Chapter 873: So you like little Lolita

? Chen looked at Hongzi’s serious look and asked her,"Can you understand?"

Chen looked at the words on the computer screen and said he didn’t understand any of them. , Koizumi Hongzi can understand?

"I don’t understand, I’d better study my magic."Koizumi Hongzi shook her head. She couldn't understand the information at all.

Xiao Ai was very serious. Of course she knew these things clearly, but even if there was information, it was not that simple to make an antidote.

"Xiao Ai, didn't you say this is fine? Why are you working so hard on the antidote?"Chen rubbed Xiao Ai's head.

"I just want to find an antidote."Xiao Ai took Chen's hand away and gave Chen a big roll of his eyes.

"In fact, if you really want to change back, I can help you. You don't need an antidote."Chen said to Xiao Ai.

It's easy for Chen to help Xiao Ai change back. He can control time and space. He can use time acceleration to make Xiao Ai grow up.

"How can you help me change back?"Xiao Ai looked at Chen with suspicion in his eyes.

"Don't doubt my ability. I am omnipotent. It will be easy to help you change back."

"boast."Xiao Ai looked at Chen with disdain and didn't believe it at all.

"Forget it if you don’t believe it"

"By the way, why didn't you come back last night?"Koizumi Hongzi asked Chen

"I have something very important"

"What's that? Can you tell me something?"Koizumi Hongzi squinted her eyes and looked at Chen

"Why do you gossip so much? Hongzi, you were not like this before. Did you learn gossip from Yuanzi?"Chen looked at Koizumi Hongzi and said

"Were you with Xiaolan last night?"Koizumi Hongzi asked suspiciously.

Chen couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Is this a woman's intuition? It's actually so sensitive.

"Let me guess right."Koizumi Hongzi had a hint of displeasure in her eyes and glared at Chen fiercely.

"Scumbag."Xiao Ai said lightly.

"Sorry, Xiao Ai, what did you just say? I didn't seem to hear it."Chen put a hand on Xiao Ai's shoulder and looked at Xiao Ai with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Chen's face, Xiao Ai's body trembled, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"You, what do you want to do?"Xiao Ai's voice contained a vibrato.

"Xiao Ai actually called me a scumbag. I feel so sad now."Chen Chen covered his heart a little exaggeratedly.

"Huh, do scum have a heart too?" said the venomous and arrogant Xiao Ai

"Alas, since you say I'm a scumbag, I have to take action."Chen smiled and kissed Xiao Ai on the lips.


Xiao Ai was speechless as she was blocked. Her head was suddenly confused and her consciousness was empty.

Koizumi Hongzi and Mingmei next to them were stunned, and it took them a long time to react.

" don't even spare a little girl, you are a scumbag and a beast."Xiao Ai blushed and shouted in shame and anger.

"Are you really a little girl?"Chen looked down at the blushing Xiao Ai.

With the body of a lolita and the soul of an adult, this should be a legal lolita! But if others see it, they will definitely call the police and accuse him of being a lewd lolita.

Waiting for him then It starts at three years, and the maximum penalty is the death penalty

"snort."Xiao Ai snorted coldly, feeling confused in her heart. Especially when she thought that her sister was also in the room, Xiao Ai felt extremely shy.

If there was a crack in the ground, Xiao Ai would definitely get into it without saying a word. After going in, she could only face Chen with a cold face.

But what surprised Xiao Ai herself was that she was not angry. Could it be that she had a crush on this guy in her heart?

Xiao Ai secretly glanced at Chen and saw Looking at her handsome face, her little heart beat unsatisfactorily, but Xiao Ai concealed it very well, looking at Chen with a sullen face.

"Chen, it turns out you like little Lolita."Hongzi looked at Chen strangely, with jealousy in her heart.

Before, she deliberately tempted Guo Chen, but he was indifferent, and now he actually took the initiative to kiss Xiao Ai.

Although Hongzi Koizumi also knew that Xiao Ai originally He is also an adult, but now Xiao Ai is indeed a little lolita with a poisonous tongue.

Maybe this guy really likes little lolita, Koizumi Hongzi gritted his teeth

"Whatever you think is fine."Chen spread his hands.

Mingmei looked at Xiao Ai in shock. She was acting a bit abnormal. Although she seemed to be very angry, Mingmei knew Xiao Ai and knew that she was not angry now. Could it be that

Xiao Ai fell in love with the leader? ? Mingmei thought in her heart.

This is not impossible. Xiao Ai was brought out by the leader in the black organization, so maybe she has a good impression of her.

Mingmei felt a little complicated. In fact, she also had a good impression of Chen. If not Because Chen, she might be dead and her body should have been cremated!

And it was Chen who helped her rescue Xiao Ai, otherwise, she would never see Xiao Ai, so Mingmei was full of gratitude to Chen.

At first, Mingmei I thought it was just gratitude, but now, Mingmei can feel that she seems to like Chen.

But because of Mingmei's character, she is destined not to express it

"I'm going to cook first. I'll remember to come for dinner later." Mingmei said.

Mingmei is a person who can work in the hall and in the kitchen. Her cooking skills are excellent, and she is no worse than Xiaolan's cooking skills.

"By the way, is there anything you want to eat?"

"As long as it is made by Mingmei, I like to eat it."Chen smiled slightly at Mingmei.

Mingmei was stunned for a moment, a blush appeared on her cheeks, her heart felt sweet, and she unconsciously smiled on her face.

"Disgusting scum."Xiao Ai glanced at her sister, gritted her teeth and glared at Chen. She just teased her, and now she's still flirting with her sister. Xiao Ai really wanted to put the computer screen directly on his face.

"Well, I'm going to cook."Mingmei left the room in a panic.

"Tsk tsk, I'll go over and help."Koizumi Hongzi stood up and said

"Stop and come back, you go to help, what are you helping? Can you help? Don't go over there and cause trouble."Chen pulled Koizumi Hongzi and said

"Do you look down on me? Do you think I can’t cook?"Koizumi Hongzi said unhappily.

"Yes, I really think so. I'm afraid you'll do something weird."Chen nodded, a witch can cook, what kind of joke is this?

"Humph, it will open your eyes."Koizumi Hongzi's distrust of Chen also made her feel dissatisfied. She opened the door and insisted on going to the kitchen to help.

"I hope she doesn't make anything weird. What if she eats dead people? After making it, Yukiko will try the poison first."An unscrupulous smile appeared on Chen's face.

Looking at the smile on Chen's face, Xiao Ai shuddered, then immediately turned around and continued to study the antidote to APTX4869. Now she had some clues.

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