Chapter 859: Useless trash!

"I seem to hear footsteps, what should I do? Will we be discovered?"Bumi's expression was anxious.

"Haibara-san, aren't you afraid?"

Bumi looked at Xiao Ai who had a calm face and no trace of panic at all, and couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Ai glanced at Chen and said lightly:"Don't be afraid."

She used to be a member of the black organization. Although she is a researcher, it does not mean that she has never touched a gun.

Of course, the main reason is that Chen is here. Xiao Ai believes that Chen can easily solve them and can use Ginjiu. After rescuing her sister and taking her away from the heavily guarded research institute, how could they not be able to deal with a few thieves?

Although there were footsteps outside, they did not open the door, but ran to the front.

Originally, they They wanted to open the door to check, but there was a sudden movement in front of them, which immediately attracted them.

Ayumi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the footsteps disappear. Those people seemed to have left.

"Yuanta, what are you doing? Why make so much noise?"Conan looked at Genta angrily.

"I...I wasn't careful."Yantai scratched his head. Because he was too fat, he touched the bottle next to him and knocked it off.

"Oops, it's too late. It seems we can only find a way to fight back."Conan's face was very ugly, and cold sweat was pouring from his forehead.

Now his elementary school student's body is indeed in trouble, not to mention he doesn't know how many people there are.

If it's just one or two people, it's easy to handle, but if there are three people, then he won't be able to withstand it. Stop.

By the way, where is Ri Xiangchen?

Conan thought of Chen at this time. If it was Ri Xiangchen, he would definitely be able to deal with them. Although he was very hostile to Ri Xiangchen, he knew that Ri Xiangchen was very strong.

"Have you seen Ri Xiangchen?"Conan asked Mitsuhiko in a low voice while listening to the movement outside.

"No, we are behind him. We can no longer see him when we turn the corner. Ayumi and Haibara-san are following him!"Mitsuhiko shook his head, his body was trembling slightly.

Now he also understood what it means to be afraid.


The door was kicked open suddenly

"Hey hey hey, I finally found you."The two men were holding pistols with weird smiles on their faces.

Seeing the guns in their hands, Conan was shocked. He didn't expect that the other party actually had a pistol in his hand.

Also, if he has the ability to make counterfeit money, he must Having the ability to get a gun, Conan glanced at the chair next to him, and then at the two people, but he still didn't take action. It would be okay if he was the only one, but there are three dragsters here: Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Shunya. Ping, he didn't dare to act rashly

"It’s not just you, what about the others?"The fatter man asked.

They knew clearly through surveillance that there were two little girls and a high school student missing. They disappeared.

"we do not know."Conan looked at them calmly.

"Oh, I didn’t expect you to be quite calm! Aren't you afraid?"The tall and thin man pointed his gun at Conan.

"Any idea what this is? This is a gun. As soon as it goes off, your head will explode."

With the gun pointed at him, Conan's body trembled, and then he said calmly:"Not far from here is the police station. Your gun is not equipped with a silencer. Do you dare to shoot?"

There was hesitation on the faces of the two people. Their eldest sister had told them not to shoot unless it was absolutely necessary.

Now they regret it. If they had known better, they would have bought a few silencers and it would not have cost much money.

"Do you think we need to use guns to deal with you brats?"The two men looked at each other and put away their guns.

Seeing them put away their guns, Conan breathed a sigh of relief. There was no gun aimed at him, and the threat was greatly reduced.

Before they came in, Conan opened his foot strength-enhancing shoes. This was done by A shoe that stimulates acupuncture points on the feet with electricity and magnetism to maximize muscle strength.

This shoe is simply a piece of black technology.

The moment the two people came over, Conan kicked the chair next to him.

The wooden chair He was kicked away with great force and hit the fat man.

Just when the tall and thin man was about to take out his gun, a football hit his head and the man fainted.

"Go quickly and tie them up. Conan squatted down and shouted.

At this time, Conan was squatting on the ground, cold sweat falling from his forehead. Using these foot strength-enhancing shoes is not without cost.

Especially now, Conan has turned the power to the maximum, making his legs numb. His feet were hurting.

Genta and Mitsuhiko often failed to succeed, but they still made no mistakes at the critical moment. They successfully tied up the two people with the rope they found nearby.

Looking at these two The individual was subdued, and Conan sat on the ground with a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect my little brother to be so powerful and able to deal with my two incompetent men."Two people appeared at the door again.

One of the two people was the woman in black, their eldest sister, and the other was an injured and bandaged man.

"It's here again, what should Conan do?"Mitsuhiko hurriedly hid behind Conan.

Conan wanted to stand up, but because his leg was strained, he couldn't stand up at all. He looked at the two people with some despair.


The fat man who didn't faint shouted to the woman in black.

"Don't call me eldest sister, you are a useless piece of trash who can't even deal with a few children."The woman in black snorted coldly.

The fat man lowered his head in shame and was dealt with by a few children. This was indeed a very embarrassing thing for them.

"snort! What about the rest? If you tell me, I guarantee you'll be fine. If you don't tell me, you'll die immediately."The woman in black looked at Conan and the others.

Mainly at Conan, because she had already seen that Conan was the backbone among them.

"We will not betray our companions. Yuantai said through gritted teeth.

Although Yuantai is prone to bad things, he is very loyal, but he doesn’t know where Chen and the others are.

"Then all I can do is say sorry to you."The woman in black's eyes flashed coldly.

The gun in her hand was pointed at Conan and the other brats.

"Wait a minute, aren't you afraid that the sound of gunshots will attract the police? Conan shouted

"It doesn't matter, we have to evacuate anyway, and I promise to get out of here before the police come."The woman in black said calmly.

"Have you ever heard of the saying that villains die from talking too much?"

The woman in black immediately turned her head and looked behind her. She saw Chen walking in, followed by Xiao Ai and Bumei.



Chen hit her on the head with a frying pan. The woman in black said one word and was knocked unconscious by the blow. She fell directly to the ground.

"Wow, this pan is pretty easy to use."

Chen smiled while holding the pan, which Chen found in the previous room.

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