Chapter 860: What is your relationship?

"Your eldest sister's head has fallen down. Do you need me to help you?" Chen asked jokingly to the injured guy with a bandage on his hand.

This guy is the painter of this gang, but because his arm was injured, he arrested Junya's brother

"I fought with you."The man with the injured arm shouted, and then rushed towards Chen.

Then Chen directly rewarded him with a frying pan, knocking him unconscious.

"You can just lie there obediently. If you insist on letting me give you a pot, you are indeed a bitch!"

Chen threw aside the pan in his hand.

"Mitsuhiko, call the police first."Conan said to Mitsuhiko.

After seeing the gun, Conan knew the seriousness of the matter and had to call the police. He couldn't handle it at all.

"How is my brother doing now? He...he won't be killed, right?"Jun Ye asked very worriedly.

"Where is the brother of the person you captured?"Conan stood up and asked the only person who was not unconscious.

Seeing the fat man's silence, Conan said:"If you can take the initiative to speak out, you may be able to reduce your charges."

"In the studio on the upper floor"

"It seems your brother is fine yet."Conan breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Junya's brother had been killed.

A few minutes later, Junya's brother came down, and the police also rushed here. Because the distance was close, they had to come quickly.

Officer Megure led the team, Miwako Sato I also came with them and was surprised when I saw Chen and Xiao Ai.

"Why are you here?"Miwako Sato came to Chen's side and asked softly

"I said I came here to play, do you believe me?"

"By the way, aren't you off work yet?"

"Because there is a relatively important case to deal with today and I have to work overtime."Miwako Sato spread her hands helplessly. She had no choice but to be a police officer. The police arrested these people and left. Conan also tested the woman and found that she was not from the black organization.

Genta and the others were all killed by the police. I sent them back, and also gave them a lesson. It was very dangerous to come here, and the prisoners had guns. Fortunately, nothing happened to these people, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Conan was also sent back, and Officer Megure was The main thing was to teach Conan a lesson, because the others were very unscrupulous and said that Conan brought them here.

It was indeed Conan who led the way, but Conan felt wronged in his heart! Seeing these people gnashing their teeth, he wanted to beat them. meal

"Let’s go back too! Your sister must be anxious waiting!"Chen said while rubbing Xiao Ai's head.

After returning home, Mingmei hurriedly ran out

"Didn't something happen to you when you came back so late?"Mingmei asked worriedly.

"Nothing."Xiao Ai was moved when she saw her anxious sister, and then she threw herself into Mingmei's arms.

Xiao Ai was glad that her sister was still alive, otherwise she really wouldn't have the courage to live.

"Stop standing outside and go in!"After Chen got out of the car, he said to the two sisters.

When he came to the living room, he saw Belmode chatting with Yukiko, but Koizumi Anko was nowhere to be seen. He was probably studying her magic.

"Why are you here? Chen looked at Yukiko and asked.

"I'm here to chat with Belmode, don't you welcome me?"Yukiko snorted when she saw Chen walking in and stared at her angrily.

Yukiko still remembered that he threw her at the intersection before

"Let’s eat first! I am ready."Mingmei walked into the kitchen and brought out the freshly heated food.

"What a delicious smell! It just so happened that I was hungry too."Yukiko stretched out her hand and pinched a piece of tempura.

"You're not polite at all."Chen looked at Yukiko speechlessly.

"There's nothing to be polite about, we are friends too!"Yukiko ate the fried tempura with relish.

"I'm going to call Hongzi."Mingmei walked towards Koizumi Anko's room.

Soon Mingmei and Koizumi Anko came out. Koizumi Anko was also dressed as a witch, which was obviously different from the previous student clothes.

At this time, Koizumi Anko had more Some are mature and sexy, exuding unspeakable charm

"What kind of outfit is this? cos?"Yukiko looked at Koizumi Anko blankly.

"I just think it looks better, what do you think?"Koizumi Hongzi asked Chen

"Well, this dress is okay!"Chen nodded perfunctorily.

"Is it okay to just wear clothes?"Koizumi Hongzi gritted her teeth and asked.

"Yes, otherwise what would you think?"Chen spreads his hands

"Aren’t you waiting for Miwako?"After Koizumi Hongzi rolled her eyes at Chen, she looked at Mingmei

"Miwako is working overtime, so I'm afraid she'll be back late. She's already told me on the phone before."

"By the way, what is your relationship?"

Yukiko glanced at Chen and the girls deliberately, and then asked.

She already knew what the relationship between Chen and Belmode was. Last time she encountered them doing something like that.

"Guess it yourself!"Chen did not answer directly.

"Isn't that the same kind of relationship between you and him? Yukiko asked again.

Although what Yukiko said was very cryptic, everyone present was not a fool and understood what Yukiko meant.

Xiao Ai suddenly looked at her sister. Could her sister have that kind of relationship with him? Bar?

"Xiao Ai, what do you see me doing?"Mingmei's face turned red in embarrassment.

It was just a guess at first, but now Xiao Ai feels that there must be something wrong. Is it really that kind of relationship?

However, Xiao Ai guessed wrong. Now Mingmei is just a little shy because of Xiao Ai's eyes. That's all

"Why are you so nosy?"Chen took a chicken leg and blocked Yukiko's mouth.

Yukiko glared at Wuyou angrily. This playboy should be punished by God.

"I have decided to rest at your house tonight. Yukiko said while eating chicken legs.

"ha? Do you dare to rest in my house? Aren't you afraid that I'll eat you? Chen asked in surprise.

"Hum, if you have the courage, come! I'm afraid you don't dare"

"Oh, if you still provoke me, there is nothing I dare not do. I hope you won’t be afraid."There was a look of seriousness on Chen's face.

Seeing that Chen seemed to be serious, Yukizi was immediately frightened and said quickly:"I was just joking."

"Your joke was not funny at all and I now take it seriously."Chen said lightly.

Yukiko curled her lips and continued to eat. She was not afraid at all. Anyway, she didn't believe that Chen would really do anything to her. There were other women here!

So Yukiko looked confident and not afraid at all..

Chen glanced at her, then lowered his head to eat. Mingmei's cooking skills were quite good.

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