Naruto God-level System

Chapter 844: DNA detection

The next day.

There was a buzzing sound above the City of Angels, and Ye Liang didn't even sleep well after returning to the cage, so he was awakened by the movement outside. He opened the window and saw a family of angels with four wings flying from the sky at a glance.

In front of them, an elder's golden-winged seraph was slowly flying.

This person is a trial sacrifice, Ye Liang saw his statue in the sky of the planet when he came to the realm of the gods. Levitating high, as if the entire planet is under her shelter.

"Ye Liang, hurry up and clean up, our honorable judge and sacrificial lord is back!"

as expected.

After about a stick of incense, Angel Yan yelled outside Ye Liang's door. With this sound, even the ordinary residents who were still resting woke up.

"Who, I don't know if we want to take a beauty sleep!"

For a while, the surroundings became lively.


In the capital of the Holy City of Heaven, in a super cathedral in the center of the city, the golden six-winged archangel who has just returned is kneeling piously in front of a statue of a blond woman with only two wings.

"My beloved God Lord, the Servant of Sin broke off the prayer and asks God Lord to forgive me." He made several prayer movements on his body and then walked out of the church.

There are already many angels standing here outside. These people are important angels nearby, and the chief judge is responsible for correcting documents. These important officials have brought all the important cases of these days.

However, today's presiding judge did not pay attention to these important officials. He frowned, then looked at a human without wings.

Ye Liang!

"Are you the thousands of masters who came to test your bloodline today?"

As soon as the voice fell, the important angels who were waiting for the lecture all cast their eyes, and the angel Yan who was in charge of the reception stood up from the crowd: "Presiding judge, this person is me from a remote place from Outland...Chapter 844 DNA Test (page 1/4), brought by Fang. Subordinates have confirmed that this person has the pupil technique of thousands of main lines, and his body is also very Similar to the blood of thousands of masters, even if it is diluted, it is probably a direct line."

"Oh, there is such a thing." After the chief judge heard this, he immediately walked over in surprise. Because he was wearing a robe, although he couldn't see his appearance and knew how to approach him, Ye Liang saw a very delicate baby face under her robe through the sunlight.

The blonde ponytail and the big eyes of a pair of water dolls are very cute. The dark circles are heavier, and I seem to be wearing very gothic close-fitting stockings on my legs!

"This is the high priest of the angel race?"

"Presumptuous! How could it be possible to look directly at the high priest's face!" The surrounding officials saw Ye Liang staring at the high priest's face and immediately shouted.

Ye Liang was startled, and immediately lowered his neck.

"Child, stretch out your hand," the high priest said suddenly. She looked at Ye Liang with a compassionate smile on her face. Although his temperament is very old, Ye Liang still feels very disagreeable.

A Gothic loli with no hair grows even, but she jokingly calls herself a child, so she feels awkward!

"High Priest, I am in a special situation, please take a good look. If it doesn't work, I will join the Angel Clan. Anyway, don't kill me." Ye Liang whispered. He did not let the rest of the people hear, only the sound made with a very concealed technique.

"Oh, the situation is special?" When the high priest heard Ye Liang's words, she immediately felt solemnly. After a while, she nodded gravely: "It's really special. I've used the secret method of the angel race to go. It’s really hard to perceive your blood and breath all over your body, just like nothing."

She was just about to pronounce the sentence, and the angel Yan on the side coughed immediately: "My lord, how do you feel? When I noticed it before, I found that the blood is pure and definitely the blood of our thousands of masters. How do you feel?"

"Bloodline...Chapter 844 DNA Test (page 2/4), pure?" The high priest Loli quickly pointed his head to Ye Liang: "You Didn’t you mean that your bloodline is special? How come this bloodline becomes pure again?

You give me the bottom line, are you the blood of thousands of masters?

If you are not, I will give you a step down, saying that your blood is thin, so you can get into trouble early. If you are, you just admit it, and I will let you settle in the capital directly, and the province will have trouble in the future. "

The high priest's voice was very small, and only Ye Liang heard it.

Am I not sure by yourself?

Ye Liang was stunned. He hadn't spoken yet, and the high priest Lolita immediately coughed: "Recently, I can't accept the rheumatism and cold, and I may not be able to perceive it too clearly. If you express your opinion earlier, it is considered to open the back door for you."

"I wipe it and bring it like this?"

Ye Liang was speechless for a moment!

I was surprised at first, and heard so many tortures on the way here, but the high priest was a second-hand. TM opened the back door for me, and asked myself if it was the blood of thousands of masters. Didn't you let me come here for testing!

Ye Liang secretly slandered himself.

Fortunately, he was also clever, and immediately began to whisper respectfully: "Actually, I am, but my blood is thin, and I have been separated by several times. I also ask the high priest to say that my blood is pure. After all, I don't want to settle in the branch. Home, who doesn't want to live a good life." He said this very sincerely. After hearing this, the high priest nodded immediately.

She cleaned up her robe and covered her face again: "It's true that I have the blood of thousands of masters. UU read and have pure blood. It was a top grade at the time. Now I announce that this descendant named Ye Liang has officially settled in. Our angel capital, effective today!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around was dumbfounded!

"Is it true that the adult is wrong? This person is a bun at all. How can he be of high-grade blood? I am afraid that the adult is dim and dizzy."

......Chapter 844 DNA Testing (page 3/4),. "I don't know, anyway, it is definitely not good for this kind of person to be our master. I heard people say that this person went to the Jinling Hotel by himself yesterday and insulted our non-commissioned officer who tried the Crusades through the identity of thousands of masters.

How can such a dull young man get it? "

The news was definitely from the non-commissioned officer himself. Ye Liang, who had just heard the discussion from passers-by, immediately judged it. The high priest looked at him, and then at the passersby around him.

"Quiet! Since he has the blood of thousands of masters, he is our most honored guest. Regardless of his character, you are not qualified to question him, otherwise, you will be against the blood of thousands of masters!"

As soon as he said this, the people around finally lost their voices. Ye Liang looked at the wise high priest Loli, and immediately counted his thumbs.

"Annoying!" The high priest looked at Ye Liang, turned around and left here.

Is it so arrogant?

Ye Liang shrugged his shoulders, expressing helplessness. ?

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