Chapter 871 Why are you here?

He stretched out his green-white jade finger and poked at Chen. Chen still didn't move, as if he was sleeping soundly.

"Really asleep?"Xiaolan's mouth pouted and she looked at Chen dissatisfied.

Xiaolan opened a pair of big bright eyes, shining brightly in the dark night. She couldn't sleep at all. There was a person of the opposite sex lying next to her. Xiaolan could possibly sleep. , Xiaolan, who couldn't sleep, looked at Chen.

Under the moonlight, even though it was night, she could still see Chen's face. This was also because the moon was brighter today.

Looking at it, Xiaolan suddenly became obsessed. Going in, his cheek slowly moved closer to Chen, and then he couldn't help but kiss Chen on the face.

"Xiaolan, it’s useless for me to trust you so much. I didn’t expect you to be like this."

Xiaolan woke up suddenly and looked at Chen who was looking at her with his eyes open. Her cheeks turned blood red, which was very obvious even at night.

"'re awake?"Xiaolan asked stammering

"Yes, I didn’t expect Xiaolan to secretly kiss me, ugh."

Xiaolan looked at Chen shyly and just kissed her cheek. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

"I...I went to sleep."Xiaolan quickly grabbed the quilt and covered her head, not daring to look at Chen anymore.

"Xiaolan, won’t it feel warm if you cover it up?"


Xiaolan didn't respond, obviously she was too shy.

"Come out, I don't care about you secretly kissing me anymore, don't get bored."Chen patted the quilt.

Xiaolan still didn't move. After a long time, maybe she was really suffocated. She stuck her head out from the quilt and asked Chen:"Were you not asleep just now, were you pretending to be asleep on purpose?"

Chen didn't answer. Xiaolan, who was naturally dazed, seemed to have become smarter.

Xiaolan lay in Chen's arms. She didn't know when she fell asleep, but lying in Chen's arms, she felt really warm.

Secondly When the sun rose to three o'clock in the morning, Xiaolan opened her eyes. Last night was definitely the best day she slept.

Xiaolan's biological clock is very punctual. She usually gets up at seven o'clock in the morning, but today she slept until nine o'clock before waking up naturally.

"You wake up, Xiaolan."

Xiaolan, who was rubbing her eyes when she heard Chen's voice, realized that she and Chen were sleeping on the same bed.

And now she was still in Chen's arms. Thinking of this, Xiaolan quickly sat up, She covered her face shyly.

Chen didn't say anything to prevent Xiaolan from becoming even more shy.

"I'm going out first, Xiaolan, please change your clothes."Chen instantly changed his clothes and then walked outside.

Xiaolan watched Chen change his clothes instantly and couldn't help but be stunned. What kind of ability is this? Is it also magic? Can you learn it? It wasn't until Chen left the room that Xiaolan After completely coming back to her senses, Xiaolan couldn't help but feel shy when she thought about lying in Chen's arms all day last night.

But Chen's arms were really warm, and Xiaolan was a little greedy. If time stayed at that time, then How wonderful it would be.

Chen walked out of Xiaolan's room. Conan was stunned when he heard the noise, and then looked towards Chen

"How will you be here? And he still came out in sister Xiaolan’s room?"A bad premonition arose in Conan's heart.

Didn't Xiaolan come back? Why was Ri Xiangchen here or came out of Xiaolan's room?

"I sent Xiaolan back yesterday. Xiaolan thought it was too late, so she left me here to rest for one night. It was no big deal."

"What?"Conan's voice became louder, and he stared at Chen unkindly, his eyes turning red.

Is this bastard really with Xiaolan?

But soon, Xiaolan came out of the room and gave Conan the answer. , after seeing Xiaolan walking out, Conan's body froze.

It was as if a five-flavor bottle had been knocked over in his heart. The various tastes were indescribable, and in the end everything turned into bitterness.

"Conan."Xiaolan blushed when she saw Conan. She must have been seen when Chen came out of her room just now.

"Sister Xiaolan, why are you in the same room? Conan asked, lowering his head.

"Conan, please don't tell dad, okay?"Xiaolan said to Conan.

Conan felt cold in his heart. Don't tell Maori Kogoro. Did the two of them really do something last night?

No, it must be nothing. They were just in the same room.

Conan's heart His face began to paralyze him, but the sadness in his heart was beyond description. He felt as if the top of his head was green.

But what could he do, he could only stare at Chen with hateful eyes. In his opinion, everything belonged to Ri Xiangchen. Wrong.

Chen didn't even look at Conan, completely ignoring him.

"By the way, where is dad now?"Xiaolan asked Conan.

Conan gave Xiaolan a complicated look and said silently:"Uncle went to the office downstairs."

"Oh, not bad."Xiaolan patted her heart. Fortunately, her father was downstairs. Otherwise, she wouldn't know how to explain Chen and her being in the same room.

"Chen, let’s go down first."Xiaolan said to Chen.

Chen and Xiaolan walked out of the room. Conan gritted his teeth and followed, staring at Chen's back with murderous eyes.

Originally, Conan had a strong dislike for Chen, but now it has risen to the level of At the end of the day, in Conan's eyes, Chen is more hateful than those black organizations.

Instead of going to the second floor, they went directly to the first floor. Chen and Xiaolan walked into the coffee shop downstairs. This coffee shop belongs to Chen. , but Chen rarely comes

"Boss, it’s so rare that you are here."Enomoto Azusa stared at Chen with resentment.

"What’s that look in your face? I’ve promoted you to store manager. Are you still not satisfied?"

"Boss, don’t you care about your store?"Enomoto Azusa was speechless.

"Isn't this because of you? Just look at this store. I am very confident about you." Chen patted Enomoto Azusa and showed a smile.

"Work hard, I'm very optimistic about you, give me two glasses of juice first"

"Alas, even though he is the store manager, he still has to work as a waiter."Enomoto Azusa sighed, because she is the only one in this store.

So Enomoto Azusa was not happy to be promoted to store manager. She is the only one, a mere commander, and there is no difference between the store manager and the store manager.

"You can hire two waiters?"

"Forget it, it’s not profitable to begin with, and it’s even less profitable if you recruit people."Enomoto Azusa shook his head and went to pick up the juice.

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