Chapter 861: Kaitou Kidd!

"What, Phantom Thief 1412?"Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi with doubtful eyes.

"Yes, that is the forty-year-old thief that young girls are very fond of now! Sonoko clenched her fist and clapped her hands and said.

Chen turned his head and glanced at Koizumi Anko. Kaito 1412 is Kaitou Kidd and Koizumi Anko’s former classmate Kuroba Kaito. When Koizumi Anko saw Chen looking at her, she couldn’t help but He was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a low voice that the two of them could hear:"Do you know the identity of Kaitou Kidd?"

Chen did not answer, but Koizumi Hongzi also understood. He must know the identity of Kaitou Kidd.

But how did Chen know? She also found out through divination, but thinking that Chen has unknown power, Koizumi Hong Suddenly I don’t feel weird anymore

"What are you two muttering about? By the way, it’s not easy to meet you Chen! Are you really going to school?"Yuanzi came over and asked.

"You continue to say yours."Chen pushed away Yuanzi's head and said.

"This thief targeted our family's heirlooms and wanted to steal our family's heirlooms. He even sent a special notice letter. He was really arrogant."

Yuanzi's face was quite angry.

A mere thief dared to openly challenge their Suzuki Consortium. He really thought that the Suzuki Consortium was easy to bully!

"Xiaolan, I want to ask your father to help catch this thief. My father asked me to help. Yuanzi said to Xiaolan

"I just checked, this thief seems to be very famous! I don’t know if my dad can catch it."

"Don't worry, as long as Uncle Maoli takes action, he will never be short of money." Sonoko said, patting her chest.

The Suzuki Consortium has nothing but money. Now they have issued a reward for Kaitou Kidd.

As long as Kaitou Kidd is captured, 10 million yen will be given immediately. In fact, 10 million yen It's not much, but in the eyes of the Suzuki Consortium, a thief is only worth this price at most.

"It's not about money, I just don't know if dad will accept it."Xiaolan shook her head gently and said

"With Uncle Maori's greedy appearance, he will definitely accept it."Yuanzi nodded affirmatively.

"Now the Rice Krispies Museum is gathering famous gems from all over the world, and my dad is going to take our family heirloom, Dark Stars, to the exhibition."

"If such an exhibition were held, wouldn't there be a lot of people on guard? In that case, my father's help would not be needed!"Xiaolan couldn't help but say.

Although I know that Kaitou Kidd is very powerful, it should be impossible to steal the Sonoko family's heirloom from all these layers of defense!

"Although my dad doesn’t believe he can steal it, he should be more prepared! If it is really stolen, our Suzuki Foundation will be embarrassed."

"Chen, do you think Kaito Kidd can steal it?"Yuanzi turned his head and asked Chen

"Being able to commit so many crimes must be a bit of a skill, but I'm not interested."

Chen is not interested in Kaitou Kidd. What interest does he have in a grown man? Even if he is interested, it is only in women."

"By the way, this is Kaitou Kid's preview letter."Yuanzi almost forgot such an important thing.

"APRILFOOL, when the moon separates two people, in the name of the dark star, you are invited to the waves, I will ride there……"

"Why is it so damaged? Yuanzi smiled awkwardly, and then said:"Because after my father received this letter, he was very angry, and then he tore the letter into pieces. I put it together!""

"So what does this mean?"Xiaolan scratched her hair. She thought she was studying well, but she didn't know what it meant.

"APRILFOOL, isn't this April Fool's Day? April Fool's joke, it's just a joke. Chen said after taking a look at the pieced-together notice letter.

"By the way, I forgot the English above, isn't this April Fool's Day? It seems I was fooled."Yuanzi looked at it again, and then his heart was filled with anger.

That hateful thief was actually a prankster, and he dared to play tricks on people from the Suzuki Consortium. He didn't want to die!

"Although this is just a joke, Kaitou Kidd will definitely appear, but he will not attack the Dark Star. Chen said lightly.

"Surely he will show up? Well, if he does show up, then arrest him and let everyone see his true face." Sonoko clenched her fist.

Phantom Thief No. 1412 is very famous in the whole world and has stolen countless treasures.

However, the things stolen by Kaito Kidd will be returned in the end. It is precisely because of this that Kaitou Kidd He also has a large number of fans all over the world.

"Kaitou Kidd became famous twenty years ago, wouldn't he have become an old man now?"Xiao Lan said in a low voice

"Xiaolan, Kaitou Kidd is just a title. Even if the previous generation Kaitou Kidd dies, there may still be a next generation Kaitou Kidd to succeed him."Chen said to Xiaolan

"Also, maybe the current Kaitou Kidd is the son or apprentice of the former Kaitou Kidd!"Xiao Lan nodded in agreement.

"That day happens to be the weekend, I invite you to go to the museum."Yuanzi looked at Chen expectantly.

"What do you see me doing?"

"Xiaolan will definitely go, but I don’t know if you will go. I hope you can go too."

"If nothing happens, then of course it’s no problem"

"Hey, why don't you ask me?"Koizumi Hongzi's expression was quite unhappy.

"Do you want to go too?"Yuanzi looked reluctant.

"Forget it, I can go without your invitation."Koizumi Hongzi shook her head. It was not easy for her to go there.

"Just kidding, of course I will invite you then."Yuanzi chuckled.

Now the relationship between Yuanzi and Koizumi Hongzi is pretty good. Although they are not good friends, they can still be called friends.

"Chen, why did you lie down to sleep?"Xiaolan pushed Chen, and the teacher would be here soon. It would be bad if the teacher saw it.

"It doesn't feel like anything good to hear. Chen raised his head, looked at Xiaolan and said with a smile:"Why don't Xiaolan sleep with me too?""

Xiaolan shook her head slightly when she heard this. She is different from Chen. She is a serious and good student, the first in the whole grade.

"Xiaolan, don't you think these books are boring?"Chen started talking to Xiaolan in a low voice.

"No, I think it’s quite interesting. You can learn a lot from it."

"I think it's boring, not as interesting as chatting."Yuanzi glanced at the podium and found that the teacher hadn't come yet today, so she immediately leaned next to Chen and whispered.

Yuanzi is also a person who doesn't like to study. If her parents hadn't forced her to come to school, she wouldn't have been willing to come!

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