared at Chen with murderous eyes, but Chen completely ignored her. When

Yukiko saw that Chen simply ignored her, she was so angry that if she didn't care about her own image, Some will definitely pounce on Chen and bite him to death.

"I'm going to see Xiao Ai."Chen stood up and walked towards Xiao Ai's room.

"Belmod, that bastard is so disgusting."Yukiko came to the side of Bermod and said to Bermod angrily.

"Isn’t it a little bad to say that my man is hateful in front of me?"Belmod said to Yukiko

"By the way, Belmode, what is the relationship between the other women living here and that bastard?"Yukiko asked Belmode curiously.

"If you want to know, find out for yourself."Belmod looked at the curious Yukiko and smiled.

Yukiko was really curious in her heart. Koizumi Hongzi was often a little abnormal and wore strange clothes, and the little girl named Xiaoai didn't look like a girl at all. Children.

There is also Belmod, Yukiko thinks she is very mysterious, and only the policewoman Sato Miwako, and Akemi are more normal. When

Chen came to Xiaoai's room, he saw Koizumi Hongzi and Xiaoai looking at the computer seriously , and Mingmei is sitting next to her

"Chief, you are back."After Mingmei saw Chen come in, she immediately stood up and said hello.

"What are these two of them?"

"While researching the antidote for APTX4869, Hongzi was also very interested in this medicine and wanted to study it."Mingmei said to Chen.

Chen felt a little weird. Xiao Ai's research is normal, but can Anko study it? Although APTX4869 has extraordinary effects, it is always a scientific study, but Koizumi Anko is a witch! Her Refining medicine is completely different from this.

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